last updated:5/31/07
Publications of the Just the Facts Program

Below the Radar (March 2007)
military programs with Latin America, 1997-2007.

- Adobe Acrobat (.pdf) format

Por debajo del radar (Abril de 2007) Programas militares de EE.UU. con América Latina , 1997-2007.

- formato Adobe Acrobat (.pdf)

Memorandum: Analysis of the 2006 Foreign Military Training Report (November 2006)
Recent trends in military training, as revealed by an annual State and Defense Department report

- Printer-friendly Adobe Acrobat (.pdf) format

Erasing the Lines (December 2005)
Trends in U.S.
military programs with Latin America.

- Adobe Acrobat (.pdf) format
- Executive summary (.pdf)

Borrando las Divisiones (Diciembre de 2005)
Tendencias en los programas militares de EEUU en América Latina.

- Formato Adobe Acrobat (.pdf)
- Resumen ejecutivo (.pdf)

Blurring the Lines (October 2004)
Trends in U.S.
military programs with Latin America.

- Web (.html) format
- Printer-friendly Adobe Acrobat (.pdf) format

Diluyendo las Divisiones (Octubre de 2004)
Tendencias en los programas militares de EEUU en América Latina.

- Formato Adobe Acrobat (.pdf)

Paint by Numbers (August 2003)

Trends in U.S. military programs with Latin America & challenges to oversight.

- Adobe Acrobat (.pdf) format

Just the Facts 2001-2002 (November 2001)
A Quick Tour of U.S. Defense and Security Relations With Latin America and the Caribbean," a brief (sixteen-page) summary of our findings.

- World-wide web (.html) format
- Adobe Acrobat (.pdf) format

Just the Facts 2000-2001 (Book, January 2001)

- How to order

Just the Facts 1999 Edition (Book)

- A few copies still exist. Contact us to order

Just the Facts (December 1998)
A quick tour of U.S. defense and security assistance to Latin America and the Caribbean

- World-wide web (.html) format
- Adobe Acrobat (.pdf) format

Solo los Hechos (Enero de 1999)
Un Recorrido Rápido de la Ayuda de los EE.UU. en Materia de Defensa y Seguridad para América Latina y el Caribe," un breve (12 páginas) resumen de nuestros hallazgos

- Formato Internet (.html)
- Formato Adobe Acrobat (.pdf)

Just the Facts 1998 Edition (Book)

- Sold out.


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News and Analysis
Bases and Military Facilities

A project of the Latin America Working Group Education Fund in cooperation with the Center for International Policy and the Washington Office on Latin America

 Project Staff  Adam Isacson (Senior Associate CIP    Lisa Haugaard (LAWGEF Executive Director
  Joy Olson (WOLA Executive Director

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