Direct Commercial Sales (DCS): El Salvador |
Data about DCS licenses do not necessarily refer to final sales; they indicate only that the State Department has granted permission for a possible sale. The State Department estimates that about half of all export licenses it grants result in actual deliveries.1 Table 1: 2000-2002
2: 1996-1999
Sources: 1 United States, Arms Control and Disarmament Agency, “Article: Revision of US Arms Exports Data Series,” World Military Expenditures and Arms Transfers 1997 (Washington: ACDA, 1997, revised January 1999) <>. 2 United States, Department of State, Department of Defense, Foreign Military Assistance Act Report To Congress, Fiscal Year 1996 (Washington: September 1997). 3 United States, Department of State, Department of Defense, U.S. Arms Exports: Direct Commercial Sales Authorizations for Fiscal Year 97 (Washington: August 1998): 1. 4 United States, Department of State, U.S. Arms Exports: Direct Commercial Sales Authorizations for Fiscal Year 98 (Washington: July 1999): 29. 5 United States, Department of State, Office of Defense Trade Controls, Report by the Department of State Pursuant to Sec. 655 of the Foreign Assistance Act (Washington: 2000) <>. 6 United States, Department of State, Office of Defense Trade Controls, Report by the Department of State Pursuant to Sec. 655 of the Foreign Assistance Act (Washington: 2002) <>. |
project of the Latin America
Working Group Education Fund in cooperation with the Center
for International Policy and the Washington
Office on Latin America
Adam Isacson (Senior Associate
Lisa Haugaard (LAWGEF Executive Director | |