Programs > Western Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation > Courses
last updated:9/2/03
Executive and Field Grade Level Logistics Course (O10)

Duration: 4 Weeks

Purpose: This professional development course is designed to develop the managerial skills of selected military and civilian personnel; to enhance the understanding of the interrelationships and interdependence among logistics functions and the organizational structure of logistics management; to provide insights into the impact of a functional management decision on other logistics functions and on the logistics system as a whole.

Scope: The course provides an overview of the Army logistics system. The lifecycle management model is the common thread of the course. It is used to highlight the more significant considerations of research, development, test, and evaluation (RDTD); distribution; contracting; inventory management; maintenance; and disposal of army materiel. Management skills instruction includes basic statistical and probability techniques as well as aspects of interpersonal behavior. This instruction is oriented towards improving the decision making abilities of the students by providing knowledge of the techniques and considerations involved herein.


  • Materiel Development in Force Modernization
  • The Contracting Function
  • Materiel Readiness
  • Assets & Financial Management
  • Management Techniques for Logistics Decisions
  • Human Rights Awareness Training
  • (Copied from School of the Americas website, February 1998.)

    Executive and Field Grade Level Logistics Course (O10)


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    A project of the Latin America Working Group Education Fund in cooperation with the Center for International Policy and the Washington Office on Latin America

     Project Staff  Adam Isacson (Senior Associate CIP    Lisa Haugaard (LAWGEF Executive Director
      Joy Olson (WOLA Executive Director

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