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Security in Latin America:
For links about U.S. military aid to
Colombia, visit CIP's U.S.
Aid to Colombia website.
Counternarcotics: Colombia
For links about U.S. military aid to
Colombia, visit CIP's U.S.
Aid to Colombia website.
- Transcript:
McCaffrey Briefs Reporters at Foreign Press Center, August 30, 1999
- Drug Control: Narcotics Threat from Colombia Continues
to Grow, General Accounting Office, Plain
text / Adobe Acrobat (.pdf)
- McCaffrey
letter on need for enhanced Counterdrug Program, July 13, 1999
- "International
Narcotics Control Strategy Report, 1998: Colombia."
From U.S. Department of State. March 1999.
- "International
Narcotics Control Strategy Report, 1998: Colombia
/ Ecuador / Paraguay."
From U.S. Department of State. March 1999.
- "DoD
News Briefing, Tuesday, May 26, 1998."
DefenseLink News, May 28, 1998. [Scroll down for discussion of JCET
training with Colombian security forces.]
- "Drug Control: Counternarcotics Efforts
in Colombia Face Continuing Challenges," General Accounting Office
(GAO), document no. T-NSIAD-98-103, February 26, 1998. [Plain
text / Adobe Acrobat (.pdf)
- "Drug Control: U.S. Counternarcotics
Efforts in Colombia Face Continuing Challenges," General Accounting
Office (GAO), document no. NSIAD-98-60, February 12, 1998. [Plain
text / Adobe Acrobat (.pdf)
- "U.S.
Counternarcotics Policy Toward Colombia. Testimony by Assistant Secretary
Robert S. Gelbard." From U.S. Department
of State. 02/14/1997.
- "U.S.
Counternarcotics Policy Toward Colombia. Testimony by Assistant Secretary
Robert S. Gelbard." From U.S. Department
of State. 09/11/1996.
- "Coca
Eradication Efforts in Colombia." By
Coletta Youngers. From Washington Office on Latin America. 06/02/1997.
Human rights: Colombia
- "Country
Reports on Human Rights Practices for 1998: Colombia."
From U.S. Department of State. 2/26/1999.
- "Country
Reports on Human Rights Practices for 1997: Colombia." From
U.S. Department of State. 01/30/1998.
- "Country
Reports on Human Rights Practices for 1996: Colombia." From
U.S. Department of State. 01/30/1997.
- Amnesty International: Annual Report on
Colombia 1999,
- Amnesty International: "Enough IS
Enough!" on the repression of Human Rights defenders: June
1999, February
- Amnesty International: Barrancabermeja: a City
under Siege, May
- Amnesty International: "Colombia : Human
Rights Defenders under Increasing Attack", March
- Amnesty International: "Colombia:
Paramilitaries, 'Disappearance' and Impunity", 1998
- Amnesty International: "Just What Do We
Have to Do to Stay Alive?" report on the displaced,
October 1997
- Amnesty International: "Hacienda
Bellacruz: Land, Violence and Paramilitary Power", February
- Human Rights Watch World Report entry on
Colombia: 1999,
- Human Rights Watch Book online: War
Without Quarter: Colombia and International Humanitarian Law,
October 1998
- Human Rights Watch Summary of book: Colombia's
Killer Networks,The
Military-Paramilitary Partnership and the United States
- 1999
Report on Colombia, UN High
Commissioner for Human Rights, Geneva
- 1997
Report on Colombia, UN High
Commissioner for Human Rights, Geneva
- Organization of American States,
Inter-American Commision on Human Rights: Report on the Human Rights
Situation in Colombia 1999,
- Noam Chomsky: On
Colombia and the Balkans, from The
Guardian, March 1999
- Noam Chomsky: The
Culture of Fear, 1996
- Noam Chomsky: Social
Cleansing, Human Rights, and Sexual Orientation in Colombia,
- Colombia Human Rights Network Newsletter: Fall
1998 - Winter 1999, April
- Colombia Support Network Report
on massacres during the first of half of 1999
- Colombia Support Network Article: The
Guatemalization of Colombia
- Colombia Support Network Opinion
article from Christian Science Monitor
Supporting Human Rights in Colombia
- Colombia Support Network Record of Colombia's 1998
Political Violence
- Consultoria para los Derechos Humanos y el
Desplazamiento (CODHES): Codhes
Informa: Statistics and figures on the
displaced in Colombia
- Consultoria para los Derechos Humanos y el
Desplazamiento (CODHES): Informe
Bogotá: Statistics and figures on the
displaced living in Bogotá
- PEN American Center on the freedom
of press in Colombia
- Reporters Sans Frontieres on the freedom
of press in Colombia
- U.S. Committee for Refugees Colombia Report: Displacement
in Colombia
- U.S. Committee for Refugees: Standing Beside the
Displaced: International
- U.S. Committee for Refugees Synopsis
of refugee situation in Colombia
- U.S. Committee for Refugees RealAudio
Testimony: Eliseo of Colombia, discusses his
life since he was forced to flee from his home
- U.S. Committee for Refugees: La Crisis Silenciosa en
Colombia [Spanish]
- U.S. Committee for Refugees: New Violence Against Human
Rights Workers
- U.S. Committee for Refugees Statement on Human Rights
in Colombia by Congressman Sam
Farr, February 1999
- U.S. Committee for Refugees: Death
Squads Kill More than 100 in Colombia
- U.S. Committee for Refugees: Venezuela
and Colombia Repatriate Refugees through Intimidation
- U.S. Committee for Refugees: Letter to Colombian
President, Andres Pastrana
- U.S. Committee for Refugees: Letter to Venezuelan
President, Hugo Chavez
- Washington Office on Latin America: Scholar Alejandro
Reyes on the Geography of Political Violence
and Drug Trafficking in Colombia, April 1998
- Washington Office on Latin America: Summary Report of Losing
Ground: Human Rights Advocates Under Attack in Colombia,
October 1997
Military budget: Colombia
Peace processes: Colombia
U.S. security assistance: Colombia
For links about U.S. military aid to
Colombia, visit CIP's U.S.
Aid to Colombia website.
- State
Department's Rubin Lauds Colombia's Policy Proposals, September 23, 1999
U.S. Senate, International Narcotics
Caucus, Hearing on "Colombia: Counterinsurgency vs.
Counternarcotics," September 21, 1999
- Transcript:
Pickering and Romero Brief Reporters on Colombia Policy, August 18, 1999
- Transcript:
Pickering, Romero Briefing At State Department, August 16, 1999
- Colombia's
Struggles, And How We Can Help - Madeleine Albright New York Times op-ed
piece, August 12, 1999
- U.S. House of Representatives, Subcommittee on
Criminal Justice, Drug Policy and Human Resources, Hearing on "The
Narcotics Threat from Colombia," August 6, 1999:
- Opening
Statement of Chairman Mica
- The
Honorable Dan Burton, Chairman, House Government Reform Committee
- General
Barry R. McCaffrey Director Office of National Drug Control Policy
- The
Honorable Rand Beers, Assistant Secretary Bureau of International
Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs, Department of State
- The
Honorable Brian E. Sheridan, Assistant Secretary, Special Operations and
Low Intensity Conflict, Department of Defense
- Mr.
William E. Ledwith, Chief of International Operations, Drug Enforcement
- Mr.
Michael Shifter, Senior Fellow and Program Director, Inter-American
- Drug Control: Narcotics Threat from Colombia
Continues to Grow, General Accounting Office Report, June
1999 (Adobe
- Washington Office on Latin America: Guide
for Citizen Action concering U.S.
International Drug Control Policy, May 1999
- Landpower
and Ambiguous Warfare: The Challenge
of Colombia in the 21st Century by Dr. Richard Downes, Strategic Studies
Institute of the U.S. Army War College, March 99
- Colombia's
Three Wars: U.S. Strategy at the
Crossroads, by Drs. Gabriel Marcella and Donald E. Schulz, Strategic Studies
Institute of the U.S. Army War College, March 99
- Colombia: Advocacy
Resources, by the Latin America Working Group
- The Heritage Foundation: "Tread
Cautiously in Colombia's Civil War" by
John P. Sweeney, March 1999
- U.S. Secretary of Defense William Cohen and
Colombian Defense Minister Rodrigo Lloreda on U.S.-Colombia
Agreement, 2 December 1998
- "Colombia:
The Enemy is Us." Mother Jones
Arms Sales Action Atlas.
- Regional Conflict: Colombia's Insurgency and
Prospects for a Peaceful Resolution, hearing, House Committee on
International Relations, 5
August 1998
- Colombian Heroin Crisis, hearing, House
Committee on International Relations, 24
June 1998
- Drug Control: U.S. Counternarcotics Efforts in
Colombia Face Continuing Challenges, General Accounting Office Report, February
- Resource Center of the Americas: U.S. military
aid stokes fire
- Resource Center of the Americas: U.S. coca
policy flops
- Resource Center of the Americas: CIA
tied todeath squads
- Resource Center of the Americas: Thugs ‘cleanse’
for U.S.
gold firm
- Washington Office on Latin America: Reluctant
Recruits: The U.S. Military and the War on
Drugs, August 1997
- Washington Office on Latin America: Coca
Eradication Efforts in Colombia , June 1997
- "In
Focus: Colombia." By Carlos M. Salinas.
From Foreign Policy In Focus / Interhemispheric Resource Center, Institute
for Policy Studies. 1997.