Programs > SOF > Ecuador
last updated:9/2/03
Special Operations Forces (SOF): Ecuador

A July 1999 report by the General Accounting Office (GAO) of the U.S. Congress provided the following information about the JCET program in Ecuador:

Principal U.S. objectives in Ecuador have been to secure a comprehensive peace agreement between Ecuador and Peru and to persuade the Ecuadorian military to retarget its scarce resources to address the looming drug problem. To achieve these goals, the U.S. embassy sought to preserve its influence within the Ecuadorian military through an extensive program of joint exercises and military-to-military contacts. The 12 JCETs that occurred in fiscal year 1997 and the 2 that we believe occurred in fiscal year 1998 not only helped U.S. special operations forces train in their mission-essential tasks, such as combat lifesaver training and tactical decision-making, but also, embassy officials believed, helped demonstrate U.S. support for the Ecuadorian military. Embassy officials believed such support encouraged the Ecuadorian military to accept a peace agreement with Peru. Additionally, embassy officials believed that JCETs helped to provide skills the Ecuadorian military would need to address the threat posed by Colombian criminal and terrorist elements that have infiltrated the border region.1


Type of deployment
Training Event
U.S. SOF Unit
U.S. Personnel
Host-nation personnel
15-Oct-98 / 20-Nov-98
Light Infantry / Riverine in Counter-Drug Operations: In support of National Security Strategy to reduce flow of drugs to U.S.; San Lorenzo, Ecuador
7th SFGA
46 from Infanteria Marina
15-Oct-98 / 20-Nov-98
Light Infantry / Riverine in Counter-Drug Operations: In support of National Security Strategy to reduce flow of drugs to U.S.; Lago Agrio, Coca, Ecuador
7th SFGA
82 from 19th Jungle Brigade
10-Nov-98 / 13-Dec-98
Light Infantry in Counter-Drug Operations: In support of National Security Strategy to reduce flow of drugs to U.S.; Quito, Santa Cecilia and Coca, Ecuador
7th SFGA
66 from 56th Battalion, 19th Jungle Brigade
CDTS (CN9031)
CDTS (CN9062)
CDTS (CN 9043)
Not available
CDTS (CN 9044)
CDTS (CN9045)
CDTS (CN 9024)
CDTS (CN 9134)
CDTS (CN9043)
Not available
CDTS (CN 9046)
CDTS (CN9012)
Not available
CDTS (CN9047)
CDTS (CN9135)
Humanitarian Demining


Type of Deployment Dates Training Event U.S. SOF Unit U.S. Personnel Host-nation personnel Cost
Counter-drug 27-Oct-97 / 13-Nov-97 Counter-Narcotics Joint Combined Training: In support of National Security Strategy to reduce flow of drugs to U.S.; Coca, Lago Agrio, Puerto El Carmen, and Santa Cecilia, Ecuador 7th SFGA, D/160th SOAR, 16th SOW Unknown 222 from 19th Jungle Brigade, 55th Jungle Battalion, 24th Special Forces Battalion $814,000
JCET 7-Jan-98 / 29-Feb-98 Marksmanship, breaching, command and control, medical training, linear assault, close quarter battle, sniper training, integrated assaults, helicopter operations, human rights (SF8907) C / 3 / 7 11 23 from Special Operations Group $93,000
Counter-drug 20-Apr-98 / 03-Jun-98 Counter-Narcotics Rotary Wing Operations Training: In support of National Security Strategy to reduce flow of drugs to U.S.; Coca, Lago Agrio, and Santa Cecilia, Ecuador 7th SFGA, D/160th SOAR Unknown 377 from 19th Jungle Brigade, GEO, GEK-9, 15th BAE GIR (Grupo de Intervencion y Rescate), National Police $729,200
JCET 8-May-98 / 31-May-98 Medical, dental and veterinary combined training in conjunction with host-nation forces (SF8342) 20th Special Forces Group 15 40 from Medical Elements (Guavas Province) $3,000
JCET 8-May-98 / 31-May-98 JCET cancelled, advance party TDY only (SF8324) 7th Special Forces Group 1 Cancelled - no host-nation unit identified $9,000
Counter-drug 10-May-98 / 30-May-98 Counter-drug Operations Training: In support of National Security Strategy to reduce flow of drugs to U.S.; Quito, Guayaquil, and Tulcan, Ecuador 20th SFGA Unknown 100 from National Counter-Drug Police $55,000
JCET 16-May-98 / 30-May-98 Foreign internal defense / unconventional warfare, airborne operations, air infiltration training, air exfiltration, navigation low level flight training, resupply airdrops (ECUADOR8329) 15 SOS 24 350 from 19th Jungle BDE $109,000
JCET 10-Aug-98 / 2-Oct-98 Light infantry tactics, troop leading procedures, combat orders tactical decision making, reconnaissance, combat lifesaver training (SF7456) 7th Special Forces Group 8 50 from 9th BDE, Patria $8,000
Counter-drug 16-Aug-98 / 25-Sep-98 Coastal Counter-drug Operations: In support of National Security Strategy to reduce flow of drugs to U.S.; Guayaquil and Salinas, Ecuador SBR-2, SEAL Team 4 Unknown 26 from Coast Guard and Marines $101,929


Type of Deployment Dates Training Event U.S. SOF Unit U.S. Personnel Host-nation personnel Cost
JCET 21-Feb-97 / 27-Feb-97 Joint Combined Exchange Training - Day / Night Low Level Terrain Following (JCET 7210) 16th Special Operations Group / 20th Special Forces Group 47 0 $13,000
JCET 1-Feb-97 / 27-Feb-97 Infantry Deployed Force Training (SF7210) 20th Special Forces Group 12 46 Army $40,000
JCET 1-Feb-97 / 27-Feb-97 Infantry Deployed Force Training (SF7211) 20th Special Forces Group 12 46 Army $40,000
JCET 23-Jan-97 / 3-Mar-97 Joint Combined Exchange Training (SF7925) 3 / 7 Special Forces Group 12 53 Army $111,000
JCET 3-Mar-97 / 11-Apr-97 Joint Combined Exchange Training (SF7913) 3 / 7 Special Forces Group 11 48 Army $144,000*
JCET 21-Apr-97 / 31-May-97 Light Infantry, Deployed Force Training (SF7321) 7th Special Forces Group / 20th Special Forces Group 14 60 Army $40,000**
JCET 21-Apr-97 / 31-May-97 Light Infantry, Deployed Force Training (SF7322) 7th Special Forces Group / 20th Special Forces Group 14 60 Army $39,000
JCET 2-Jun-97 / 8-Jul-97 Light Infantry, Deployed Force Training (SF7323/7324) 7th Special Forces Group / 20th Special Forces Group 4 170 Army $15,000
JCET 2-Jun-97 / 8-Jul-97 Light Infantry, Deployed Force Training (SF7325/7326) 7th Special Forces Group / 20th Special Forces Group 18 170 Army $12,000
JCET 1-Aug-97 / 16-Aug-97 Medical Humanitarian Civil Assistance (SF7334) 7th Special Forces Group / 20th Special Forces Group 15 57 Army $21,000
JCET 18-Aug-97 / 30-Aug-97 Joint Combined Exchange Training (SH7477) 160th SOAR 23 200 Army $59,000
JCET 13-Sep-97 / 28-Sep-97 Joint Combined Exchange Training (SH7499) 160th SOAR 27 100 Army $91,000
JCET 10-Aug-97 / 30-Sep-97 Light Infantry / Air Mobile (SF7456) 7th Special Forces Group 8 40 Army $64,000

*Cost to Ecuador: $2,000
** Cost to Ecuador: $19,000


1 United States Congress, General Accounting Office, Military Training: Management and Oversight of Joint Combined Exchange Training, Report to Congressional Requesters NSIAD-99-173 (Washington: General Accounting Office, July 1999): 48 <>.

2 United States, Defense Department, State Department, "Foreign Military Training and DoD Engagement Activities of Interest In Fiscal Years 1998 and 1999: A Report To Congress," Washington, March 1999: 3-4.

United States, Department of Defense, Department of State, Foreign Military Training and DoD Engagement Activities of Interest in Fiscal Years 1999 and 2000: A Report to Congress (Washington: March 2000) <>.

3 United States, Defense Department, "Report on Training of Special Operations Forces for the Period Ending September 30, 1998," Washington, April 1, 1999.

United States, Defense Department, State Department, "Foreign Military Training and DoD Engagement Activities of Interest In Fiscal Years 1998 and 1999: A Report To Congress," Washington, March 1999: 3, 16.

4 United States, Defense Department, "Report on Training of Special Operations Forces for the Period Ending September 30, 1997," Washington, April 1, 1998.

Special Operations Forces (SOF): Ecuador


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A project of the Latin America Working Group Education Fund in cooperation with the Center for International Policy and the Washington Office on Latin America

 Project Staff  Adam Isacson (Senior Associate CIP    Lisa Haugaard (LAWGEF Executive Director
  Joy Olson (WOLA Executive Director

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