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July 19, 2006

Three administrative notes

1. Expect few if any posts during the remainder of this week. I'm going to Colombia next week (Medellín, Bogotá and Putumayo, all in seven days) and must prepare for that trip. I hope to post updates to the blog periodically while I'm traveling.

2. I apologize for some odd behavior on the blog lately, like blank posts or posts that appear days later than their posted date. I've been updating our blog software, which isn't an easy task for someone who majored in international relations. It appears to be working well now, though.

3. On another note, I found myself sharing an elevator yesterday with Colombia's outgoing ambassador, Andrés Pastrana, en route to his lecture at the Center for American Progress. I wish I could say I had the presence of mind to take advantage of those few seconds, perhaps by raising an urgent human rights concern, or at least thanking him for trying to negotiate a peace accord during his presidency.

But I didn't. All I came up with on this very hot July day was, "I'm sorry you're leaving. At least you're going someplace cooler."

How did Pastrana respond to my gloves-off, never-shrink-from-controversy approach?

He agreed that it was very hot outside.

Posted by isacson at July 19, 2006 12:37 PM


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