
afternoon, opposition Senator Gustavo Petro will hold a
hearing in Colombia's Congress to examine politicians' ties
to paramilitaries in President Uribe's home province of
Antioquia. Visit the Peace and
Conflict News page for links to coverage.
| THIS PAGE IS FOR ARCHIVE PURPOSES ONLY. IT IS NO LONGER UPDATED. For our current work on Colombia and Latin America, please visit the Just the Facts site, our Colombia page and our current Latin America Rights and Security Program.
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The Center
for International Policy opposes large increases in military aid and supports
a negotiated settlement to the conflict. Read research papers and shorter memos
explaining our positions.
Military and Police Aid:
Our current summary table of aid, information about
the debate over aid for 2006 and previous years, recent
news coverage, a timeline
of events, other groups' analyses and our special
focus on Arauca and Putumayo. U.S.
Government Information:
reports and fact sheets, legislation
and statements from officials and legislators,
notes about key policymakers, and information about
private contractors. Peace
Initiatives in Colombia:
about the combatants, key figures in Colombia's government,
a timeline, and overviews of negotiations with the
FARC and ELN guerrillas. |
to recent coverage in the media about Colombia's conflict
and U.S. aid, in-depth series,
opinion pieces and web news sources. Weblog:
Read and participate in "Plan Colombia and Beyond," the Colombia Program's
weblog. Links:
about human rights, peace and security, and drug policy from other organizations,
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Forums, seminars,
congressional hearings and other activities
taking place in North America. Cheap Generic Cialis – Main Tips on Purchasing:
The same 20 mg Cialis pill costs between $35 and $1.5, depending on the country of origin, the specific pharmaceutical company and the number of tablets in one purchase. Información
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y otras informaciones disponibles en este sitio, entre ellas un informe regular
sobre la política de Washington hacia Colombia.
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