Programs > Western Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation > Courses
last updated:9/2/03
Countermine Operations Course (OE15)

Duration: 4 Weeks

Scope: To provide training to Latin American soldiers in recognition, detection and neutralization of minefields and booby trap areas, in a train-the-trainer concept.

Purpose: This training program is designed to train personnel to recognize, detect and neutralize an area of mines and booby traps that have been employed throughout Latin America. Recognition will focus the students on being able to correctly identify U.S., Soviet and other foreign mines, fuses and booby traps, as well as the various methods of initiation that are most prevalent throughout the area. Detection will train the students in the detection, probing and use of mine detectors to locate mines and booby traps. Emphasis will be given on the effects of time and weather on the mines and booby traps. Neutralization methods will include team organization, recording, marking and clearing techniques to include the placement and initiation systems of explosive charges.


  • Physical Fitness
  • Demolitions
  • Mines and Booby Traps
  • Human Rights Awareness Training
  • (Copied from School of the Americas website, February 1998.)

    Countermine Operations Course (OE15)


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    A project of the Latin America Working Group Education Fund in cooperation with the Center for International Policy and the Washington Office on Latin America

     Project Staff  Adam Isacson (Senior Associate CIP    Lisa Haugaard (LAWGEF Executive Director
      Joy Olson (WOLA Executive Director

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