Programs > IMET > EIMET > Courses
last updated:9/2/03

Expanded IMET Courses:
Defense Security Assistance Management - foreign Purchaser
(No. D178088, 2 weeks)



Defense Institute for Security Assistance Management, Wright-Patterson AFB, OH 45433-5000

General Information1

"The Defense Institute for Security Assistance Management (DISAM) is located at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base in Dayton, Ohio. DISAM serves as the centralized DoD school for the consolidated professional education of personnel involved in security assistance management. In performing its mission, DISAM conducts resident and non-resident formal courses of instruction to prepare both U.S. and foreign military and civilian personnel engaged in security assistance functions to effectively perform security assistance duties. In addition, DISAM conducts seminars and tutorials in security assistance management in response to specific needs of the DoD Components or specific direction from the Director, Defense Security Assistance Agency."


"This course is designed for managers representing purchaser/recipient countries and foreign national employees in security assistance offices (SAOs). The course is tailored to present the significant aspects of the FMS program, highlighting the management concerns of purchaser/recipient countries. It provides students an opportunity to study U.S. policies, rules, and procedures governing the security assistance program. The course is tailored to present the significant aspects of the FMS program and the management concerns of purchaser/recipient countries. General course objectives are threefold: (1) To increase student understanding of the overall U.S. security assistance program; (2) To improve student knowledge of the responsibilities of individual security assistance managers; and (3) To enhance communications between purchaser/recipient country security assistance agencies and U.S. supporting agencies, thereby upgrading the overall efficiency of security assistance management."


"The curriculum provides a thorough coverage of the inter- actions and interrelationships of security assistance management from the highest levels of U.S. Government policy making, review and approval, through various channels of program planning, contracting, financing, pricing, billing, acquisition, transportation, follow-on support, training, and management documentation. Specific instructional areas encompass such topics as foreign policy considerations supporting the U.S. security assistance program; Presidential policies and Congressional review requirements; DoD and State program review and implementation channels; legal requirements, contractual instruments, and organizational responsibilities; and the variety of detailed and complex financial and logistical procedures used in MAP, IMET, and FMS."


"Class size is limited to 30 students (senior and middle level management). AFSAT/SDS acts as control authority for quotas allocated to foreign purchaser students. Requests for quotas should be directed to AFSAT, Randolph AFB, TX//SDS//. An English Comprehensive Level (ECL) of 80 or above is required. All students should be directed to report in sufficient time to be begin classes at 0800 on the start date. No more than four students from the same country will normally be allocated quotas in the same class. Additional requirements will be considered on a space available basis. DISAM controls quotas for foreign nationals employed by the SAOs (U.S. Government hires) and requests for quotas for these personnel should be directed to DISAM/DAS, 2335 Seventh St., Bldg. 125, Area B, Wright-Patterson AFB, OH 45433-7803."

Security Clearance2



1 United States, Defense Security Assistance Agency, Expanded IMET Handbook, (Washington: February 14, 1997) I-10.

2 United States, Department of Defense, "Course Title: DEFENSE SECURITY ASSISTANCE MANAGEMENT - FOREIGN PURCHASER," Defense Management Education and Training (DMET) Catalog, 1997, November 1997 <>.

Defense Security Assistance Management - foreign Purchaser


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A project of the Latin America Working Group Education Fund in cooperation with the Center for International Policy and the Washington Office on Latin America

 Project Staff  Adam Isacson (Senior Associate CIP    Lisa Haugaard (LAWGEF Executive Director
  Joy Olson (WOLA Executive Director

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