October 17 -
CINCO, in conjunction with CIP and with the collaboration of CEDJUDHCAN and Coordinadora Civil, officially released a 50 minute documentary in a conference entitled: “Governance and Transparency in Nicaragua's Forestry Sector: How corruption, impunity and the lack of political will place the future of the country’s natural capital at risk”. Read more››
Event Press Coverage››


CIP's Selig Harrison interviewed on Foreign Exchange with Fareed Zakaria. Watch the interview or Read the transcript››

U.S. Cuts Economic Aid for Colombia Area, quote from Adam Isacson, Associated Press, 10/11/06

Selig Harrison spoke about North Korea and the global nuclear weapons threat on The Diane Rehm Show on October 18. To hear the interview, click here.

Memorandum: Regarding reports of CIP involvement in possible "humanitarian exchange" talks in Colombia, October 9, 2006. Read more››


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Blueprint for Intelligence Reform, an IPR by Melvin Goodman, director of CIP's National Security Program

If you haven't read Raymond Baker's book yet, do so now! CIP's new program, Global Financial Integrity, is based on the recommendations of this book. Find out more ››


CIP’s Adam Isacson travels to Latin America to study the effects of the American Servicemembers’ Protection Act
Adam Isacson, director of CIP’s Demilitarization of Latin America Program, recently returned from a fifteen day trip to four Latin American countries that are affected by sanctions enacted by the U.S. under the American Servicemembers’ Protection Act (ASPA). Isacson traveled to Nicaragua, Argentina, Costa Rica and Colombia. His objective was to gauge the sanctions’ impact through interviews with government and military officials, by monitoring local media sources, and by gathering important military data. By combining his original research with existing but fragmented information, Isacson will write and distribute a report offering empirical evidence of the damage the ASPA sanctions are doing to U.S.-Latin American relations. Isacson’s study is funded by a generous grant from the Open Society Institute. Read more ››

Foundation Democracy without Borders Releases Congressional Directory
On September 27, CIP’s partner organization in Honduras, Fundación Democracia sin Fronteras (FDsF) released a legislative directory for the Honduran congress entitled: “Directorio Legislativo 2006-2010: al alcance a todas y a todos.” (Legislative directory 2006-2010: Reaching Everyone). The directory is a project of the Foundation’s Transparency and Access to Information program, which seeks to push the Honduran government, historically fraught with high levels of corruption, and legislative bodies to develop a fair and true Transparency and Access to Information Law. The document is available in both a printed and electronic version. Both versions have political and legislative information of each congress member, and reference information for their deputies. Read more ››

CIP Launches a New Program, Global Financial Integrity
The Center for International Policy proudly announces the launching of a new Global Financial Integrity (GFI) program, directed by senior fellow Raymond Baker. GFI’s goal is to promote substantially heightened accountability and legality in international financial flows. Through research-based advocacy, the program will focus on several areas of reform: changing U.S. law to bar all types of illicit money derived from abroad from legally entering the United States; examining all illicit cross-border financial flows; curtailing abusive transfer pricing; advocating enhanced corporate social responsibility; and strengthening the global financial system. Read more ››


In a Test, a Reason to Talk
Selig S. Harrison, The Washington Post, 10/10/06
Playing games with "regime change" has become much too dangerous and should now give way to a sustained diplomatic effort to roll back North Korea's nuclear weapons program while it is still in its early stages. Read full article ››

The American people can stop this train
Jim Mullins, South Florida Sun-Sentinel, 10/11/06
George W. Bush promised "a humble foreign policy" and rejection of "nation-building" in his 2000 presidential campaign. These were the first of a long list of deceptions and now it is up to the American people to stop this train. Read full article ››

Another Injustice
Wayne Smith, South Florida Sun-Sentinel, 10/13/06
The story of the Cuban Five, who were sent up in the early '90s to provide information on Cuban exile organizations suspected of terrorists activities against Cuba, is widely miconstrued. As a result, a grave injustice has been done to them and the credibility of the U.S. system of justice has been tarnished. Read full article ››

North Korea: A Nuclear Threat
Selig Harrison, Newsweek International, 10/6/06
Is Kim Jong Il ready to provoke a regional crisis? An exclusive account of what Pyongyang really wants. While most other pundits are urging a military response, everything from blockades to air strikes, Selig argues that “the test opens up new diplomatic opportunities and should not be viewed primarily as a military challenge.” Read full article ››

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