order speeches by Rep. Tammy Baldwin (D-Wisconsin) and Rep. Sam Farr (D-California),
U.S. House of Representatives, November 16, 1999
SITUATION IN COLOMBIA, SOUTH AMERICA (House of Representatives - November
16, 1999)
[Page: H12096]
The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. Cooksey). Under the Speaker's announced policy
of January 6, 1999, the gentlewoman from Wisconsin (Ms. Baldwin) is recognized
for 60 minutes.
Ms. BALDWIN. Mr. Speaker, I ask unanimous consent that all Members may
have 5 legislative days within which to revise and extend their remarks
and include extraneous matter on the subject of my special order.
The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is
there objection to the request of the gentlewoman from Wisconsin?
There was no objection.
Ms. BALDWIN. Mr. Speaker,
I rise tonight to discuss one of the most pressing foreign policy issues
facing our great Nation. That is, the situation in Colombia, South America.
Tonight my colleague and I
want to speak about the many challenges that are faced in Colombia. We
will discuss the civil war, the inequalities of wealth, the drug problem,
the failure of the judicial system there, and the problem created by large
numbers of displaced persons.
As we begin this discussion
on Colombia, I guess I want to state from the outset that I would like
this discussion to deal broadly with Colombia's problems and challenges.
This body has all too frequently focused on Colombia, and in fact our
Nation usually narrowly focuses on the issue of illegal drug production
and trafficking. I strongly believe, however, that without addressing
directly the broader problems that are faced in Colombia that we will
not make significant progress in addressing the drug trafficking problem,
because these problems are so interrelated.
I think we all must agree
that drug addiction and abuse must be addressed by our government, that
too many Americans and frankly people all over the world are
addicted to illegal and sometimes
legal drugs. We know that this is a problem that must be addressed. I
think we can do so respectfully, agreeing that this is a problem that
we are all committed to, but agreeing that we may have some different
approaches and different perspectives on how to do that.
Colombia presents an important
case study in this regard. It is a country that must be viewed comprehensively,
not simply as a drug-producing Nation. The flow of drugs will not stop
unless Colombia can achieve peace and economic security.
I wanted to start by sharing
a little bit about how I first became interested in the policy in Colombia,
U.S. policy towards Colombia, interested in the problems faced by the
people of Colombia. I, too, used to view Colombia as a Nation, mostly
by what I read about the drug production there, until I had the opportunity
as a local elected official on my county board to become involved in a
sister community project.
Our county essentially adopted
a community in Colombia; in fact, a community in one of the most violent
and war-torn parts of Colombia. Through this sister community, we got
to experience exchanges. We had people come up, religious leaders, labor
leaders, those interested in impacting poverty and fighting human rights
abuses in Colombia. They came to our community and discussed the problems.
In turn, people from my community got to travel to Colombia, as I did
in 1993, to meet people there, to ask firsthand what was happening.
Perhaps learning about Colombia
in this way stands in stark contrast to how many of our colleagues first
discover the issues and the challenges faced by the people of Colombia,
through high-level briefings, perhaps, meeting with generals, ambassadors,
presidents, Members of Congress.
I started by meeting with
people in agriculture, human rights leaders, people trying to organize
collectives and cooperatives. It was a fascinating way to learn about
Colombia. I met environmentalists who were engaged in the task of trying
to protect the rainforests. I met people engaged in social work, trying
to help address poverty in the big cities in Colombia, trying to help
former gang members find another way of life. It was eye-opening for me.
One of the things I remember
very vividly about my 1993 trip to Colombia was learning about the human
rights situation there. Years of civil war and state-sanctioned repression
have resulted in nearly 1 million displaced persons, sort of internal
refugees, many of them young people, children.
There are problems with paramilitary
death squads, with revolutionary guerillas, and these have led to an escalating
level of violence in the past decade. In the last year alone, over 300,000
people have fled their homes and have become newly displaced persons in
Colombia. These are people who we do not always hear about.
As I mentioned, I traveled
to Colombia in 1993 to see the situation firsthand. One of the shocking
and sort of striking memories I have was understanding that some of the
aid that we sent to Colombia as military aid, aid intended to help fight
the war on drugs, was ending up being misused perhaps by corrupt officials,
but was ending up being used in a way to repress the people, those who
might be organizing labor unions, those who might be organizing collectives
for the farmers, those who might be fighting for human rights.
The U.S. now provides almost
$300 million annually in military aid, making Colombia the third largest
recipient of aid after Israel and Egypt. I must add, though, that things
have improved in Colombia, very much so since the time that I was able
to travel there. The military is beginning to address within their own
ranks some of the issues of human rights abuses. The leadership, the President
of Colombia, the Congress, has begun to act.
We have a number of policy
options before us right now in the United States. There is a call for
providing almost $1 billion or perhaps a lot more than $1 billion in new
aid to Colombia. I think it is an important debate on how we allocate
that money, how we approach this issue, how we look at the future of a
war on drugs, how we look at making an impact in a country that is dealing
with civil war, is dealing with human rights abuses, is dealing with poverty
and economic downturn and struggling with a lot of things to put its country
back together.
Before I go on to details
about what policy options are facing the United States right now, I want
to yield to my colleague, the gentleman from California (Mr. Farr), who
has been also very well acquainted with the people of Colombia, the issues
that Colombians face, perhaps from a different perspective than my own.
But I would love the gentleman to share his wisdom with us.
[Page: H12097]
Mr. FARR of California. Mr. Speaker, I thank the gentlewoman from Wisconsin
very much. It is a pleasure
to be on the floor with the
gentlewoman, a very distinguished Member of this body who has so much
compassion for people all over the globe, and particularly for the people
of Colombia.
My introduction to Colombia
was back in 1963. I was a young college graduate who just applied for
the Peace Corps and was told that I was going to be accepted to a Peace
Corps program in Colombia, South America.
I was excited about it. I
had traveled through Latin America when I was in college working as a
factory worker in Argentina, and I fell in love with Colombia the minute
I stepped off the plane. It is a country, an incredibly beautiful country
with lots of green. Obviously the green is well known around the world
because it is the major exporter of emeralds.
Colombia, as a Peace Corps
volunteer, was the best 2 years of my life. I lived in a very poor barrio.
We did not have much running water or electricity. Sewage was inadequate.
But the people were so genuine and so friendly, and so much so that when
my mother passed away with cancer when I was in the Peace Corps I came
home, and immediately went back to Colombia, and my father, I brought
my two sisters to Colombia.
My youngest sister, Nancy,
who was in high school at the time, 17 years old, unfortunately was killed
in an accident in Colombia. Rather than being very bitter about the country,
we ended up falling in love with the country because the people were so
friendly to our family and realized what a plight we were going through,
and how much tragedy we were bearing.
The thing that I hope we can
do tonight is put a human face on a country that we hear a lot about.
It is a country that the Americans know of, Colombia, and unfortunately
know of it for two reasons, one very negative, which is drugs, a country
that grows the drugs and processes the drugs that are so destructive to
our lives here in the United States and around the world.
[TIME: 2230]
Unfortunately, we are the
purchaser of those drugs and so we have this problem of those who produce
and those who buy and use. And this relationship, Colombians always tell
us that if we did not buy the drugs, they would not produce them. And
we always say if they did not produce them, we would not buy them. And
this is a battle where we have sort of lost sight of what this country
is all about.
I hope tonight we can get
into some of those issues. So put a human face on a country that is unique
in its geographical location. It is the only country in South America
that borders on both the Atlantic and the Pacific Oceans. It is a country
much bigger than most think by looking at a map. The third largest country
in Latin America. It is bigger than California, Texas, Montana and Illinois
all combined for about 625,000 square miles. It is a huge country.
It has 38 million people.
The people are spread out in Colombia in many big cities. The most urbanized
of all Latin America countries. The Colombian market is bigger than that
of the market of New York and Texas put together.
It is a remarkable country
because not only does it touch both oceans, but it starts almost at the
equator and goes up to 20,000 feet with snowcapped mountains close to
the shore. So it has every kind of microclimate and can grow anything.
Colombia is the second most diversified country in the world. It grows
more fruits and vegetables than any other country in the world; and, obviously,
that makes it a climate that is attractive to growing things that are
illegal. And with the poverty in the country, we can see why the drug
crops expanded there.
Mr. Speaker, the issue now
is how do we take a country and really get it on its feet? In many ways
Colombia, despite all of the problems that it has had with drugs, has
remained an economically strong country with an honest economy. It is
one of the strongest in Latin America. It has had a longer period of growth
with an average of 4.5 percent per year for the last four decades. Between
1990 and 1995, it has grown at 4.2 percent. This is the longest sustained
record of economic growth in the Americas. In all of the Americas. Colombia
has outperformed the United States.
Now Colombia is in the midst
of a recession after more than 30 years of unbroken growth. It is in the
midst of problems, turmoil, but it is a democratic country. It had a remarkable
turnout in its election for its president, President Pastrana, despite
the pressures on people not to vote. It has political factions in the
country that are historical between the rebels, between banditos or mafiosos
as they are known. So it has got a collection of interests where people
are trying to defend their own private lands with privately hired mercenaries,
so we have private armies, a public army, a national police. They have
rebels, and they have other factions that play in the shadows of all of
So we as the United States
are now giving aid to Colombia. We have given an awful lot of that aid
in the military section primarily for suppressing drugs. The country has
now come to the United States. The President has met with our President.
They have sat down and worked out an agreement that encourages that Colombia
needs to get its own act in order, so to speak. It has done so by coming
up with a plan. It has taken that plan not only to the United States but
to its allies in Europe and asked for help.
Now, we are on the verge of
the last night of the session of the first year of the 106th Congress.
The big vote here tomorrow night will be the vote on appropriating monies
and particularly the foreign aid money. Colombia is not getting a great
deal of that money, unfortunately, because other priorities have taken
its place. And I think that we have to recognize that if we are a country
that is going to ask them to extradite their criminals, the people they
are arresting in their country, in violation of their laws and our laws,
and extradite these people to the United States so that they can be tried,
sentenced, and imprisoned here, at great risk to the Colombian politicians
and to the Colombian government, that they are doing that at the request
of our government, and in turn we need to think comprehensively about
how we are going to give them enough aid. Not just military aid, but compassionate
aid to help the people help themselves in a better life.
Mr. Speaker, I know that the
gentlewoman from Wisconsin has come to discuss some of that; and I really,
really appreciate it. I appreciate the gentlewoman being a new face in
Congress with a new slant on the Colombian situation. It is so healthy
for this body, which has sort of been debating the macho military aid
by essentially people that are pro-military and pro-national police, to
say that if we just help them we are going to really help the country.
When we know and the gentlewoman knows, particularly the first voice that
really come in and talked
about the plight of women in this culture, and the fact that we are not
going to win this war on poverty; we are not going to win the drug war;
we are not going to win the political war or any war just by might. We
are going to have to win that war through education. We are going to have
to win that war through help with understanding family planning in countries
like this. We are going to have to have micro-loan programs and do what
we did in the Peace Corps.
Unfortunately, the Peace Corps
left Colombia because it became too dangerous. But there are some 8,000
returned volunteers from Colombia, Americans who have lived in Colombia
for at least 2 years who have learned the language and the culture, and
who are very passionate about those years that they spent there and are
wanting to see the country regain its incredible grandeur that it can
and to develop the wonderful culture and people and particularly the opportunity
for tourism. Making it safe for people to travel, safe for our sons and
daughters to go and be educated in their great universities and essentially
a much better cultural, educational, political interchange leads to support
of a country through tourism and microtourism.
Mr. Speaker, I think that
Colombia, because it is on both oceans, has so many opportunities for
small economic development programs that would enhance the plight of people
in rural areas by allowing them to have kind of ecotourism expand. So
I appreciate the gentlewoman bringing these issues to the floor of the
United States Congress tonight on the verge of our significant vote tomorrow
[Page: H12098]
Ms. BALDWIN. Mr. Speaker, I thank the gentleman. And one of the similarities
I think of our approach to this is that each of us comes from a background
of getting a real opportunity to meet and exchange with the people of
the country of Colombia. Not so much their advisors and their elected
officials, perhaps local elected officials, but we really got a chance
to interchange and understand what a person who is living in the rural
areas or a person who is living in the cities experiences living there
and the struggles that they face due to some of the economic challenges.
The gentleman was very right
to note the success economically that Colombia has enjoyed. I always observed
that while on the macro-level that country was observing great prosperity
and growing, although now there is certainly an economic downturn, there
is now 23 percent unemployment in some of the major cities, about an average
of 20 percent unemployment nationwide. But one of the nuances of Colombia
is that there is a concentration of wealth in the hands of few. That is
particularly exaggerated in the case of landownership.
Mr. Speaker, about the top
3 percent of Colombia's landed elite own about 70-plus percent of all
the agricultural land, while 57 percent of the poorest farmers subsist
on about 2.8 percent of the land.
Those sort of challenges internal
to Colombia, I think, play a big role in what we see happening there and
the concerns that we have there right now. I look at it as a country struggling
with civil war, struggling beyond that with a justice system that is in
some ways broken down and for that reason people take justice into their
own hands. And, of course, that creates in some parts, even though it
is a wonderful democracy nationally, in some localities there is almost
anarchy existing. It is very violent in certain regions.
But I want to be helpful this
evening. I had the opportunity today to meet with a wonderful activist
who is visiting the United States from Colombia. What he was doing was
describing a program that he is working with in the central part of the
country that has been operational for about 4 years now that is bringing
a diverse array of parties together to the table to talk, to be engaged
in dialogue, and to tackle drug issues, to tackle issues of the unstable
economy right now, to tackle issues of violence and large numbers of refugees
in a dialogue with people at the regional level.
This individual told us a
very hopeful story of a program that is working because, rather than sending
merely military equipment to respond to a problem, they are talking about
alternative crops. They are giving peasants who would otherwise possibly
be lured into production of coca and giving them options that are viable,
that allow them to support their families, that allow them to have a hopeful
future. It is this sort of balanced approach that I think is the hope
for the future.
Now, one thing that we were
delighted to see and will hopefully serve as a basis of our conversation
as we move forward about how to really and truly tackle drug problems
here and in producer countries is the Plan Colombia that President Pastrana
and his government have put together.
What we see is a plan that
has been offered to an international community that does not just focus
on one
component of the struggles
that Colombia faces, but really is a multifaceted program that I think
we can take heart in. What they recognize is how unstable the Nation has
been and the fact that in this plan they need to really consolidate in
the State of Colombia, make sure that the State is the entity responsible
for protection of the public interest, for promoting democracy, the rule
of law, to make sure that it is the monopoly in the application of justice
and that it plays a stronger role in full employment, in respect for human
They look at building peace
as a building process. Not something that will happen, but things that
will take years to accomplish. As the plan says, peace is not simply a
matter of will; it has to be built. And central to their strategy is,
of course, a partnership with other countries to look at not only production
of illegal drugs, but consumption and recognizing that there are principles
of reciprocity and equality that need to occur in order for countries
to move forward together in a partnership to confront mutual problems.
Mr. Speaker, Colombia is in
an economic crisis right now, and we have got to tackle that in part also
to respond to the larger problems.
Mr. FARR of California. Will
the gentlewoman yield?
Ms. BALDWIN. I certainly will
yield to the gentleman.
Mr. FARR of California. Mr.
Speaker, I appreciate the gentlewoman yielding to me. I wanted to point
out that this Plan Colombia I think is very exciting because it outlines
not just a military approach, and a national police approach, and a law
enforcement approach to preventing crime and to stopping the drug traffickers
and so on, but it really is a plan about education of the country. It
is a plan about economic revitalization through land reform and having
more people have a stake in the outcome. It is about a plan about economic
development at the micro level, at the rural level, at the barrio level.
I mean, it is interesting.
I do not think we ever outlined it as Peace Corps volunteers some 30 years
ago when we were serving there, but what this plan reflects is many of
the things that young Americans, professionals recognize that the country
needed to do.
[TIME: 2245]
It is almost as if the ideas
that we are espousing have caught up with the government, and they are
now wanting to implement it. I think that is really courageous of the
government because, obviously, if they just went out and said all we want
to do is get money for military purposes to eradicate the drug program,
I think the countries would be more interested, but they are going far
beyond it.
They are looking into programs
that would, and I have a list here just asking for $50 million for the
year 2000 for the Agency of International Development in the area of human
rights to do things like train judicial officials so that they can investigate
and prosecute on human rights claims.
One can have violations of
human rights, but if one does not have the ability to document them and
one does not have the ability and the court, get access to the court and
standing before the court, have a court that is honest, a system that,
indeed, will listen to the law and listen to the facts and then will sentence
people and hold them in sentence and not let them off, this is all a process
where the ability is there, but not necessarily a comprehensive training
of how one puts it all together.
[Page: H12099]
Ms. BALDWIN. Mr. Speaker, I remember learning about this issue of impugnity
that perhaps is a foreign notion here in the United States. But in the
past, in Colombia, and they are under way to reform this, if, for example,
a military official engaged in an egregious human rights violation, they
would be tried in a sort of military court. The judges were hired by the
people that they were then trying. The relationship was such that almost
always people were let off the hook, almost always. This is now beginning
to change, which does give us tremendous hope for the future.
The congress of Colombia has
now passed a law that would put teeth in the military judicial system
and hold military officials accountable if they were found to have engaged
in human rights violations. So it is a very positive step forward. But
I think for many of us in the United States who expect the rule of law,
it is confusing to hear the people who conducted massacres might not even
be held accountable, might not even be discharged from their job, let
alone imprisoned and held accountable for their actions.
Mr. FARR of California. Mr.
Speaker, will the gentlewoman yield?
Ms. BALDWIN. I yield to the
gentleman from California.
Mr. FARR of California. Mr.
Speaker, it is very hard, I do not know, we can imagine it, but it is
very hard to sort of project this on another country, because we take
it so much for granted. We feel secure in our workplace. We feel secure
in our communities. Now, there is always exceptions to that with crime,
but we do not wake up every morning thinking today is the day something
awful is going to happen to me or my child or my spouse when they go to
But in Colombia, that happens.
There is not a sense of individual security. One is not secure in one's
workplace. One is not secure on the street. If one does have money or
resources one will be a target of, perhaps, kidnapping. People know who
the people are with wealth. If one has wealth, one has to hide it, or
one lives a prisoner of one's wealth. One cannot really go out and enjoy
I had friends who told me
that their children were in school, and they would get a picture, like
picture postcards with the crosshairs of a rifle on their children's faces
as they exited school, meaning that somebody had taken a picture of these
children through a scope of a rifle, showing that they know what school
they are going to, when they are getting out, and that they could shoot
them at any time they wanted to. If that does not strike fear into a family.
So what happens is if one
does have means, one wants to leave. That is the worst thing that can
happen to a country is to take the talent, the educated talent, and leave,
because it takes a dedication of a total society.
One of the things that you
did not mention that I think I am so impressed with is just, what, 2 weeks
ago, Colombia, in a demonstration of its own self, of its country, asked
people to march in a march they called No Mas. They did it, I believe,
in eight of the major cities in Colombia. Anywhere between, depending
on the count, 6 to 10 million people marched. That is one in about every
eight persons or less that lives in Colombia.
No other country in the world,
to my knowledge, has ever turned out that many people to march in protest
of what is occurring to the society. I think we ought to be very encouraged
as Americans that Colombians feel strong enough about the problems in
their country that they are willing to demonstrate in that type of fashion,
in a peaceful fashion, with so many people. I do not think we have ever
had a demonstration in the United States, and we are a much bigger country,
of that many people.
Ms. BALDWIN. Mr. Speaker,
the story that I remember so vividly about the lack of security in all
realms of life is, when I visited a banana plantation in the areas outside
of Portado, Colombia. I remember seeing graffiti spray-painted on one
of the buildings on the plantation and asking what the, I could not read
the language, and asking what it said. It was graffiti in this case from
one of the guerilla organizations.
I asked, what would happen
if one simply painted over this? The graffiti was beckoning to the workers
at the plantation to join the FARC. I said, what would happen if one spray-painted
this? Well, the next week, the paramilitary forces might come through,
and if the spray paint is still there, they will be accused of being sympathizers
for not having painted over it. But on the other hand, if they paint over
it and get rid of the graffiti, the guerillas might come through and also
intimidate these individuals as being sympathizers with the paramilitary
So you have a group of civilians
literally in the crossfire of a civil war in a country who go to work,
and one knows their buildings have been essentially tagged by these forces,
one side or the other, and know that they are so close to, perhaps, being
kidnapped or being sent away. This is a daily thing that these people
live with.
So when the gentleman talks
about the peace rally with, I have heard, up to 10 million people marching
in cities across Colombia, the courage that it took to protest openly,
to march for peace, no more openly, is remarkable because the consequences
are so high.
Well, one of the things that
I got a chance to do as a county board official when I first traveled
to Colombia was to meet other local officials, many who had run for office
with a real commitment to peace and had done things like inviting warring
factions to speak, and how many of these individuals risked assassination.
I thought, what amazing courage it took for somebody to run for local
office in parts of Colombia that we could not fathom here the courage
that that would take.
So this march for peace was
quite remarkable at the beginning stages of the peace talks in Colombia
that Pastrana is leading.
Mr. FARR of California. Mr.
Speaker, will the gentlewoman yield?
Ms. BALDWIN. I yield to the
gentleman from California.
Mr. FARR of California. Mr.
Speaker, I have a question, and it is a question that I think we both
know the answer to, but it bears asking, and that is: Why should the American
public care about Colombia? It is one of many countries in Latin America.
It is historically very dear, I think, to our country. Our President Kennedy
traveled to Bogota. The airport was named after him. Many schools were
named after the President.
It is a country that has had
a lot of people come to the United States to be educated. I think there
is about almost a half a million Colombians living in the greater Washington
area. I mean, there is a lot of connection.
But for those people in the
gentlewoman's State and in my State of California, or others around who
are listening to this and who are watching Congress in its foreign aid
appropriations who are saying, well, we have enough problems here in the
United States, why should we give any money to a country overseas and
particularly one country that is producing all of these drugs that we
seem to be addicted to? Why should we be helping them at all?
Ms. BALDWIN. Mr. Speaker,
well, for me, in many ways it is an easy question because I have had the
opportunity to get to know people there, leaders there, people with great
hope, not only for their country, but for co-existence in a more peaceful
world. We are large trading partners in the sense that the agricultural
products of Colombia, and I am not talking about illegal ones, I am talking
about coffee, bananas, and many other products, are so important.
One of the exciting things
for our local community when we first decided to adopt or be adopted by
a Colombian community when we started this sister community project, and
I know there are so many across the country now, there are many communities
across the United States that have sister communities in Colombia, that
we found all the similarities.
I come from an agricultural
State. We are partnered and have a sister community with the banana growing
region, which actually is not one of the major drug-producing areas of
Colombia, but, yet, still faces some of the violence that we have been
talking about, a lot of the violence. It is an area that has absorbed
a large group of refugees. It is an area struggling for a more fair division
of wealth.
I described before the ownership
of vast amounts of land by one or two landlords. They are struggling to
start collectives. So we had experts from Wisconsin in the cooperative
movement, electrical co-ops, credit unions, et cetera, go and advise people
in Colombia on
how they can set up collectives
to prosper. Those type of ties for me, all aside from the very important
issue of fighting drug addiction and drug abuse, call for us to care about
what happens there.
[Page: H12100]
Mr. FARR of California. Mr. Speaker, I am very pleased to hear that. Colombians
are very entrepreneurial. As the gentlewoman talked about agriculture,
the one thing that has really hit our district probably more so than drugs
is how successful the Colombians have been in growing flowers.
I represent an area in California
which has a substantial number of flower growers, and they are really
hurt by the Colombian imports. I mean, it is a good news-bad news story.
It is a good news for Colombia that they have been able to be so successful
that they have a $4 million export business to the United States and have
80 percent of the entire U.S. market for cut flowers. We have given them
free rein to have that because we do not charge them any tariffs where
we do charge other countries.
So it is good news for them
and it has been bad news for our flower growers. Hopefully, we can negotiate
with Colombia and make some differences about that.
Ms. BALDWIN. Mr. Speaker,
that offers another example of a way we can also be very helpful to Colombia,
because when I visited the flower-growing region, a carnation-growing
region, I had the chance to speak with a number of the workers who were
trying to organize, trying to address a number of worker-related issues
that I think it would make a big difference to people here in the United
States, particularly, the labor conditions and issues of use of pesticides,
to make sure that we promote trade in a way that helps the Colombian worker
as well as the U.S. worker.
When we have discussions about
NAFTA and GATT and expansion of trade agreements, and of course NAFTA
does not include Colombia, but there are people talking all the time about
global trade, we have a capacity because they are trading partners, to
help address some serious issues of abuse of labor that ought to concern
us all.
Mr. FARR of California. Mr.
Speaker, we are going to have a chance to do that in the year 2001. The
Andean Trade Pact, which gives these preference trade agreements to the
Andean countries, will be up for renewal, and we will be able to have
the ability to negotiate on that.
I look forward to some hard,
tough negotiations. Hopefully, we can improve the condition of the working
class in these countries, the Andean countries, and particularly, I think,
help some of our flower growers that are struggling as well.
Another interesting thing
about Colombia that many people do not think about, I just got some facts
today that today there are 25,000 American citizens who live in Colombia.
From October 1997 to September 1998, more than 158,000 Americans visited
Colombia. Currently, we have 250 private American businesses that are
registered in Colombia.
There is a strong American-Colombian
connection, despite all of the violence and problems that have been going
on. The key that we are here tonight on the floor talking about is how
do we move beyond this impasse. Colombia has come to us and said we want
to move on. We want to move significantly further than we have ever been
before in all kinds of reforms. We need the aid of the United States.
We have a plan. It is a well-thought-out plan. It has been applauded wherever
it has been presented as a comprehensive plan, as a plan that could work.
But there is no free lunch.
Colombians are asking us, as well as the Europeans and other countries,
to help finance that plan.
[TIME: 2300]
Because as the gentlewoman
mentioned, they are in a historically deep recession right now, and no
country in conditions like that can pull out of that without some international
And so as we approach how
we are going to bail out Colombia, what we have to break here in Congress
is the stranglehold that has said the only way we are going to help Colombia
is to give them Blackhawk helicopters, more money for military, more national
police money. It may be that some of that is essential, but that is not
the whole package. And Colombians keep reminding us that is not all that
we have asked for, we have asked for a lot of other help that is essential.
Because none of the aid to the military for suppression of drugs will
work unless the rest of the country is brought up on its feet.
Ms. BALDWIN. And, in fact,
there is certainly some sobering statistics that we have heard in terms
of the effectiveness of some of our targeted expenditures in Colombia
before. Drug production is up markedly, even though U.S. military assistance
and police assistance has been increased. And that is obviously not the
direction that we want to go.
And as people who are truly
concerned about the problem of drug abuse and drug addiction, we want
our resources to be used effectively. I believe in so doing what we will
recognize is that the problems in Colombia are truly interrelated, and
achieving peace, and achieving a more balanced economy, and achieving
a greater rate of employment in Colombia, achieving all those things will
truly help us reduce the production of drugs and the importation of drugs
and the drug trafficking, and thereby decreasing violence, and that that
is where we have to push our U.S. policy.
Now, I am still not sure when
we are going to have this grand debate on the floor of the U.S. House
of Representatives. I know that there was some suspicion that we might
be having this debate yet this fall, but it appears that it is a debate
that will be deferred until the early months of next year. We have heard
of a variety of proposals. There is a bill in the other body that has
been put forward. There has been discussion in this House of proposals.
Different parts of the administration have talked about different ways
of providing increased funding to Colombia.
I think my strongest concern
is that we not oversimplify the problem there; that in a combined and
dedicated effort to really respond to a drug crisis, that we do so in
the most effective way possible, using our resources as best we can, and
that that, in this case, probably means responding to poverty and investing
in economic development, helping rebuild a responsive judicial system.
It is, as the gentleman indicated, not merely a matter of providing more
guns and helicopters and sending more people through the School of the
Americas, and simply a matter of almost engaging in part of their civil
war; that, instead, it is a much more comprehensive and complex strategy
that we must engage in.
Mr. FARR of California. Has
the gentlewoman not been impressed with the number of organizations, nongovernmental
organizations, the human rights organizations, the number of active missions,
of technicians, of people, as the gentlewoman talked about, who are just
skilled farmers or skilled nurses, people who would really want to help
Colombia? I think if we can make this country safe to return to, we will
see an outpouring of Americans. It is such a beautiful country. There
is so much possibility there. And I just think that we in Congress have
to provide the resources to make this possible.
My daughter is 21 years old.
I would hate to think
that there is any place in
the world that she cannot as an American citizen go and be safe in, and
particularly in a country which her father spent two of the most marvelous
years of his life as a Peace Corps volunteer. Yet my wife and others do
not think it is safe for her to go down there, particularly alone. It
may be, but the perception is that it is not. And that is a tragedy, that
we have a country that we are so close to and people that we have had
such a long historical relationship with and a country that has probably
been historically the strongest democracy in Latin America that our own
children cannot feel safe to visit or study in their schools.
I hope that those of us who
are Members of Congress who care about this will have the ability to do
something about it in a very short time.
[Page: H12101]
Ms. BALDWIN. Mr. Speaker, I am delighted that the gentleman was able to
join in this discussion. I think it is a very important discussion. I
suspect that the next special order will carry on with a similar concern
about fighting drug abuse and drug addiction in this country and talking
about those efforts. And I certainly want to be one to reach out to both
sides of the aisle, to reach over to the other body, to work with the
administration, and certainly to keep in close contact with the people
of Colombia who can, I think, inform this debate and help us find true
solutions to real problems. And I very much thank the gentleman for joining
in this with me.
Mr. FARR of California. Well,
Mr. Speaker, I thank the gentlewoman for scheduling this hour, and I would
encourage everyone who has listened to this, who cares about Colombia,
to petition and to write the President, to let the President of the United
States know that it is important for the President to make Colombia a
high priority, not just Members of Congress. And also to remind us that
we, as Americans, are part of the problem. Because we are the buyers of
the illicit drugs that are coming out of Colombia. If there was no market,
there would be very little production. We need to take some responsibility
for that as well.
As of March 13, 2000, this
document is also available at http://thomas.loc.gov/cgi-bin/query/z?r106:H16NO9-1185: