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December 1, 2005

Good ELN analysis

Last Sunday’s edition of the Colombian newsweekly Semana had a lengthy (1,900-word) and very informative analysis of the prospects for new talks with the ELN guerrillas. “Last week’s announcement that the [ELN’s] Central Command might meet with Álvaro Uribe’s government … appears to be the most important advance this government has made toward rapprochement with the guerrillas,” Semana contends.

The article offers the best current overview we’ve seen of the ELN’s current capabilities and possible interest in pursuing dialogues with the Uribe government. Here are some excerpts (just 1,000 words) translated into English.

On the ELN’s current military capabilities:

On the ELN and the drug trade:

On the ELN’s relations with the FARC:

On the ELN and human rights:

On prospects for talks:

Posted by isacson at December 1, 2005 4:16 PM

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