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October 11, 2004

Yesterday's El Espectador

If you read Spanish, yesterday’s edition of the Sunday-only Colombian newspaper El Espectador featured some highly recommended reading (in addition to its coverage, and my summary, of the joint report on military aid we released last week with LAWG and WOLA). (Sorry about all those hyperlinks.)

Two articles in particular were "must-read":

Posted by isacson at October 11, 2004 03:33 PM


Fumigation has always been sort of the "easy way out"...unfortunately, it's not working. And it's hurting the farmers more than current aid programs are helping them. Effective (even if expensive) alternatives should be made available on the ground, or else the drug crops, whether Colombian or Peruvian or Bolivian, will keep coming back.

As for the second article, it's definitely interesting....I'd say that possibly some sectors of the FARC have been hit hard, but many others should be managing to survive either by scattering or donning civilian clothes, inside or outside the country...that's why it's important to increase and sustain something more significant than the military offensive itself: the presence of all aspects of the Colombian state (judicial, medical, economical, etc.) in the areas where the guerrillas have pulled back. Unfortunately, that's also expensive and has traditionally been a government weakness (Colombia has always been a weak state in itself).

More likely, at least in the short-medium term, many of the new army and police garrisons may well be quite vulnerable to any guerrilla counter-offensive, once Uribe's steam runs out, IF the opposition has not managed to create concensus around a viable alternative by then...

Posted by: jcg at October 13, 2004 12:08 AM

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