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October 06, 2004

A Blog?

This is an experiment. I've decided to try keeping up a Colombia Program blog for three reasons:

1- The format is great - it allows us to respond rapidly to events, making our positions and proposals clear, without spending much of a day writing a memorandum-length or even op-ed length piece.

2- It's the first place on our entire site where visitors will have a chance to talk back to us, in a way that other visitors get to see and react to.

3 - Most importantly, CIP just switched web-hosting services, and we now have a much greater ability to install things like freeware blogging software on our server. We simply couldn't do this before.

Like I said, though, this is an experiment. We will try to use this new tool to its utmost, but "Plan Colombia and Beyond" will cease to exist if -

1- There is little evidence, from site logs and visitor input, that anybody is reading it.

2- Our usual workload, which remains unchanged, keeps us from updating it frequently. (Of course, if we see evidence that people are indeed visiting and taking part, we will be more likely to keep the blog up to date frequently - we will view it as a better use of our scarce time and resources.)

That said, I hope this experiment is successful. Expect a few initial posts over the next day or two.


Adam Isacson
Coordinator - Latin America demilitarization / Colombia program

Posted by isacson at October 6, 2004 02:52 PM


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