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October 24, 2006

Why Paraguay?

It has been interesting to see much recent speculation about Paraguay, a country that usually gets absolutely no attention in Washington. A series of unusual facts and unsubstantiated rumors have many Latin America-watchers wondering what is going on:

What does all of this mean? And why Paraguay?

I have no idea, and it may mean nothing at all. However, as part of another research trip to South America in early November, I will be spending 2 days in Asunción conducting interviews. (This will be my first-ever trip to Paraguay.) If I learn anything that helps to clarify things, I will post it.

Posted by isacson at October 24, 2006 9:50 AM


Nothing like a good conspiracy theory. Given Bush's relations with Latin America, I am a little surprised there haven't been more.

Posted by: Greg Weeks [TypeKey Profile Page] at October 24, 2006 4:56 PM

Hasn't the Reverend Sun Yung Moon long had ties to the Bush family? Moon owns a lot of land in Paraguay.

Maybe he wants to get a lot of cheap electronics, but I wouldn't want to have a place in the Chaco.

On the other hand, it is close to Bolivia and we all know what grows in Bolivia....

Posted by: Randy Paul [TypeKey Profile Page] at October 24, 2006 10:45 PM

My wife owns some land in PerĂº, in the foothills of the Andes. We've lived near Mr. Bush before as Crawford, Texas is not far from our former residence in Waco, Texas. Maybe Mr. Bush would like to be our neighbors in PerĂº after he leaves the White House.

On second thought, that might affect the value of our Peruvian property.

Posted by: richtiger [TypeKey Profile Page] at October 25, 2006 12:10 AM

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