About the Cuba Program
Under the direction of Wayne S. Smith, former Chief of the U.S. Interests Section in Havana, the Center for International Policy’s Cuba Program seeks to bring about a more sensible US policy toward Cuba. There may have been a time during the Cold War when there was some rationale for a containment policy, including an embargo. But, with the end of the Cold War, that rationale has vanished, and our policy toward Cuba is now not only obsolete but actually counterproductive in terms of real US interests and objectives.
By taking fact-finding delegations to Cuba, organizing conferences on specific issues, inviting Cubans to express their views in the US, and publishing opinion pieces which take issue with present rationale, we hope to educate public opinion and thus encourage a policy which 1) begins to dismantle the embargo, 2) initiates a dialogue with the Cuban government, 3) lifts travel controls, and 4) carries us eventually toward a full normalization of relations, which we believe to be in the best interests of both the American and the Cuban people.

S. Smith interviews the president of the Cuban National Assembly, Ricardo Alarcón,
in Havana, Cuba (June 2005) Summary
Articles & Publications
Cuba Not a "Tier Three" Human Trafficker
IPB by Wayne Smith (July 2011)
El Paso Jury Acquits Arch-Terrorist Posada Carriles of All Charges.
IPB by Wayne Smith (April 2011)
Carter's Press Conference in Havana.
IPB by Wayne Smith (April 2011)
More chicanery in the cases of the Cuban Five
IPB by Wayne Smith (March 2011)
The Gross Case & the Inanity of U.S. Policy
IPB by Wayne Smith (March 2011)
Engaging with Cuba: Hurricanes, Medical Students and Trade
Elizabeth Newhouse (December 2010)
The Case of the Cuban Five; US Shame and how to end it
IPB by Wayne Smith (June 2010)
U.S. Democracy Programs under Fire as Fallout from Spy Arrest Continues
Michael Collins (April 19, 2010)
CIP Analysts Look at Obama's First Year
Adam Isacson, Wayne S. Smith, Tom Barry, Laura Carlsen (January 27, 2010)
Putting Preparedness Above Politics: U.S.-Cuba Cooperation Against the Threat of Hurricanes
IPR by Elizabeth Newhouse (January 2010)
More articles by Wayne Smith can be found here.
Events & Conference Reports
The United States Should Take Immediate Steps to Improve Relations with Cuba
Conference report by Elizabeth Newhouse (January 2011)
U.S. - Cuba Conference on Hurricane Cooperation
Conference report by Elizabeth Newhouse (January 2011)
Are We Ready For The Next Big One? Texas Gulf Coast Legislators Learn From Cuba's Hurricane Preparedness Model
Conference Report by Elizabeth Newhouse and Wayne Smith (July 2010)
Cuban Public Health Cooperation in Haiti
Conference Report by Elizabeth Newhouse and Wayne Smith (May 2010)
Hearing on U.S.-Cuba Policy, Committee on Ways and Means, U.S. House of Representatives
Video and Text of Testimony by Wayne Smith (April 29, 2010)
Report on the Conference to Call for the Elimination of Restrictions on Academic and People-to-People Travel to Cuba
Policy Brief by Wayne Smith and Elizabeth Newhouse (March 2010)
CIP Event Featured in: Cuba experts discuss academic travel to the country for Americans
Latin America News Dispatch (March 11, 2010)
CIP Event Featured in: Push for Cuba exchanges hits obstacles, both political and academic
The Chronicle of Higher Education (March 9, 2010)
CIP Event Featured in: Obama Urged to End Limits on Educational Travel to Cuba
Latin American Herald Tribune (March 9, 2010)
ECDET and CIP held a conference to Demand the Elimination of Restrictions on Academic and Educational Travel to Cuba
on March 9, 2010 in the Holeman Lounge, National Press Club
Report on the Conference to Call for Cuba's Removal from the Terrorist List
Policy Brief by Wayne Smith, Peter Kornbluh, Robert Muse, and Elizabeth Newhouse (March 2010)
CIP Event Featured in: Cuba Should Be Removed From State Sponsors of Terrorism List, Experts Say
Latin America News Dispatch (February 1, 2010)

Photo Courtesy of izahorsky
Learn More:
Guantanamo Bay: Learn more about the U.S. naval base and detainment facility through recent headlines and past articles.
and Terrorism: Read about Luis
Posada Carriles, Cuba on the U.S. List of State Sponsors of Terrorism, Cuban
exile terrorism, and post-9/11 U.S.-Cuba relations
Cuba Embargo and US Trade: History and
developments in US agricultural trade with
Cuba, as well as recent Cuban trade with Venezuela & China.