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October 26, 2006

10,393 Colombian military trainees in 2005

The State and Defense Departments have finally released, and posted to State's website, the Foreign Military Training Report covering 2005. There, you will find out that the United States gave military, police, or defense-policy training to 10,393 Colombians last year. That is over 1,500 more trainees than in 2004, though short of the 2003 high of 12,947.

The report's statistics portray Colombia as the number one recipient of U.S. military training in the world. The report, however, severely under-reports training in Iraq and Afghanistan - either because training of those countries' security forces is classified, or because budgeting does not separate such training from the cost of U.S. military operations in those countries. So Colombia was, in fact, the second or third largest U.S. training recipient last year.

Nonetheless, the report makes clear that no other Latin American country came close to Colombia in 2005 (in fact, no other country in the hemisphere even exceeded 1,000 trainees).

A big PDF file identifying courses given and recipient military units is available here by clicking on "Western Hemisphere."

Training 99-05

Posted by isacson at October 26, 2006 11:52 PM


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