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last updated:9/2/03
Expanded IMET Courses:
Mobile Education Team: Defense Resources Management
(No. P319016, 2 weeks)



In the field; administered by Defense Resources Management Institute, Monterey, CA

General information1

The Defense Resources Management Institute (DRMI) conducts on-site METs [Mobile Education Teams] in host countries as part of DSAA's [Defense Security Assistance Agency's] Expanded IMET initiative. The DRMI MET is two weeks in duration and will be preceded by a two-day survey by a DRMI faculty member.


The Defense Resources Management Course is taught by mobile education teams from the Defense Resources Management Institute (DRMI) in Monterey, California. The primary focus is on resources management and analytical decision making. The curriculum is tailored to meet the specific needs of the host nation and is drawn from the three courses taught at DRMI. Course materials are provided either in English, or if available, the host nation's language as requested by the SAO. This course is limited to class size, as indicated in the course listing, and is designed to provide education and instruction for those officials whose high-level duties preclude extensive English language training and travel to the United States to attend similar courses.

General course details1

  1. Class size: preferred 40, maximum 48, minimum 20
  2. Schedule: 5, 6, or 7 45-minute periods per day plus lunch; start time TBD
  3. Participants: Military and civilian leaders selected by host country, divided into discussion groups. Approximately 10 per group. One faculty member per group. Each group containing a similar mix of participants (i.e. rank, service, English language capability, etc.). Groups should be determined before team arrives. A list by name, rank and service of participants must be submitted to DRMI coordinator. English language is a real plus, although participants should be selected based on need for resources management education, not language skills since the course is translated.
  4. Accommodations: faculty will stay at a local, western-style hotel. If the hotel has conference facilities, these can be used to conduct the course. This arrangement has worked well in the past (e.g., neutral site for participants, easy access, low logistics requirements for Embassy, MOD/Government, etc.).

Costing and funding

A cost estimate is provided the SAO upon programming of the DRMI MET for planning purposes only (normally $64,000).

Cost Estimation (for planning purposes only)

  1. Normally, there are four instructors on site for a period of two weeks. After the first week of instruction, some of the instructors will return to the U.S. and be replaced by other instructors for the second week. The initial cost estimate will include round-trip airfare for up to seven instructors, per diem as authorized by the U.S. JTR, and transportation required while in country.
  2. Normally, the mix of instructors from DRMI is three civilians to one military. Salaries will be included for the two week period with some preparatory time. In FY97 this is approximately $400 per day, per civilian instructor.
  3. The DRMI staff, which handles the administrative tasks for each course, also requires additional days of preparatory time. This is estimated at approximately $215 per day.
  4. Course materials provided are approximately $250 per student if the course is in English. Costs for other languages will depend on translation fees.
  5. Shipping costs for course materials depend on the number of student books to be shipped. A good rule of thumb would be approximately $30 per student.
  6. Book translation fees: DRMI has accumulated a small library of already translated books. If, however, there is a need to translate course material for the requesting country, this fee will be assessed.


1 United States, Defense Security Assistance Agency, Expanded IMET Handbook, (Washington: February 14, 1997) II-1, IV-A-1, IV-A-2, IV-A-3, IV-A-5.

Expanded IMET Courses: Mobile Education Team: Defense Resources Management


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 Project Staff  Adam Isacson (Senior Associate CIP    Lisa Haugaard (LAWGEF Executive Director
  Joy Olson (WOLA Executive Director

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