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October 27, 2006

Counter-drug military construction projects in 2005

Here, thanks to a FOIA request, is a list of US-funded base construction projects paid for in 2005 with Defense Department counternarcotics funds.

It comes from a report, required by Congress in the 2006 Defense Authorization law, that was supposed to total Defense-budget counter-drug aid to every country in the world. For some reason, the report only includes Defense-budget counter-drug construction aid, which is only a fraction of what most countries' militaries get through the Pentagon's budget.

Nonetheless, the Western Hemisphere section below is worth a look.


Bahamas (Caribbean Region) ($2.213M)

Company Housing and Furnishings/Facility Maintenance. Funding provided for company housing and the furnishings on an operating base in Georgetown, Greater Exuma Island. Also included is the maintenance of the operating facility. On this operating base, US. Army helicopter operations are conducted in support of Operation Bahamas Turks and Caicos Counter-drug. (PC2307) Total FY05 Funding: $2.213M Cost breakout is as follows:

  • Base Construction funding ($1,400K)
  • Operational funding ($312K)
  • Furnishings ($441K)
  • Facility maintenance/upkeep ($60K)

Bolivia ($0.590M)

Cochabamba Shoot House. Provided critical training facility for military and police CNT units undergoing U.S. training for operations. (PC9201) Total FY05 Funding: $0.06M.

Caranavi Joint Task Force Base Camp. Project provided improved utilities, force protection, logistics support facilities and additional berthing to support establishment of a joint Bolivian CNT task force between national police, air force, and army engineer forces. (PC9201) Total FY05 Funding: $0.45M.

Tocopilla Force Protection Improvements. Provided perimeter fence and lighting, guard posts, and other improvements to Bolivian navy outposts assigned riverine patrol missions. (PC9201) Total FY05 Funding: $0.04M.

Colomi Army Camp Utilities Upgrade. Project provided water treatment and conditioning to domestic water supply to improve sanitation and health conditions at existing outpost. (PC9201) Total FY05 Funding: $0.04M.

Colombia ($5.548M)

Training Facility located in San Andres, Colombia. Funding was provided to operate a training facility at the San Andres, Colombia radar site to train Colombian Air Force technicians in the skills needed to assume maintenance responsibilities for Hemispheric Radar System radar sites. FY05 funding supports English language training in Bogota and on-the-job training at each radar site and Bogota and associated force protection for supporting personnel. Funding also for the refinement of formal course training material, instructors, and development and implementation of on-job-training program. (PC4208) Total FY05 Funding: $1.08M

Puerto Leguizamo/La Tagua Road Improvements. Provided critical improvements to the only road link between these two forward outposts astride the Putumayo and Caqueta Rivers. (PC9201) Total FY05 Funding: $0.800M.

Airfield Improvements to Tres Esquinas. Supported critical airfield used to support Plan Patriota operations. FY05 funds used to execute the design portion. (PC9201) Total FY05 Funding: $0.150M.

Depot Level Maintenance Facility in Bogota. Supported establishment of a depot level riverine maintenance facility.
FY05 funds used to execute the design portion. (PC9201) Total FY05 Funding: $0.080M.

Improvements to CACOM 3 Apron and Taxiways. Supported the primary reception and staging site for U.S. units providing critical training to COLMIL forces and COLAF units supporting Plan Patriota IIB operations. FY05 funds used to execute the design portion. (PC9201) Total FY05 Funding: $0.4M.

Ammunition Storage Point at Larandia. Provided critical ammunition storage capability for units assigned to JTF-Omega and directly supporting Plan Patriota. (PC9201) Total FY05 Funding: $0.6M.

Runway Improvements at Juanacho. Project supported needed taxiway and ramp upgrades. Juancacho provides forward staging and support facility for JTF-Omega. (PC9201) Total FY05 Funding: $0.3M.

Combat Training Center at Larandia. Provided a national training center for COLAR forces supporting Plan Patriota IIB and IIC operations. (PC9201) Total FY05 Funding: $0.9M.

Riverine Facilities at Puerto Carreno. Project provided for extensive upgrades to include barracks, walkways, electrical, ramps, fuel storage, and maintenance. Project provided needed sustainment for Battalion 40 and COLMAR support to JTF-Omega. (PC9201) Total FY05 Funding: $0.2M.

Electrical Upgrades at Larandia. Project completed upgrades to the Larandia electrical grid required as a result of the rapid expansion/growth of Larandia as a major technical/operationa1 base for the COLMIL. (PC9201) Total FY05 Funding: $0.5M.

Tumaco Pier. Project provided essential staging and fueling point for COLMAR forces operating on the Pacific Coast. Project was primarily focused on the interdiction of drugs/arms traffickers using the river systems on the Pacific Coast as a staging base for illegal drug/arms movement. (PC9201) Total FY05 Funding: $0.12M.

Puerto Leguizamo Airfield. Provided for critical repairs to the Puerto Leguizamo airfield. Repairs included runway,
taxiway, and tamp improvements needed to sustain this key forward operating base along the southern border of
Colombia. Puerto Leguizamo is the primary training and staging base for COLMAR operations in the Pase IIB area
of operations. Completed design work in FY05. (PC9201) Total FY05 Funding: $0.08M.

Tolemaida Force Protection Upgrades. Project provided for a perimeter fence to be constructed around the newly completed SF compound in Tolemaida. Project provided needed standoff distance and isolation from other facilities. (PC9201) Total FY05 Funding: $0.2M.

4 Office Trailers/Facility Maintenance. Funding provided for 4 office trailers and the maintenance of the Forward Operating Site in Apiay, Colombia that conducts Joint ISR aircraft operations in support of Plan Colombia. (PC2416) Total FY05 Funding: $0.138M

Ecuador ($14.734M)

Forward Operating Location (FOL). Funding was provided to maintain and operate the FOL in Manta, which consists of 127 facilities of which 48 are buildings. FOL Manta provides a base of operations to facilitate counterdrug detection and monitoring operations within the USSOUTHCOM AOR. FOL Manta provides basing and logistical support for a steady state of six aircraft and 450 personnel with a capacity to surge to eight aircraft for two week periods. (PC9500) Total FY05 Funding: $14.134M. Cost breakout is as follows:

  • Air Expeditionary Forces (Force Protection and Firemen) travel and per diem ($377K)
  • Erosion project for runway required for CN missions ($607K)
  • Supplies and equipment that can only be bought through the Standard Base Supply System ($233K)
  • Communication personnel TDY from Headquarters ($54K)
  • Procurement of AGE equipment ($142K)
  • Base operating support contract ($12,721K)

Operational Support for the Northern Border. Project supported units assigned to Ecuadorian defense forces along the northern border with Colombia. Two projects programmed for design/construction in FY05. First project provided needed ammunition storage facility for the 39th Infantry Battalion in the Carchi Province. Second project provide critical force protection upgrades to the 55th Infantry Battalion assigned to the 19th Jungle Brigade. (PC9201) Total FY05 Funding: $0.6M.

El Salvador ($0.925M)

Forward Operating Location (FOL). Funding was provided to maintain and operate the FOL in Comalapa. FY05 funding was provided for installation of water supply tank and fire pumps for autonomous fire suppression capability, procurement and installation of a generator and transfer switch for new warehouse/office building, electrical driveways to warehouse bays doors, upgrade pistol range, and lighting protection for the FOL. (PC9500) Total FY05 Funding: $0.925M.

Jamaica ($0.8M)

Pedro Cayes Water/Fuel Storage Facilities. Project provided for water/fuel storage facilities in support of Jamaican Coast Guard drug interdiction efforts against "go fast" targets. Supported both surface and helicopter assets directed against the "go-fast" threat. (PC9493) Total FY05 Funding: $0.8M.

Netherlands Antilles ($16.426M)

Forward Operating Location (FOL). Funding was provided to maintain and operate the FOL in Curacao. This FOL consists of 40 facilities of which 15 are buildings. FOL Curacao provides a base of operations to facilitate counterdrug detection and monitoring operations within the USSOUTHCOM AOR. FOL Curacao provides basing and logistical support for a steady state of six aircraft and 250 personnel with a capacity to surge to eight aircraft for two week periods. (PC9500) Total FY05 Funding: $14.892M. Cost breakout is as follows:

  • Air Expeditionary Forces (Force Protection and Firemen) travel and per diem ($2,153K)
  • Contract lodging permanent party ($266K)
  • Supplies and equipment that can only be bought through the Standard Base Supply System ($220K)
  • Engineering study for fire station shelter in Curacao ($77K)
  • Contracting support for FOL oversight ($470K)
  • Base Operating Support contract ($11,706K)

Forward Operating Location (FOL). Funding was provided to maintain and operate the FOL in Aruba. This FOL
consists of 1 facility which is a building. FOL Aruba provides an overflow capability to facilitate counterdrug detection and monitoring operations within the USSOUTHCOM AOR. FOL Aruba provides communication and contracting support to aircrews. (PC9500) Total FY05 Funding: $1.534M. Cost breakout is as follows:

  • Bandwidth expense ($500K)
  • Civil engineering/contracting support to building/ramp projects ($552K)
  • Direct support to include Air Expeditionary Forces Communication person per diem and travel, lodging, environmental baseline study, and miscellaneous contracts ($430K)
  • Air Combat Command Program Management System expense ($50K)
  • Base operating support contract support ($2K)

Peru ($0.175M)

El Estrecho Navy Forward Operating Base. Project increased berthing and life support at remote outpost conducting riverine interdiction and joint operations with national police. (PC9201) Total FY05 Funding: $0.1M.

Mazamari and Lima Small Arms Ranges. Project repaired and upgraded small arms ranges used to train counterdrug police conducting infiltration, interdiction, and associated counter-terrorism missions. (PC9201) Total FY05 Funding: $0.075M.

Posted by isacson at October 27, 2006 4:47 PM


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