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December 14, 2005

An eye on Bolivia

Bolivia’s highly contentious presidential election is only four days away, and cocalero leader Evo Morales continues to lead the polls with about 34 percent of the likely vote. The prospect of a Morales victory has many Bush administration officials in a panic.

A more immediate concern is that, under Bolivia’s system, when a candidate fails to win a majority the Congress – which is also being elected Sunday – gets to choose the president. The result, starting Sunday, could be chaos, or at least a major political crisis.

Since we focus on U.S. policy, especially U.S. military assistance, we’re not equipped to provide a thorough analysis of what is at stake for Bolivia in this week’s elections. But we are paying close attention, and reading as much as we can.

Here is a list, from Colombia Program Intern Robin Rahe, of the best recent English-language analyses of Bolivian politics available online.

The following Bolivia-related blogs are updated frequently:

Posted by isacson at December 14, 2005 11:24 AM

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