Colleague" letter from Reps. Marcy Kaptur (D-Ohio) and Janice Schakowsky
(D-Illinois), May 21, 2002
21, 2002
Support the Kaptur-Schakowsky
Pipeline Amendment
Americans should
not be forced to pay for the protection of pipelines abroad. We must act
now to defeat this dangerous and wasteful pipeline protection proposal.
Dear Colleague:
Later this week,
we will offer an amendment to the Supplemental Appropriations bill to
strike the unprecedented $6 million down payment to the Colombian army
to protect the Cano Limon oil pipeline operated by U.S. based Occidental
Petroleum (Oxy), along with Repsol (a Spanish-Argentine combine) and Ecopetrol,
which is owned by the government of Colombia.
The $6 million is
the first installment in the Administration's $104 million scheme to pay
the Colombian army to guard the Cano Limon oil pipeline that has been
attacked repeatedly in Colombia's 38-year long civil war.
Occidental Petroleum
has earned profits of more than $2.5 billion in the last two years. Why
should Americans foot the bill for this multinational giant?
This gift to Big
Oil is a waste of taxpayers' money and will only lead to other Big Oil
giants lining up for similar corporate handouts. Where do we draw the
The army brigade
to be trained with these funds will protect a pipeline that, when operational,
pumps about 35 million barrels per year. This adds up to $3 per barrel
in costs to U.S. taxpayers to protect a pipeline for which Occidental
currently pays security costs of about 50 cents per barrel.
Moreover, as Occidental
Oil spokesman Larry Meriage admitted before Congress in February 2000,
"the pipeline is 483 miles long, and so there aren't enough troops
in all of Colombia to protect that pipeline along its corridor."
If the $6 million
is provided now, it will be extremely difficult to stop the $98 million
later on when the FY03 Foreign Operations bill is debated.
We urge you to vote
YES on our amendment. Please contact Julie Little with Rep. Kaptur (5-4146)
or Jon Samuels (5-2111) with Rep. Schakowsky for additional information
or with any questions.
s/: Marcy Kaptur
s/: Jan Schakowsky
Member of Congress Member of Congress