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October 07, 2005

Fewer posts lately

Apologies for the relative lack of activity on the blog during the past week. Posts may be infrequent for at least a week more.

We are in the midst of organizing a big conference on alternatives to the current policy (agenda in PDF format), which will take place here in Washington next Friday the 14th. So instead of posting to the blog, we're doing travel arrangements for a dozen guests from Colombia, booking caterers, translators, and dealing with lots of other logistical issues.

If you'll be in the DC area and you're interested in attending, write me a message and let me know. But do it soon because the room is filling up quickly.

We're looking forward to a well-attended event that will give people in Washington a unique chance to hear some alternative voices. In the meantime, though, postings to the blog may be less frequent. Thanks for your patience.

Posted by isacson at October 7, 2005 01:15 PM

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