Baker, senior fellow, director, Global Financial Integrity: Baker is a senior fellow and director of Global Financial Integrity, researching and writing on the linkages between corruption, money laundering and poverty. From 1996 to 1999 he was a Guest Scholar at The Brookings Institution, undertaking a Program entitled, "Flight Capital, Poverty and Free-Market Economics," following receipt of a grant for research and writing from the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation. He traveled to 23 countries to interview 335 central bankers, commercial bankers, government officials, economists, lawyers, tax collectors, security officers and sociologists on the relationships between bribery, commercial tax evasion, money laundering and economic growth. [more...] |
Ball, senior fellow: Along with her position with CIP, Ball is also a senior visiting senior research fellow at the Netherlands Institute of International Relations ('Clingendael Institute') in The Hague. Ball has previously held positions at the Overseas Development Council, the National Security Archive in Washington, DC, the Swedish Institute for International Affairs in Stockholm and the University of Sussex in the UK. She has conducted research on a broad range of issues relating to security and development, including the economics of security; democratic governance of the security sector; disarmament, demobilization and reintegration of former combatants; the international development community's role in assisting countries to recover from violent conflict and reform their security sectors. Her current work is focused on strengthening democratic security sector governance and on assessing the impact of funding mechanisms in fragile and conflict-affected states. [publications...] |
Michael Barnes, senior fellow: Former U.S. Congressman Mike Barnes (D.MD-8) served in the House of Representatives from 1979 to 1987. He was a member of the Leadership, serving as Assistant Majority Whip, and served on the Foreign Affairs, Budget, Judiciary and District of Columbia Committees. He chaired the Subcommittee on Western Hemisphere Affairs of the Foreign Affairs Committee and the Metropolitan Affairs Subcommittee of the DC Committee. He was a member of the Subcommittees on Europe and the Middle East and Asia and Pacific Affairs of the Foreign Affairs Committee. President Reagan appointed him to serve on the Kissinger Commission on Central America and the President's Commission on Drunk Driving. Subsequent to his congressional service he has practiced law and served as President of the Brady Center to Prevent Gun Violence, Chair of the Center for National Policy, Chair of the US-Panama Business Council, Co-Chair of the US Committee for the United Nations Development Program, Chair of the Governor's Commission on Growth in the Chesapeake Bay Region (the "2020 Commission"), and a member of the boards of directors of the Metropolitan Washington Airports Authority, University of Maryland Foundation, Center for International Policy, Public Voice, Overseas Development Council, US Association of Former Members of Congress, US Committee for UNICEF, WGL Holdings, Inc and its subsidiary Washington Gas Light Company. He is on the National Advisory Boards of the National Democratic Institute for International Affairs and the United Nations Association. He is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations, Washington Institute of Foreign Affairs, and Inter-American Dialogue. His current work as a Senior Fellow is focused on international and domestic politics and policy. |
Tom Barry, senior policy
analyst, TransBorder Project: As senior policy
analyst and director of CIP's TransBorder Project, Barry specializes in immigration policy, homeland security, border security, and the outsourcing of national security. He co-founded the
International Relations Center (IRC), and joined CIP in
2007. He has authored or co-authored more than twenty books
on Mexico, Central America, the Caribbean, food aid, the
United Nations, free trade and U.S. foreign policy. These
include The Great Divide: Challenge of U.S.-Mexico Relations
in the 1990s (Grove Press), Feeding the Crisis:
U.S. Food Aid and Farm Policy in Central America (University
of Nebraska), The Next Fifty Years: The United Nations
and the United States, and the award-winning Zapata’s
Revenge: Free Trade and the Farm Crisis in Mexico (South
End Press). He has also edited volumes on foreign policy
such as Global Focus: U.S. Foreign policy at the Turn
of the Millennium (St. Martin’s Press). He writes for CIP's Americas Program, and blogs at: |
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Patrick Benson, office manager, Global Financial Integrity: Prior to joining GFI, Patrick worked as an ESL teacher at the Lycée Hotelier de Marseille, a Culinary and Tourism school, located in Marseille, France. Patrick graduated from the Madrid Campus of Saint Louis University in Spain in 2010 with a degree (B.S.) in Business Administration and a minor in Spanish Literature and Philology. |
Blaney, senior fellow: Blaney
brings over thirty years of experience in international
affairs to CIP and has held senior positions in the federal
government, policy research, and non-profit organizations.
His experience includes the White House, State Department,
foreign affairs think tanks, and U.S. diplomatic posts abroad.
Currently, he is president and chief executive of the Coalition
for American Leadership Abroad (COLEAD), an organization
of some 50 non-profit foreign affairs groups supporting
U.S. engagement in world affairs. An American diplomat for
over 20 years, Blaney was a member of the Policy Planning
Staff of Secretaries of State Henry Kissinger and Cyrus
Vance. Blaney holds degrees from Allegheny College (B.A.)
and Yale University (M.A.) and he conducted graduate work
and research at Johns Hopkins University’s School
of Advanced International Studies and at the London School
of Economics and Political Science.
Landrum Bolling, senior fellow: He is the Director at
large at Mercy Corps International. He has served as President
and Rector at The Ecumenical Institute in Tantur Jerusalem
from 1983-1988, a research professor at the Institute for
the Study of Diplomacy at Georgetown Univeristy's School
of Foreign Service (1978-1981). He was the Chairman and
Ceo of The Council on Foundations, President of the Lilly
Endowment, and President of Earlham College in Indiana.
He was also a foreign correspondent during and after World
War II in Europe. |
Sarah Bracht, outreach coordinator, Task Force on Financial Integrity and Economic Development, Global Financial Integrity:Prior to joining GFI, Sarah worked as a legal assistant at BuckleySandler LLP, a financial services law firm located in Washington, D.C. Sarah graduated from the University of Dayton in 2006 with a B.A. in International Studies and French Language. As an undergraduate student, she conceived and coordinated a month-long international exposition to promote the exchange of cultural experiences and to advance study abroad opportunities. The program has since been turned into an annual event hosted by the University's Center for International Programs. |
Cardamone, managing director, Global Financial Integrity: Tom Cardamone brings 18 years
of experience working for non-profit public policy organizations,
primarily in the non-proliferation field, to CIP. His career
includes a background as an analyst, Project Director and
Executive Director for, and a consultant to, non-profit
groups. For the three years prior to joining CIP Cardamone
provided consulting services to NGOs in the areas of strategic
organizational and program planning, development and web
site content. From 2000 to 2003 Cardamone was Executive
Director of the Center for Arms Control and Non-Proliferation,
a Washington, D.C.-based arms control group. As a Project
Director for the Center from 1993 – 2000, Cardamone
developed and implemented the core components of an educational
project on the economic, security and human rights implications
of excessive military equipment sales to developing nations.
[more...] |
Laura Carlsen,
director, Americas Project: Laura Carlsen
holds a B.A. in Social Thought and Institutions from Stanford
University and a Masters degree in Latin American Studies,
also from Stanford. In 1986 she received a Fulbright
Scholarship to study the impact of the Mexican economic
crisis on women and has lived in Mexico City since then.
She has published numerous articles and chapters on social,
economic and political aspects of Mexico and recently co-edited
Confronting Globalization: Economic integration and
popular resistance in Mexico, and co-authored El
Café en Mexico, centroamerica y el caribe: Una salida
sustentable a la crisis. Before joining the Americas
Project, Carlsen was a correspondent for Latin Trade
magazine, editor of Business Mexico, freelance writer and
researcher. As program director, she is responsible for
writing, assigning and editing materials; representing the
organization in public forums; seeking out and maintaining
collaborative relationships; and administering the Mexico
City office and staff. |
Clough, coordinator for the Task Force on Financial Integrity & Economic Development, Global Financial Integrity: Prior to joining GFI, Christine was employed
most recently at the U.S. Small Business Administration’s
Office of Advocacy, working with Congress, Federal agencies,
and the White House to advocate for the needs and critical
role of small business in the U.S. economy. Christine also
has experience working on terrorism and homeland security
at think-tanks in Washington, DC.
Christine graduated from Connecticut College in 2006 with
a degree in Economics and International Relations. She is currently enrolled in the Security Studies Program in the School for Foreign Service at Georgetown University working on a master’s degree. |
Frick Curry, senior associate, development: Curry is a retired college
professor and long-time political activist. He works part-time
at CIP in all aspects of fundraising, development and information
technology. |
Monique Perry
Danziger, communications director, Global Financial Integrity: With 9 years of communications and legislative
work in Washington, DC under her belt, Monique is a seasoned
media relations and policy expert as well as loyal DC resident. Before
joining Global Financial Integrity, Monique did communications
and government relations work for the Alliance to Save Energy,
Wildlife Conservation Society, and the National Environmental
Trust.Monique graduated from Drew University, Madison NJ,
with a BA in English and Political Science. She hails
from Bucks Country, PA. |
Goodfellow, executive director: William Goodfellow was
one of the founders of the Center for International Policy
in 1975 and has been its executive director since 1985.
Goodfellow oversees fundraising, program development and
the day-to-day operations of the Center. During the late
1970s, Goodfellow and his colleagues at the Center successfully
lobbied for legislation that requires the executive branch
to consider a country’s human rights record before
providing economic and military aid.
In the 1980s, Goodfellow promoted negotiations to end the
civil wars in Nicaragua and El Salvador. He worked closely
with Costa Rican President Oscar Arias and championed the
Arias/Contadora peace process in the United States. He attended
every Central American summit meeting and spoke and published
articles about the peace process, which silenced the guns
in Central America and earned President Arias the Nobel
Peace Prize in 1987. From 1972 to 1975, Goodfellow was an
associate with the Indochina Resource Center, a Washington-based
non-profit that provided the anti-war movement with academic
research about Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia.
Gascoigne, director of new media and communications associate, Global Financial Integrity: Gascoigne
is the New Media Coordinator for the Global Financial Integrity
Program. He comes to GFI from the College Democrats of America
(CDA) where he most recently served as the National Communications
Director – coordinating youth communications with
Obama for America and the Democratic National Committee
throughout the 2008 election cycle. A founding member
of CDA’s new media effort, Clark previously served
as the organization’s National New Media Director,
and has over 4 years of political and non-profit communications
experience. He is a graduate of Bowdoin College in
Brunswick, Maine. |
A. Goodman, senior fellow and director of the Intelligence Reform Project: Goodman
is an adjunct professor at Johns Hopkins University. He
was division chief and senior analyst at the Office of Soviet
Affairs, Central Intelligence Agency from 1976 to 1986.
He was a senior analyst at the Bureau of Intelligence and
Research, State Department from 1974 to 1976. He was an
intelligence adviser to the Strategic Arms Limitations Talks
in Vienna and Washington. He is co-author of The Wars
of Edvard Shevardnadze (2nd edition, 2001), The
Phantom Defense, America's Pursuit of the Star Wars Illusion
(2001); Bush League Diplomacy; How the Neoconservatives
are Putting the World at Risk (2004); Failure of
Intelligence: the Decline and Fall of the CIA (2008). |
S. Harrison, director, Asia Project: Co-author of Out
of Afghanistan: The Inside Story of the Soviet Withdrawal
(Oxford University Press, 1996) and five other books on
India, Pakistan, China, Japan and Korea, including India:
The Most Dangerous Decades and In Afghanistan's Shadow,
a study of ethnic conflicts in Pakistan. Served as Senior
Associate of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace
for twenty-two years and has specialized in South and East
Asia for fifty years as a journalist and scholar. He served
as South Asia correspondent for the Associated Press and
South Asia and Northeast Asia bureau chief for The Washington
Post. [more...] |
William D. Hartung, director, Arms and Security Project: He is the author of Prophets of War: Lockheed Martin and the Making of the Military-Industrial Complex (Nation Books, 2011) and the co-editor, with Miriam Pemberton, of Lessons from Iraq: Avoiding the Next War (Paradigm Press, 2008). His previous books include And Weapons for All (HarperCollins, 1995), a critique of U.S. arms sales policies from the Nixon through Clinton administrations.
From July 2007 through March 2011, Mr. Hartung was the director of the Arms and Security Initiative at the New America Foundation. Prior to that, he served as the director of the Arms Trade Resource Center at the World Policy Institute. He also worked as a speechwriter and policy analyst for New York State Attorney General Robert Abrams.
Bill Hartung’s articles on security issues have appeared in the New York Times, the Washington Post, the Los Angeles Times, The Nation, and the World Policy Journal. He has been a featured expert on national security issues on CBS 60 Minutes, NBC Nightly News, the Lehrer Newshour, CNN, Fox News, and scores of local, regional, and international radio outlets. He blogs for the Huffington Post and TPM Café.
Post. |
Matthew Hoh, senior fellow, director, Afghanistan Study Group:
Matthew Hoh is the Director of the Afghanistan Study Group, a network of foreign and public policy experts and professionals advocating for a change in US strategy in Afghanistan. A former State Department official, Matthew resigned in protest from his post in Afghanistan over US strategic policy and goals in Afghanistan in September 2009. Prior to his assignment in Afghanistan, Matthew served in Iraq; first in 2004-5 in Salah ad Din Province with a State Department reconstruction and governance team and then in 2006-7 in Anbar Province as a Marine Corps company commander. When not deployed, Matthew worked on Afghanistan and Iraq policy and operations issues at the Pentagon and State Department from 2002-8. Matthew’s writings have appeared in the Wall Street Journal and Washington Post and his resignation letter has been cited as an Essential Document by the Council on Foreign Relations. Matthew was recently named the 2010 Ridenhour Prize Recipient for Truth Telling. |
Glenn Hurowitz, senior fellow: In addition to his position as a senior fellow at the Center for International Policy, Glenn is the Director of the Tropical Forest & Climate Coalition. His writing has appeared in The New York Times, Politico, The Los Angeles Times, The American Prospect, and many other publications. He is the author of the critically acclaimed book Fear and Courage in the Democratic Party and has appeared on CNN, MSNBC, FOX, CBS, NPR, Air America, and many other national media outlets. Glenn is the winner of the Suisman Reporting Prize and the Frank M. Patterson Prize in Political Science. A graduate of the Green Corps environmental organizing fellowship, he has held senior positions in the national environmental movement and is a veteran of many election campaigns. |
No image available at this time. |
Drew Ann Jubert, comptroller:
Drew comes to the Center for International Policy with over twenty years of non profit financial, human resource and administrative experience. Her most recent position was as director of finance and administration at the Atlantic Council of the US. Drew holds a bachelor's degree in economics and management from Sweet Briar College. |
Kar, lead economist, Global Financial Integrity: Prior to joining the CIP, Dev was a Senior Economist
at the International Monetary Fund (IMF), Washington DC.
During a career spanning nearly 32 years at the IMF, Dev
worked on a wide variety of macroeconomic and statistical
issues, both at IMF headquarters and on different types
of IMF missions to member countries (technical assistance,
Article IV Consultations with member countries, and Use
of IMF Resources). Dev has a Ph.D. in Economics from the
George Washington University (Major: Monetary Economics),
a M. Phil (Economics), also from the same university (Major:
International Economics) and a M.S. (Computer Science) from
Howard University (Major: Database Management Systems).
His undergraduate degree in Physics is from St. Xavier’s
College, University of Calcutta, India. Dev has published
a number of articles on macroeconomic and statistical issues
both inside and outside the IMF.
Lowe, legal counsel and director of government affairs,
Global Financial Integrity: Ms. Lowe brings international
legislative experience and banking and finance law experience
to her role, having worked as an aide to a British Member
of the European Parliament in Brussels and as a banking
and finance attorney at both Clifford Chance LLP in London
and Bingham McCutchen LLP in Boston. She is admitted to
the Bar in the State of New York and the Commonwealth of
Massachusetts. Ms Lowe is a graduate of Boston College Law
School (J.D.) and The University of Chicago (A.B.). As part
of her degree programs she also studied English, European
and international law at the London School of Economics
and Political Science and King’s College London. |
Stephen Miles, coalition coordinator, Win Without War: Stephen Miles is the coalition coordinator for Win Without War, a diverse coalition of 40 member organizations formed in opposition to the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and the underlying national security strategy that created them. Stephen is a veteran of campaign politics with a strong background in grassroots advocacy. Prior to joining Win Without War, Stephen worked in primarily in New Orleans working to elect Democratic candidates and advance progressive policies. He previously served as the Executive Director of the American Hellenic Council focused on advancing Greek American concerns through community-based advocacy. Stephen is a graduate of the London School of Economics and Tulane University with academic expertise in humanitarian interventions and Middle Eastern politics. |
Lubeck, senior fellow: Lubeck is a professor of
political sociology, political economy and development studies
at the University of California, Santa Cruz. He also serves
as Director of the Global Information Internship program
and the Center for Global, International, and Regional Studies
at the University. During Lubeck's service in the Peace
Corps he served as a cooperative agent for the Ministry
of Rural Development of the Niger Republic. He has conducted
extensive research specializing in fieldwork in Muslim,
in such regions as Niger, Nigeria, Ghana, Mexico, and Malaysia.
He has a number of publishing's that cover such topics as
globalization, industrializing states, African businessmen,
labor, Islamic social movements and regional development
strategies. |

Mullins, senior fellow: Mullins is a retired businessman
whose career was interspersed with stints of activism and
leadership positions in the civil rights movement, opposition
to the Vietnam War, Amnesty International, the United Nations
Association and the American Civil Liberties Union. He has
traveled extensively in the Middle East, China, the Soviet
Union and Eastern Europe during the Communist era. Upon
retirement, he opened a Miami office associated with the
International Center for Development Policy and spearheaded
a media program exposing the terrorist tactics impeding
free speech in the Cuban American community. He shuttled
back and forth to Central America advancing dialogue for
peace. He brought Soviet "new thinkers" to speak
at universities throughout Florida after participating in
an exchange of foreign policy specialists between the Soviet
Union and the U.S. He has been an associate of the Center
for International Policy since 1992 and organized delegations
of open minded Cuban American leaders to visit Washington
to present diverse views and changes in American policy
towards Cuba. Now living in Palm Beach County, he writes
a biweekly op-ed column on foreign policy for the South
Florida Sun Sentinel and lectures at Palm Beach Community
College on international relations. |
Poe, deputy director and director, Latin America Security program: As deputy director, Abigail Poe oversees the day-to-day operations of CIP, manages external outreach and communications, and works with the executive director to develop and implement fundraising strategies for the organization. Poe also runs CIP's Latin America Security program, which monitors security and U.S. military assistance to Latin America and the Caribbean. She has worked at CIP since 2005 as both director of operations and special projects manager. She holds a Master's degree in Latin American Studies from Georgetown University's School of Foreign Service and a BA in Environmental Studies and Policy from Bates College. Before coming to CIP, Poe spent two years in Quito, Ecuador, where she produced a news-commentary radio show, developed and managed an online, direct-to-consumer flower company and worked as a project developer for a local non-profit.
Meredith Pierce, operations manager and new media coordinator: Before coming to CIP, Pierce worked at the Washington Office on Latin America as the Rights and Development Intern. She has a Bachelor's degree in Latin American Studies and Spanish from Washington University in St. Louis. As the office manager and intern coordinator at CIP,
Pierce is responsible for the day-to-day operations
of the organization and oversees the internship program. |
Smith, senior fellow and director, Cuba Project: Smith
is a CIP Senior Fellow and directs the Cuba Program and
is a contributor to the National Security Program. He is
a visiting professor of Latin American studies and Director
of the University of Havana exchange Program at Johns Hopkins
University. He is a former Senior Associate at the Carnegie
Endowment for International Peace. During his twenty-five
years with the State Department (1957-82), he served as
executive secretary of President Kennedy's Latin American
Task Force and chief of mission at the U.S. Interests Section
in Havana. In addition, he served in Argentina, Brazil and
the Soviet Union. [more...] |
White, senior fellow, former president of CIP : During his twenty-five-year Foreign
Service career, White specialized in Latin American affairs
with a particular emphasis on Central America. Among the
posts he held were Latin America Director of the Peace Corps,
deputy permanent representative to the Organization of American
States, ambassador to Paraguay and to El Salvador. After
retiring from the Foreign Service in 1981, White served
as a Senior Associate at the Carnegie Endowment for International
Peace. Since joining the Center for International Policy
as its president in 1989, he has presided at conferences
and led delegations to several Latin American and Caribbean
countries, published numerous studies of U.S. policy toward
the region, and led an ongoing effort to reform U.S. intelligence
agencies. |