by Sen. Mike DeWine (R-Ohio), June 30, 1999
FOUR WARS (Senate - June 30, 1999)
[Page: S7914]
Mr. DeWINE. Mr. President,
we have just concluded the foreign operations bill, and I congratulate
Senator McConnell, Senator Leahy, and others who have worked so very diligently
on this difficult and tough bill. Contained in the bill we just passed,
among other things, was a sense-of-the-Senate resolution. This sense-of-the-Senate
resolution was proposed and offered by myself and by my colleague from
Georgia, Senator Coverdell. It deals with the situation in Colombia and
the United States relationship to that troubled country.
I want to talk this evening
about that sense-of-the-Senate resolution and about the situation in Colombia.
For the past several months,
United States foreign policy has really been dominated by the crisis in
Kosovo. Certainly we have to continue to work with the NATO alliance and
Russia to help bring the Albanian Kosovars back to their homeland and
to bring a stable peace to the region. But tonight I want to discuss another
compelling and very serious foreign policy crisis that is taking place
right in our own hemisphere.
Like Kosovo, it is a crisis
that has displaced hundreds of thousands of people, more than 800,000
since 1995, and instead of a small province being ethnically cleansed
by its own government, this democratic country is fighting multiple conflicts--a
war against two threatening and competing guerrilla groups, a war against
paramilitary organizations, and, finally, a war against drug lords who
traffic in deadly cocaine and in heroin.
I am, of course, talking about
the four wars that are taking place tonight in Colombia. While a 19-nation
NATO alliance struggles to prevent the disintegration of a small province,
the disintegration of an entire nation is going practically unnoticed
by our own Government in Washington. The decade-long struggle in the Balkans
is being duplicated in Colombia, which is fracturing into politically
and socially unstable ministates and is posing a significant threat to
our own hemisphere. Colombia is shaping up to be the Balkan problem of
the Americas.
More than 35,000 Colombians
have been killed in the last decade. More than 308,000 Colombians were
internally displaced in 1998 alone. In Kosovo, 230,000 people were displaced
during this same period of time before NATO took action. And like the
Albanian Kosovars, Colombians are fleeing their country today in large
numbers. More than 2,000 crossed into Venezuela in a matter of a few days
recently. A Miami Herald article recently reported a growing number of
Colombians leaving for south Florida.
Our Nation has a clear national
interest in the future of the stability of our neighbor to the south,
Colombia. In 1998, legitimate two-way trade between the United States
and Colombia was more than $11 billion, making the United States Colombia's
No. 1 trading partner, and Colombia is our fifth-largest trading partner
in the region.
In spite of this mutually
beneficial partnership, the United States simply has not devoted the level
of time nor resources nor attention needed to assist this important democratic
partner as it struggles with drug problems, with violent criminal and
paramilitary organizations, and guerrilla insurgents.
In fact, in December 1998,
a White House official told the Washington Post that Colombia, quote,
`poses a greater immediate threat to us than Bosnia did, yet it receives
almost no attention.'
Attention is needed--now more
than ever. According to the State Department, Colombia is the third most
dangerous country in the world in terms of political violence, and accounts
for 34 percent of all terrorist acts committed worldwide. The Colombian
National Police reported that Colombian rebels carried out 1,726 terrorist
strikes in 1998--that's 12 percent more than in the previous year.
Kidnapping is also a significant
problem. Approximately 2,609 people were kidnapped in 1998, and there
have been 513 reported kidnappings in the first three months of this year.
Guerrillas are responsible for a high percentage of these incidents.
The wholesale acts of violence
that have infected this country are symptoms of four wars that are going
on in Colombia. Any single one of them would pose a significant threat
to any country. Together, these wars represent a threat beyond the borders
of Colombia. Let me describe them in detail.
For more than three decades,
the guerrilla groups known as Colombian Revolutionary Armed Forces--the
FARC--and the National Liberation Army--the ELN--have waged the longest-running
anti-government insurgency in Latin America.
Determining the size of these
guerrilla organizations is an inexact science. Most open sources range
their combat strength from about 10,000 to 20,000 full-time guerrillas.
However, irregular militias, part-time guerrillas, and political sympathizers
also play a role that is hard to quantify.
The insurgents have their
own armament capabilities and are manufacturing high-quality improvised
mortars. Organized crime links also have long been suspected. The Chief
of the Colombian National Police, General Jose Serrano, has reported in
the past that the FARC has completed guns-and-cash-for-drugs deals with
organized crime groups in Russia, Ukraine, Chechnya and Uzbekistan. A
Colombian army study recently stated that the two main leftist guerrilla
groups had raised at least $5.3 billion from 1991 to 1998 from the drug
trade, abductions, and extortions to fund their long-running uprising
against the state.
According to the State Department's
1998 Human Rights Report, the FARC and ELN, along with other, smaller
groups, initiated armed action in nearly 700 of the country's 1073 municipalities,
and control or influence 60 percent of rural Colombia. Although these
groups have had no history of major urban operations, a number of recent
guerrilla-sponsored hostage takings recently have taken place.
Colombian President Pastrana
is trying to make peace at all costs with FARC rebels, who have little
incentive to agree to any peace deal. Throughout these negotiations, the
FARC has continued to assault and kill dozens of Colombian military and
The current prospects for
peace are dismal. If Pastrana were to accept the demands of the FARC and
ELN for political and territorial autonomy, he would have to splinter
his country into Balkan-type factions. The effects of this would be increased
paramilitary violence and increased regional instability.
In fact, one of the FARC conditions
already agreed to by President Pastrana was the creation of a temporary,
demilitarized zone the size of Switzerland. All Colombian Armed Forces
and Police were ordered out of the area. Despite this enormous concession
on the part of the Colombian government, the FARC has not agreed to any
cease-fire and has made no concessions. In fact, they made it clear to
the Colombian Government that they should expect continued guerrilla operations
and attacks.
`Farclandia' is the name some
local residents have given to this odd state-within-a-state. The area
has over 90,000 residents. Despite its creation as a temporary demilitarized
zone, the FARC appear to be cementing control and taking steps to ensure
that expulsion from the zone would be extremely difficult, particularly
if the talks break down.
According to the Catholic
Bishop residing in the DMZ area, residents are required to feed the FARC,
which is simply a form of taxation. The FARC has attempted to expel a
Catholic priest for being an `enemy of peace.' The priest argued the FARC
is violating human rights, usurping the locally elected government, interfering
with economic activity, imposing labor duty, and recruiting minors, teenagers,
and married men. The bottom line is that FARC fighters are using their
armed stranglehold on the zone to abuse Colombian citizens.
In April, FARC leaders asked
Pastrana to extend rebel control over another zone in southern Colombia--approximately
7,600 square miles--that is allegedly the home to some of the most concentrated
cocaine-production facilities in the world. The Pastrana Government agreed
to place the request on the negotiating table. While the additional zone
was not approved, Pastrana agreed to allow FARC rebels to have continued
control over the DMZ. This is the second time, since November 1998, that
President Pastrana has extended the DMZ to the FARC during the talks.
This decision provoked outrage
within Colombian military ranks, particularly since military officers
had been humiliated by the creation of the original zone. That earlier
decision required the withdrawal of hundreds of police and army troops.
By the end of May, Colombian Defense Minister Ricardo Lloreda announced
his resignation.
Following his announcement,
dozens of military officers resigned in solidarity with Lloreda. Of the
total of 30 Colombian army generals, reports indicate that between 10
and 17 resigned in solidarity with Lloreda. With the exception of Lloreda's
resignation, Pastrana did not accept any other resignations. However,
as a result of this mass protest, Pastrana agreed that the FARC zone would
be demilitarized for only six more months and that a retired general would
be included in the negotiating team for the talks.
In another important development,
the Colombian Congress too is beginning to express its doubt in the peace
process. Earlier this month, the Congress rejected a bill that would have
given Pastrana sweeping powers to grant political concessions--including
an amnesty for convicted guerrillas.
Lloreda's resignation was
truly unfortunate. I met Defense Minister Lloreda in Colombia last November.
Lloreda, described by
his peers as someone who could
help bring about needed reform in the military, was just beginning to
gain some ground. He had already begun rebuilding the army, a difficult
task given its record of human rights violations. In fact, he had forced
the resignation of Colombian military officers suspected of human rights
violations and had others arrested.
Lloreda had also lifted the
morale among the military, having suffered significant defeats by the
FARC forces. According to the Economist magazine, the defense budget has
doubled this year to $1.2 billion. In March, the army even managed a successful
offensive, which left 50 guerrillas dead.
The resignation, however,
threw Pastrana's 10-month-old government into crisis and placed the future
of the nation's fragile process in doubt. It has also left open important
questions about the future of the Colombian military.
Mr. President, Colombian military
operational mobility is widely acknowledged to be a shortcoming. Colombia
is a very large country. One of their departments is as large as the nation
of El Salvador. In fighting an insurgency, the state has to defend many
critical areas, but also has to have the capability to mass and economize
forces to attack guerrilla formations when they present themselves. Colombia's
army has barely 40 helicopters for a territory the size of Texas and Mexico
combined. El Salvador, 1/50th the size of Colombia, had 80--twice as many--during
its civil war.
Although the Army has 122,000
soldiers, most of them are 1-year conscripts. Approximately 35-40% are
high school graduates not assigned to combat duties by law. At any time,
about 30% are undergoing basic training. A large portion of the remaining
force (50-60%) is assigned to static defense of key economic or isolated
municipal outposts. That leaves approximately 20,000 soldiers remaining
for offensive combat operations. These are the veterans or volunteers
that constitute--apart from the officer corps-- the only true repository
of combat experience in their army. Now consider that the active guerrilla
combatants alone number between 11,000 and 20,000. You do the math. It
doesn't look good. It is conceivably a one to one `fighting' ratio. How
can a military, with limited resources, fight two guerrilla movements
which have virtually unlimited resources from drug trafficking, kidnappings,
extortion and arms trafficking?
The Colombian Army has already
suffered a string of military defeats. In 1998, the Colombian Armed Forces
suffered three major blows in March, August, and November. In fact, the
FARC executed one of its major blows against the military just as President
Pastrana was meeting with FARC leaders on the peace talks.
The FARC currently holds over
300 military and police POW's. And according to Jane's Intelligence Review,
Colombian guerrillas killed 445 soldiers during 1998. If you include Colombian
National Police, the figure would rise to 600. The CNP too has experienced
significant losses. Over 4,000 policemen have been killed in Colombia
in the past decade.
As if the FARC weren't enough
of a problem, let me complicate this situation further by discussing the
war with the ELN. The ELN has been envious of the attention the FARC has
been getting,
particularly at the negotiating
table. As a result, the ELN has resorted to a series of recent hostage
takings. Shortly after Pastrana and the FARC announced in April that formal
negotiations would take place in the summer, the ELN hijacked a Colombian
commercial airliner in mid-April, kidnapping 41 passengers and crew.
Then, shortly after Defense
Minister Lloreda's resignation, about 30 ELN guerrillas invaded a church
service in an upper-class neighborhood in Cali and abducted over 140 worshipers.
In response, the Government deployed more than 3,000 soldiers and policemen
to locate them. While some hostages have been released from the hijacking
and church incidents, approximately 50 are still being held including
two Americans.
I have outlined, Mr. President,
the two main guerrilla groups which are a significant threat to Colombia.
Unfortunately, however, I have not yet spoken of another ongoing war which
poses an additional and substantial threat--the Colombian paramilitaries.
In fact, the Colombian paramilitaries are also seeking a role at the negotiations
The Colombian paramilitaries
are an umbrella organization of about 5,000 armed combatants. Their mission
has been to counter the grip of leftist guerrillas. Carlos Castano, the
powerful leader of the paramilitary umbrella organization United Self-Defense
Groups of Colombia, has been quoted defending the strategy of killing
villagers who are guerrilla supporters and sympathizers.
The paramilitaries are funded
by wealthy landowners and, in some cases, cocaine traffickers. They exercised
increasing influence during 1998, extending their presence into areas
previously under guerrilla control.
The presence of paramilitary
groups have driven a wedge in the peace talks because the FARC leadership
refuses to negotiate until the government effectively clamps down on the
right wing gunmen. The problem is that the government also has a problem
in trying to control the paramilitaries.
In an attempt to become a
player at the negotiating table, Castano's organization kidnapped a Colombian
Senator last month. In fact, Castano said shortly after the abduction
that his aim was to gain political recognition and a place at the negotiating
table for his movement. The Senator was freed after being held for two
weeks. The Senator later commented that Pastrana should eventually include
Colombia's paramilitary forces in negotiations to end the 35 year civil
war. Since the leftist rebels vehemently oppose their participation in
the peace talks, prospects for the peace negotiations are complicated
even further.
Before I talk about the increasing
drug threat from Colombia, let me spend a few minutes on the general violence
in Colombia.
According to the U.N. High
Commissioner for Human Rights, Colombia led the world in kidnappings in
1998, and may be the most likely place in the world to be abducted. The
country averages five people a day snatched by guerrillas or other criminals.
Guerrillas from the FAR, ELN and the smaller Popular Liberation Army accounted
for approximately 1,600 kidnappings of the 2,609 reported in 1998.
A report issued by the Colombian
Government's anti-kidnapping office in May calculated that at least 4,925
people have been
abducted since January 1996,
with the largest total coming in 1998. The problem with this statistic
is that many families and businesses prefer to deal directly with kidnappers
and not report abductions to the police. Hence, this figure is only the
official one. It is understandably difficult to count how many kidnappings
truly occur in Colombia.
Imagine, if you will, living
in a country where you can't send your child on school field trip; where
you can't decide to go out of Bogota for the weekend to visit relatives
in a nearby city. In fact, the situation is so grave that you think twice
about going to the grocery store or even to a movie.
A recent New York Times article
described the lives of Colombians and the precautions they must take on
a daily basis. The article stated that Colombians are refusing to fly
on any airplane that is not a jet. They cite the example of ELN hijacking
of a prop plane. The Colombian quoted in the article commented that it
is almost impossible for guerrillas to take over a big jet and make it
land at some little airstrip out in the jungle.
In the week before Easter,
a traditional vacation time throughout Latin America, travel within Colombia
was down 40% over last year, according to a Colombian civic group. With
increasing regularity, the five million residents of Bogota are canceling
trips to towns that are barely a two hour drive away, while traffic on
highways to the Caribbean coast has also dropped significantly.
Kidnapping is such a significant
threat that a Colombian government study made public estimates that the
country's three main guerrilla groups have obtained more than $1.2 billion
in kidnapping ransoms in recent years.
Mr. President, the situation
in Colombia has gotten so bad that the State Department recently issued
a warning, advising Americans to not travel to Colombia. You see, Colombians
are not the only targets in their country. There have been U.S. casualties
as well.
In late 1997, the State Department
added the FARC to its list of terrorist organizations.
In January 1999, guerrillas
announced that all U.S. military and law enforcement personnel in Colombia
would be considered legitimate targets to be killed or captured. In late
February, the FARC viciously murdered three U.S. human rights workers.
This horrific execution met with no reaction from the Clinton Administration.
A resolution was recently introduced in the House, calling on the Colombian
government to pursue the killers, members of the FARC and extradite them
to the U.S.
Colombian terrorists continue
to target Americans, kidnapping over a dozen U.S. citizens in 1999 so
far--this is double the total amount for 1998. The 1998 State Department
Terrorism Report also suggests that terrorists also continued to bomb
U.S. commercial interests, such as oil pipelines and small businesses.
There has also been much concern
that the civil war in Colombia could spill over into neighboring countries--including
Venezuela, where President Chavez is alleged to have had contacts in the
past with the ELN. A spill-over into Venezuela would be disastrous for
the United States, given that Venezuela is our number one--let me repeat
this--number one supplier of foreign oil. The situation is so grave that
Venezuela has sent 30,000 troops to the border with Colombia.
There has been a recent exodus
of Colombians into Venezuela. In a two day period recently, over 2,000
Colombians began their exodus to Venezuela after death squads massacred
about 80 people near a border town. Many of the Colombians were said to
be coca farmers.
At first, Venezuelan President
Chavez said Venezuela was prepared to offer the Colombians temporary refuge
until they could return safely to their homes. However, only one day after
the recent cross-over began, Venezuela had already started repatriating
Colombians back to Colombia. And within a few days, all Colombians have
been repatriated.
Colombian-Venezuelan relations
have been tense. For example, while Chavez has agreed to play a role in
the negotiations, in mid-May Chavez announced he was seeking a direct
meeting with FARC commander Manuel Marulanda. In fact, two months earlier,
he angered President Pastrana by suggesting that the FARC's armed struggle
was legitimate and declaring that Venezuela remained `neutral' in the
There has also been some concern
of a spillover of the conflict into Ecuador, another nation bordering
Colombia. In fact, Ecuadoran government officials indicate that rebel
forces have crossed over to their nation, primarily for rest and relaxation.
With the end of its border dispute with Peru, Ecuador is in the process
of relocating 10,000 troops to the Colombian border. In addition, Ecuadoran
intelligence has reportedly periodically taken down some guerrilla supply
Colombia also borders Panama,
which should be of significant concern to our nation. It is a known fact
that Colombian rebels have been infiltrating the Darien province in Panama
for quite some time in search of supplies.
In late May, hundreds of Panamanians
fled their homes near the border with Colombia, fearing a violent clash
between Colombian guerrillas and paramilitary bounty hunters. Witnesses
claim that there were about 500 FARC rebels in Panama.
Mr. President, this rebel
crossing is occurring just 250 miles southeast of the Panama Canal. And
let me remind you that U.S. military forces are departing from Panama.
The United States should be
extremely concerned. The departure of U.S. forces could encourage Colombian
rebel groups to become more active in the deep, inaccessible rainforests
of Panama's Darien region. And while Panama has increased a border police
force to 1,500, they are no match to the Colombian rebels. Panama has
no military, and our total U.S. troop presence is scheduled to depart
Panama by the end of this year. We just closed down operations out of
Howard Air Force Base in May, and we are about to turn over the Panama
Canal and remaining military facilities at the end of this century.
Mr. President, while the United
States is complying with the Panama Canal Treaties, in terms of giving
Panama the Canal at the end of this year, the treaties state that the
United States has the continued responsibility to protect and defend the
Panama Canal. And the duration of this treaty is indefinite. In the event
that something happens to the Panama Canal, just a few hundred miles from
Colombia, how would the United States respond then?
I have spent most of my time
talking about the worsening civil strife in Colombia. But I cannot end
this speech without talking about the final war in Colombia. It's the
war Americans probably have heard the most about--the war prompted by
the fact that Colombia is the world's most important cocaine producer
and a leading producer of heroin.
According to our State Department,
over 75% of the world's cocaine HCL is processed in Colombia. 1998 marked
the third consecutive year of significant increase in Colombia coca crop
size; recent statistics indicate that about 75% of the heroin seized in
the northeast United States is of Colombian origin. Colombian heroin is
so pure--roughly 80% to 90%--that in 1998, the number of heroin overdose
cases in the United States went up significantly. In fact, in 1998, the
number of heroin overdoses in Orlando surpassed the number of homicides.
Drug trafficking is profitable,
and provides the FARC with the largest share of its income. Sixty percent
of FARC fronts are involved in the drug trade. About 30% of ELN war fronts
are likewise engaged in drug trafficking. This includes extortion/taxation
of coca fields and yields, precursor chemicals and security of labs and
clandestine air strips. The insurgents control the southern rural terrain
of Colombia where the largest density of cocaine fields and production
is found.
Mr. President, I have outlined
a deteriorating situation in Colombia. I have spoken to you about Colombia's
ongoing and escalating four wars. These are significant issues that have
a direct impact on our hemisphere and our Nation. The future of Colombia
as a unified country, and the stability of an entire hemisphere is at
risk. The sad reality is that our country is not yet making an adequate
response to this crucial foreign policy challenge. We are simply not paying
attention, nor are we adequately responding.
U.S. leadership in this Colombian
crisis is needed. This is no time to keep our backs turned. Continued
inattention will only contribute to continued instability. Like Kosovo,
the U.S. should mobilize the international community to play a role in
resolving the Colombian conflict.
Certainly we should pledge
our support to the democratically elected Government. We should also be
ready to provide other types of support such as training, equipment, and
professional development to help Colombia overcome these threats to democracy
and freedom.
Finally, we must continue
to work to disrupt and dismantle the drug trafficking organizations and
to reduce their financial control of antidemocratic elements in Colombia.
We are doing some things in
Colombia. I had the opportunity to see those myself when I traveled there
a few months ago. But we simply have to do more. We have to become more
I remember President Ronald
Reagan's profound wisdom in negotiating from a position of strength in
his efforts to strengthen our military. This strategic vision led to the
crumbling ultimately of our adversaries. Unfortunately, this dynamic has
not yet taken hold in Colombia.
Because of the Colombian Government's
weakness, no incentive appears to exist for its multiple adversaries to
respect and to adhere to any agreements. Their only incentive is to extract
further concessions from the Government and to further attempt to weaken
the Colombian Government.
Before I close, let me quote
a passage from a report in Time magazine. I quote:
[Page: S7917]
The six members of the presidential peace commission did not know where
they were headed when their Bell 212 helicopter took off from Bogota at
dawn. The pilot had been given the top-secret coordinates minutes before
takeoff, but not even he was sure of the destination. Suddenly, the flag
of the FARC, the oldest, largest and bloodiest of the country's numerous
anti-government guerrilla groups, was sighted in the jungle below. This
time, however, the flag signified the making of history, not war. In a
small clearing in the Alto de la Mesa rain forest, FARC guerrillas and
the government's representatives met to sign a momentous eleven-point
cease-fire agreement.
While this article seems to
depict the present situation in Colombia in terms of peace talks, the
fact is that it does not. The main reason is that there has not yet been
a cease-fire agreement as a result of this latest round of talks.
Let me repeat that. There
has not yet, to this day, been a cease-fire agreement as a result of this
latest round of talks.
The article I quoted appeared
in Time magazine's issue dated April 16, 1984.
In April 1984, the then-Colombian
President triumphantly announced on national television his Government's
formal acceptance of that pact with the FARC guerrillas. He thought that
he had negotiated an end to the guerrilla conflict with the FARC leadership.
Let me note that there have
been numerous other accounts by other Colombian Presidents throughout
the years to negotiate a resolution to the guerrilla wars in Colombia.
Each time the peace talks have failed, and each time the guerrilla groups
have been further strengthened.
While the current President
of Colombia is negotiating with the very same FARC leader, a few things
have changed over the last 15 years. Back in 1984, the Time article reported
that the FARC consisted of 2,050 guerrillas backed by an additional 5,000
people in `civil defense cadres' spread mainly throughout the countryside.
But today the FARC has about 10,000 to 15,000 active combatants--quite
a change.
In 1994, the ELN had roughly
200 men and the Popular Liberation Army had about 275. The ELN today has
between 5,000 and 7,000 troops.
It is simply amazing to me
what a difference 15 years has made in Colombia, a difference, unfortunately
and tragically, for the worse. We have gone from seeing Colombia's combat-ready
guerrilla number in the 2,000 range--2,000 is what it was--to a situation
today where there is likely a guerrilla combatant rebel for every Colombian
military combatant person available, a 1-to-1 ratio.
My question to this Congress
and to this administration is, How can we expect Colombia to overcome
these multiple wars? The rebel personnel resources have significantly
increased since the mid-1980s and are one of the main reasons behind this
rise in the alliance between the guerrillas and the drug traffickers.
This strategic alliance, in
which each party benefits from the other's involvement, makes it very
clear that it is extremely difficult to separate the drug war from guerrilla
and paramilitary wars. That is why the United States must play a role
to help Colombia overcome all of its wars--not just the drug dealers.
We must understand that our drug consumption only further exacerbates
the Colombian crisis. And we must be involved in helping them resolve
the four wars I have described.
In the 1980s, the United States
made a major investment in the struggle for democracy and human rights
in Latin America. We pretty much succeeded. We basically went from a situation
a generation or two ago where half the countries were democratic to a
situation today where every country save one is democratic, or is at least
moving rapidly towards democracy. We have succeeded.
But if we want Latin America
to continue to evolve into a stable and peaceful trading partner and a
friend of the United States, we will have to make a more serious commitment
to Colombia. No one wants to see Colombia devolve into a criminal narcostate.
But unless we act soon in partnership with the democratically elected
Government of Colombia, unless we act soon to reverse this democratic
death spiral, it is only a matter of time before Colombia ceases to exist
as a sovereign nation with democratic principles.
President Ronald Reagan showed
profound wisdom in leading this hemisphere toward democracy and toward
free markets. We must do all we can to make sure that this positive tide
is not rolled back for our neighbors to the south.
I thank the Chair for his
As of March 13, 2000, this
document is also available at http://thomas.loc.gov/cgi-bin/query/z?r106:S30JN9-792: