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International Policy Reports
Center regularly publishes short analytical pieces related to
its research and programs. Our International Policy Reports
are excellent resources for education and research, or just
interesting to read.
order our IPRs as hard copies (single copy $2.50; 20 or more
copies $1.00 each), send
us e-mail with your mailing address included, specifying
which report(s) and how many.
or download our IPRs:
- Cuba Not a "Tier Three" Human Trafficker , IPB by Wayne Smith, July 2011 [pdf]
- Policy on the Edge:
Failures of Border Security and New Directions for Border Control, By Tom Barry (Americas Program), June 2011 [pdf] [html] [summary]
- Stabilization and Development: Lessons of Colombia's "Consolidation" Model, By Abigail Poe and Adam Isacson, April 2011 [pdf] [html]
- El Paso Jury Acquits Arch-Terrorist Posada Carriles of All Charges, International Policy Brief by Wayne Smith, April 2011. [pdf]
- Carter's Press Conference in Havana, International Policy Brief by Wayne Smith, April 2011. [pdf]
- More chicanery in the cases of the Cuban Five, International Policy Brief by Wayne Smith, March 2011. [pdf]
- The Case of the Cuban Five: U.S. Shame and how to end it, International Policy Brief by Wayne Smith, June 2010. [pdf]
- Putting Preparedness Above Politics: U.S. - Cuba Cooperation Against the Threat of Hurricanes, IPR by Elizabeth Newhouse, January 2010 [pdf]
- After Plan Colombia, IPR by Adam Isacson and Abigail Poe, December 2009 [pdf] [html]
- U.S. Cuban Cooperation in the face of Hurricanes and other Natural Disasters, IPR by Ted Carroll and Wayne Smith, November 2009 [pdf]
- The
U.S., the Supreme Court and the Case of the Cuban Five, by Wayne Smith, July 2009 [pdf]
- Disaster Relief Management in Cuba, IPR by Jonathan Keyser
and Wayne Smith, May 2009 [pdf]
- Ecuador's Humanitarian Emergency,
the Spillover of Colombia's Conflict, IPR by Abigail Poe and
Adam Isacson, April 2009 [pdf]
- Immigrant Crackdown Joins Failed Crime
and Drug Wars, IPR by Tom Barry (Americas Program), April
2009 [pdf]
- Time to abandon our failed Cuba policy, report by Wayne Smith, April 2009
- An Opening to Cuba can give Obama Momentum Internationally, report by Wayne Smith, January 2009
- Changing Course: Proposals to Reverse
the Militarization of U.S. Foreign Policy, IPR by Donald F.
Herr, September 2008 [pdf]
- Reducing Risks, Avoiding Disaster,
Managing Hurricanes the Cuban Way, IPR by Jennifer Schuett
and Eva Silkwood, August 2008 [pdf]
- The CIA and the Perils of Politization,
IPR by Melvin A. Goodman, March 2008 [pdf]
- Ever Changing, Always the Same: The
State of U.S.-Cuban Relations, IPR by Wayne Smith and Jennifer
Schuett, December 2007 [.pdf]
- To Protect the Gulf of Mexico: U.S.-Cuba Cooperation on Marine Conservation, IPR by Wayne Smith and Jennifer Schuett [.pdf]
- Crimes of the Central Intelligence
Agency: How Covert Action Harms U.S. Security, IPR by Melvin
A. Goodman, November 2007 [pdf]
- Torture,
Terror and Innocence: Why the prison at Guantanamo must
be closed, IPR by Jennifer Schuett and Abigail Poe, July
2007 [pdf]
- Taking
"No" for an Answer: The "American Servicemembers'
Protection Act" and the Bush Administration's Security
Relations with Latin America, IPR by Adam Isacson, May 2007
- The
Forgotten Bargain: Nonproliferation and Nuclear Disarmament,
IPR by Selig S. Harrison, December
2006. [pdf]
Guantanamo: Our Own Devil's Island?, by Tiana S. Gierke,
May 2005. [pdf]
- Cuba
Should Not be on the Terrorist List, by Wayne S. Smith,
Robert Muse and Glenn Baker, November 2004. [pdf]
- Commission
for a Free Cuba Sets Restrictions on Americans, by Wayne
Smith and Seema Patel, June 2004 [pdf]
- Marching
for Life: Defying threats, a movement of rural Hondurans leads
Central America's struggle against illegal logging and the
corruption that sustains it, by Bruna Genovese, June 2004
[English pdf] [Spanish
- A
Time for Change: The Outrageous Federal Sugar Subsidy Program,
IPR by Wayne Smith, June 2004 [pdf]
- Uses
and Misuses of Intelligence, IPR by Melvin Goodman, January
2004 [pdf]
- Dirty
Money and Its Global Effects, by Raymond Baker, Brionne Dawson,
Ilya Shulman and Clint Brewer, January 2003 [pdf]
- Cuba
on the Terrorist List: In defense of the nation or domestic
political calculation?, by Anya K. Landau and Wayne S. Smith,
November 2002 [pdf]
- The
Colombian Dilemma: After Half a Century of Fighting, Can a
Fragile Peace Process Succeed? by Adam Isacson, February 2000 [html] (685 KB) [pdf] (1.05 MB)
- Getting
in Deeper: The United States' Growing Involvement in Colombia's
Conflict, by Adam Isacson, February 2000. [html] (660 KB)
[pdf] (485 KB)
- Afro-Cubans
in Cuban Society, by Wayne S. Smith, December 1999.
- Commander-in-Chief,
the Centers Demilitarization for Democracy Project, With a foreword
by Gen. Robert G. Gard, Jr. (U.S. Army, retired) and Sen. Patrick
Leahy, November 1999.
- The
Trend Toward Unilateralism in US Foreign Policy, by Wayne
S. Smith, November 1999.
- Rethinking
Foreign Policy: Lessons from Latin America, by Robert E.
White, July 1999.
- European
Union-US Understanding Fails to Resolve Dispute over Helms-Burton
Act, by Wayne S. Smith, March 1999.
- Just
the Facts: A quick tour of U.S. defense and security assistance
to Latin America and the Caribbean, by Adam Isacson
and Joy Olson, December 1998. [html] [pdf]
- Solo
los Hechos: Un Recorrido Rápido de la Ayuda de los EE.UU.
en Materia de Defensa y Seguridad para América Latina y el
Caribe, por Adam Isacson y Joy Olson, Enero de 1999. [html] [pdf]
- Nonissue:
Cuba's Mothballed Nuclear Power Plant by Jonathan Benjamin-Alvarado,
July 1998.
- Cuba:
Lost Opportunities for Cooperation on Drugs by Wayne S.
Smith, April 1998.
- Wanted:
A Logical Cuba Policy by Wayne S. Smith, February 1998.
- Haiti:
Democrats Vs. Democracy by Robert E. White, November 1997.
- Open
the Files: A Chance to Aid Demilitarization in Honduras,
by Former CIP Associate Adam Isacson and Susan Peacock, visiting
fellow at the National Security Archive, September 1997.
- The
Helms-Burton Act: A Loose Canon? by Wayne S. Smith, June
- The
Intelligence Community: Time for a Major Overhaul,
by Melvin Goodman, May 1997.
- The
U.S. - Cuba Imbroglio, a critique of U.S. Cuba policy
in the post -Helms-Burton era, by Wayne
S. Smith, May 1996.
- Altered
States, a study of U.S. links to Central America,
by Frick Curry, December 1995.
- Human
Rights in Cuba - Initiating the Dialogue, an account
of a 1995 meeting between U.S. and Cuban human rights experts,
by Center Senior Fellow Wayne S. Smith, September 1995.
- Haiti:
Success Under Fire, a commentary on U.S. policy
toward Haiti following President Aristide's reinstatement,
by Jim Morrell, January 1995.
- Our
Cuba Diplomacy, an analysis which dispels many of
the myths guiding U.S. policy toward Castro's Cuba, by Wayne S. Smith, October 1994.
- The
Travel Ban to Cuba, a discussion of the U.S. government's
policy on travel between the U.S. and Cuba, by Wayne S. Smith, May 1994.
- El
Salvador's Death Squads, an analysis of new evidence
from U.S. documents, by Lauren Gilbert, March 1994.
- Cuba
After the Cold War, an analysis of the Cuban Democracy
Act of 1992, by Wayne S. Smith, March
IPRs are copyrighted by the Center for International Policy.
All rights reserved. Any material herein may be quoted without
permission, with credit to the Center.
Conference Reports by CIP staff:
- Contending with Natural Disasters: Cubans and US Gulf Coast Emergency Managers Continue Conversations, Delegation Report by Elizabeth Newhouse, June 2011 [pdf] [html]
- Questions of Racial Identity, Racism, and Anti-Racist Policies in Cuba Today, Conference Report by Elizabeth Newhouse, June 2011 [pdf] [html]
- The U.S. Should Take Immediate Steps to Improve Relations with Cuba, Conference Report by Elizabeth Newhouse, January 2011 [pdf]
- U.S. - Cuba Conference on Hurricane Cooperation, Conference Report by Elizabeth Newhouse and Wayne Smith, January 2011 [pdf]
- Are We Ready for the Next Big one? Texas Gulf Legislators Learn from Cuba's Hurricane Preparedness Model, by Elizabeth Newhouse and Wayne Smith, July 2010 [pdf]
- Cuban Public Health Cooperation in Haiti, Conference report by Elizabeth Newhouse and Wayne Smith, May 2010
- Conference
on Expanding Agricultural Trade With Cuba, sponsored by
Center for International Policy, June 5, 2009
- Escaping Justice:
A Conference on Exile Terrorism, Conference Report by Wayne Smith, August 2008 [pdf]
- Facing the Storms Together: CIP convenes
first U.S. - Cuba hurricane conference, IPR by Wayne Smith
and Jennifer Schuett, August 2007 [pdf]
- Plan Colombia's "Ground Zero:" a report from CIP's trip to
Putumayo, Colombia, March 9-12, 2001, by Ingrid Vaicius and
Adam Isacson, April 2001. [html]
| [pdf] En español: [html] |
- The
New Masters of Barranca: A Report from CIP's trip to Barrancabermeja,
Colombia, March 6-8, 2001, by Adam Isacson, April 2001. [html] | [pdf]
(403 KB), En español: "Los Nuevos Dueños de Barranca" [html] |
- Conference
Probes Potential for U.S.-Cuba Farm Trade, By Kimberly
L. Waldner and Wayne S. Smith, February 2001. (35.1 KB)
Conference Reports are copyrighted by the Center for International Policy.
All rights reserved. Any material herein may be quoted without
permission, with credit to the Center.
Research reports by CIP staff [pdfs]:
Illicit Financial Flows from the Least Developed Countries: 1990-2008, by Dev Kar, Global Financial Integrity, May 2011 [html summary] [pdf]
Transnational Crime in the Developing World, By Jeremy Haken, Global Financial Integrity, February 2011 [pdf]
Illicit Financial Flows from Developing Countries: 2000-2009, By Dev Kar and Carly Curcio, Global Financial Integrity, January 2011 [html summary] [pdf]
Drivers & Dynamics of Illicit Financial Flows From India 1948-2008, By Dev Kar, Global Financial Integrity, November 2010 [html summary] [pdf]
A New Way Forward: Rethinking U.S. Strategy in Afghanistan, By The Afghanistan Study Group, August 2010 [html summary] [pdf]
Farms Here, Forests There: Tropical Deforestation and U.S. Competitiveness in Foreign Agriculture and Timber, by Avoided Deforestation Partners, May 2010 [pdf]
Far Worse than Watergate, Report by Lisa Haugaard, Kelly Nicholls, Abigail Poe and Gimena Sanchez-Garzoli, June 2010 [English pdf] [Spanish pdf]
Waiting for Change: Trends in U.S. Security Assistance to Latin America and the Caribbean, Report by Lisa Haugaard, Adam Isacson, George Withers, Abigail Poe, Joy Olson, Lucila Santos and Colin Smith, May 2010 [Spanish]
The Absorption of Illicit Financial Flows from Developing Countries: 2002-2006, Report by Dev kar, Devon Cartwright-Smith and Ann Hollingshead, GFI, May 2010
Illicit Financial Flows from Africa: Hidden Resource for Development, Report by GFI, April 2010
Privately Held, Non-Resident Deposits in Secrecy Jurisdictions, Report by Ann Hollingshead, GFI, March 2010
The Implied Tax-Revenue Loss from Trade Mispricing, By Ann Hollingshead, Global Financial Integrity, February 2010 [pdf]
of the Peacebuilding Fund, Report to the Governments of
Canada, The Netherlands, Norway, Sweden and the United Kingdom
by Nicole Ball and co-authored by Mariska van Beijnum, June
The State of the Union, report by Selig Harrison, April
Illicit Financial Flows from Developing Countries 2002-2006: Executive Summary, GFI report by Dev Kar and Devon Cartwright-Smith Click here for Economist Version (Contains detailed statistical appendix) , Version En Español, Version En Francais
Capital Flight from the Democratic Republic of Congo, report by Dev Kar, Rammil Mammadov, Rachel Goodermote, and Janak Upadhyay, July 2008
Promoting Conflict Prevention through Security Sector Reform: Review of Spending on Security Sector Reform through the Global Conflict Prevention Pool, report by Nicole Ball to the Global Conflict Prevention Pool, June 2008
the radar: U.S. military programs with Latin America, 1997-2007,
a joint report by CIP, LAWG and WOLA, March 2007 [pdf]
for a New Colombia Policy, by
CIP, the Latin America Working Group, and the Washington Office
on Latin America, March 2005. [pdf]
the Lines: Trends in U.S. military programs with Latin America,
by CIP, the Latin America Working Group Education
Fund, and the Washington Office on Latin America, October 2004. [html] | [pdf]
Research reports on Inmigration/Border Issues:
A Death in Texas, Tom Barry from the Americas Program in the Boston Review,
New Policies for a New Administration
Partnership with Haiti, report by Bob Maguire, Spring 2009
National Security, report by Mel Goodman, June 2008
To order one or more of the Center's books, please call us at
202-232-3317 or send us an email.
Failure of Intelligence: The Decline and Fall of the CIA, by Senior Fellow Mel Goodman, March 2008.
After former CIA director George Tenet's book, many people are questioning their conventional wisdom about the CIA. The truth is, it is now time for serious intelligence reform. Failure of Intelligence examines the CIA's recent failures and distorting of information for political means, and suggests an effective reform agenda. The author's reform ideas are informed by his extensive experience in the CIA as well as input from former CIA directors.
League Diplomacy: How the Neoconservatives are Putting the
World at Risk, by Senior Fellows Mel Goodman and Craig
Eisendrath, May 2004.
How have George W. Bush and the neoconservatives in his
administration managed to erode a half century of foreign
relations in such a short period of time? What impact will
the increased use of military force in place of diplomacy,
and the ever-increasing deficit spending this creates, have
on social policies at home? Veteran foreign policy analysts
Craig Eisendrath and Mel Goodman answer these questions
and many more.
Endgame: A Strategy for Reunification and U.S. Disengagement,
by Senior Fellow Selig S. Harrison, 2002.
Based on meetings with both Kim Il Sung and his son, Kim
Jong Il, Harrison presents explanations of Pyongyang's actions
that are more sympathetic and intelligent than the official
pronouncements of the North Korean government. He sees reunification
as a realistic goal through a confederation of North and
South, with all surrounding powers pledging the neutralization
and denuclearization of the peninsula. He argues that the
United States should withdraw its forces from South Korea
over a ten-year period and seek to be an honest broker between
North and South. With the end of the Cold War, North Korea
lost the security backing of both Russia and China, and
thus, in Harrison's view, it feels vulnerable to American
attack, justifying the restart of its uranium-enrichment
Insecurity: U.S. Intelligence After the Cold War, Senior
Fellow Craig Eisendrath, editor, January 2000.
Drawing on their experience in government administration,
research and Foreign Service, ten prominent experts propose
a fundamental rethinking of the United States' intelligence
needs in the post-Cold War world. In addition, they offer
a coherent and unified plan for reform that can simultaneously
protect U.S. security and uphold the values of our democratic
system. Read the book review
by James M. Wall
the Facts: A Civilian's Guide to U.S. Defense and Security
Assistance to Latin America and the Caribbean by Adam
Isacson and Joy Olson, December 1999.
An essential resource for understanding the United States'
complex military relationship with Latin America and the
Caribbean. This book details dozens of programs and activities
that the U.S. government carries out with the Western Hemisphere's
security forces, such as arms transfers, training programs,
exercises, deployments, counternarcotics operations and
military bases.
States: Security and Demilitarization in Central America,
by Adam Isacson, 1997.
Exhaustively surveys current sizes and roles of militaries
in Central America, the range of threats to the region's
security, the extent of current U.S. military assistance
and linkages. Isacson argues that the region's militaries
are irrevalent to today's security needs. He then lays out
what must be done so that Central America can reduce the
size of armies and eventually phase them out entirely.