Last Updated:6/19/02
Conferees for H.R. 4775, the 2002 Emergency Supplemental Appropriations Act

House Republicans:

C.W. Bill Young (R-St. Petersburg, FL)
House Appropriations Commitee chairman
Voted against the McGovern-Skelton amendment to stop expansion in military aid to Colombia during the House debate in May
2407 Rayburn House Office Building
Phone: (202) 225-5961; Fax: 225-9764
ADA Liberal Quotient: 5%; ACU Conservative Rating: 72%
Ralph Regula (R-Canton, OH)
Voted against the McGovern-Skelton amendment to stop expansion in military aid to Colombia during the House debate in May
2306 Rayburn House Office Building
Phone: (202) 225-3876; Fax: 225-3059
ADA Liberal Quotient: 10%; ACU Conservative Rating: 76%
Jerry Lewis (R-Redlands, CA)
House Appropriations Committee Defense Subcommittee chairman
Voted against the McGovern-Skelton amendment to stop expansion in military aid to Colombia during the House debate in May
2112 Rayburn House Office Building
Phone: (202) 225-5861; Fax: 225-6498
ADA Liberal Quotient: 0%; ACU Conservative Rating: 64%
Harold Rogers (R-Somerest, KY)
Voted against the McGovern-Skelton amendment to stop expansion in military aid to Colombia during the House debate in May
2406 Rayburn House Office Building
Phone: (202) 225-4601; Fax: 225-0940
ADA Liberal Quotient: 5%; ACU Conservative Rating: 80%
Joe Skeen (R-Las Cruces, NM)
Voted against the McGovern-Skelton amendment to stop expansion in military aid to Colombia during the House debate in May
2302 Rayburn House Office Building
Phone: (202) 225-2365; Fax: not public
ADA Liberal Quotient: 0%; ACU Conservative Rating: 84%
Frank R. Wolf (R - Herndon, VA)
Voted against the McGovern-Skelton amendment to stop expansion in military aid to Colombia during the House debate in May
241 Cannon House Office Building
Phone: (202) 225-5136; Fax: 225-0437
ADA Liberal Quotient: 10%; ACU Conservative Rating: 72%

Jim Kolbe (R - Tucson, AZ)
House Appropriations Committee Foreign Operations Subcommittee chairman
Voted against the McGovern-Skelton amendment to stop expansion in military aid to Colombia during the House debate in May
2266 Rayburn House Office Building
Phone: (202) 225-2542; Fax: 225-0378
ADA Liberal Quotient: 20%; ACU Conservative Rating: 68%

Sonny Callahan (R-Mobile, AL)
Voted against the McGovern-Skelton amendment to stop expansion in military aid to Colombia during the House debate in May
2372 Rayburn House Office Building
Phone: (202) 225-4931; Fax: 225-0562
ADA Liberal Quotient: 0%; ACU Conservative Rating: 69%
James T. Walsh (R - Cortland, NY)
Voted against the McGovern-Skelton amendment to stop expansion in military aid to Colombia during the House debate in May
2351 Rayburn House Office Building
Phone: (202) 225-3701; Fax: 225-4042
ADA Liberal Quotient: 20%; ACU Conservative Rating: 56%

Charles H. Taylor (R - Asheville, NC)
Voted against the McGovern-Skelton amendment to stop expansion in military aid to Colombia during the House debate in May
231 Cannon House Office Building
Phone: (202) 225-6401; Fax: not public
ADA Liberal Quotient: 5%; ACU Conservative Rating: 92%

David Hobson (R - Springfield, OH)
Voted against the McGovern-Skelton amendment to stop expansion in military aid to Colombia during the House debate in May
1514 Longworth House Office Building
Phone: (202) 225-4324; Fax: 225-1984
ADA Liberal Quotient: 0%; ACU Conservative Rating: 72%
Ernest Istook (R - Oklahoma City, OK)
Voted against the McGovern-Skelton amendment to stop expansion in military aid to Colombia during the House debate in May
2404 Rayburn House Office Building
Phone: (202) 225-2132; Fax: 226-1463
ADA Liberal Quotient: 5%; ACU Conservative Rating: 90%
Henry Bonilla (R - San Antonio, TX)
Voted against the McGovern-Skelton amendment to stop expansion in military aid to Colombia during the House debate in May
2458 Rayburn House Office Building
Phone: (202) 225-4511; Fax: 225-2237
ADA Liberal Quotient: 0%; ACU Conservative Rating: 82%
Joseph Knollenberg (R - Farmington Hills, MI)
Voted against the McGovern-Skelton amendment to stop expansion in military aid to Colombia during the House debate in May
2349 Rayburn House Office Building
Phone: (202) 225-5802; Fax: 226-2356
ADA Liberal Quotient: 0%; ACU Conservative Rating: 80%

House Democrats:

David R. Obey (D-Wausau, WI)
House Appropriations Committee ranking Democrat

Voted against the McGovern-Skelton amendment to stop expansion in military aid to Colombia during the House debate in May
2314 Rayburn House Office Building
Phone: (202) 225-3365; Fax: not public
ADA Liberal Quotient: 95%; ACU Conservative Rating: 4%

John P. Murtha (D - Johnstown, PA)
House Appropriations Committee Defense Subcommittee ranking Democrat
Voted for the McGovern-Skelton amendment to stop expansion in military aid to Colombia during the House debate in May
2423 Rayburn House Office Building
Phone: (202) 225-2065; Fax: 225-5709
ADA Liberal Quotient: 55%; ACU Conservative Rating: 24%

Norman Dicks (D - Tacoma, WA)
Voted for the McGovern-Skelton amendment to stop expansion in military aid to Colombia during the House debate in May2467 Rayburn House Office Building
Phone: (202) 225-5916; Fax: 226-1176
ADA Liberal Quotient: 80%; ACU Conservative Rating: 8%
Martin Olav Sabo (D - Minneapolis, MN)
Voted for the McGovern-Skelton amendment to stop expansion in military aid to Colombia during the House debate in May2467 Rayburn House Office Building
2336 Rayburn House Office Building
Phone: (202) 225-4755; Fax: 225-4886
ADA Liberal Quotient: 100%; ACU Conservative Rating: 0%
Steny H. Hoyer (D - Waldorf, MD)
Voted for the McGovern-Skelton amendment to stop expansion in military aid to Colombia during the House debate in May2467 Rayburn House Office Building
1705 Longworth House Office Building
Phone: (202) 225-4131; Fax: 225-4300
ADA Liberal Quotient: 80%; ACU Conservative Rating: 12%
Alan B. Mollohan (D - Clarksburg, WV)
Voted for the McGovern-Skelton amendment to stop expansion in military aid to Colombia during the House debate in May2467 Rayburn House Office Building
2346 Rayburn House Office Building
Phone: (202) 225-4172; Fax: 225-7564
ADA Liberal Quotient: 60%; ACU Conservative Rating: 28%
Marcy Kaptur (D-Toledo, OH)
Voted for the McGovern-Skelton amendment to stop expansion in military aid to Colombia during the House debate in May2467 Rayburn House Office Building
2366 Rayburn House Office Building
Phone: (202) 225-4146; Fax: 225-7711
ADA Liberal Quotient: 75%; ACU Conservative Rating: 18%
Peter J. Visclosky (D - Gary, IN)
Voted for the McGovern-Skelton amendment to stop expansion in military aid to Colombia during the House debate in May2467 Rayburn House Office Building
2313 Rayburn House Office Building
Phone: (202) 225-2461; Fax: 225-2493
ADA Liberal Quotient: 75%; ACU Conservative Rating: 12%
Nita M. Lowey (D - White Plains, NY)
House Appropriations Committee Foreign Operations Subcommittee ranking Democrat

Voted against the McGovern-Skelton amendment to stop expansion in military aid to Colombia during the House debate in May
2329 Rayburn House Office Building
Phone: (202) 225-6506; Fax: 225-0546
ADA Liberal Quotient: 75%; ACU Conservative Rating: 9%
Jose Serrano (D - Bronx, NY)
Voted for the McGovern-Skelton amendment to stop expansion in military aid to Colombia during the House debate in May
2342 Rayburn House Office Building
Phone: (202) 225-4361; Fax: 225-6001
ADA Liberal Quotient: 90%; ACU Conservative Rating: 0%
John W. Olver (D - Holyoke, MA)
Voted for the McGovern-Skelton amendment to stop expansion in military aid to Colombia during the House debate in May
1027 Longworth House Office Building
Phone: (202) 225-5335; Fax: 226-1224
ADA Liberal Quotient: 90%; ACU Conservative Rating: 4%

Senate Democrats:

Robert Byrd (D-WV)
Senate Appropriations Committee chairman
Office location: 517 Hart SOB
Phone: 202-224-5274 / Fax: 305-530-7100
ADA Liberal Quotient: 80 / ACU Conservative Rating: 20
Daniel Inouye (D-HI)
Office location: 825 Hart SOB
Phone: 202-224-3154 / Fax: 919-856-4245
ADA Liberal Quotient: 95 / ACU Conservative Rating: 0
Ernest Hollings (D-SC)
Office location: 487 Russell SOB
Phone: 202-224-6253 / Fax: 601-965-4644
ADA Liberal Quotient: 85 / ACU Conservative Rating: 12
Patrick Leahy (D-VT)
Senate Foreign Operations Appropriations Subcommittee chairman
Office location: 703 Hart SOB
Phone: 202-224-5521 / Fax: 505-988-6647
ADA Liberal Quotient: 95 / ACU Conservative Rating: 4
Tom Harkin (D-IA)
Office location: 136 Hart SOB
Phone: 202-224-5641 / Fax: 651-645-0323
ADA Liberal Quotient: 100 / ACU Conservative Rating: 4
Barbara Mikulski (D-MD)
Office location: 133 Hart SOB
Phone: 202-224-5754 / Fax: 405-231-4941
ADA Liberal Quotient: 100 / ACU Conservative Rating: 4
Harry Reid (D-NV)
Office location: 320 Hart SOB
Phone: 202-224-4642 / Fax: 401-943-3100
ADA Liberal Quotient: 90 / ACU Conservative Rating: 12
Herbert Kohl (D-WI)
Office location: 393 Russell SOB
Phone: 202-224-3324 / Fax: 603-225-7115
Patty Murray (D-WA)
Office location: 120 Russell SOB
Phone: 202-224-6324 / Fax: 412-562-0533
ADA Liberal Quotient: 100 / ACU Conservative Rating: 4
Byron Dorgan (D-ND)
Office location: 302 Hart SOB
Phone: 202-224-4774 / Fax: 785-295-2745
ADA Liberal Quotient: 95 / ACU Conservative Rating: 12
Dianne Feinstein (D-CA)
Office location: 503 Hart SOB
Phone: 202-224-4623 / Fax: 504-589-2531
ADA Liberal Quotient: 100 / ACU Conservative Rating: 4
Richard Durbin (D-IL)
Office location: 303 Hart SOB
Phone: 202-224-6521 / Fax: 913-492-6378
ADA Liberal Quotient: 100 / ACU Conservative Rating: 4
Tim P. Johnson (D-SD)
Office location: 713 Hart SOB
Phone: 202-224-2551 / Fax: 701-250-4618
ADA Liberal Quotient: 95 / ACU Conservative Rating: 8
Mary Landrieu (D-LA)
Office location: 113 Dirksen SOB
Phone: 202-224-3224 / Fax: 973-624-5555
ADA Liberal Quotient: 95 / ACU Conservative Rating: 4
John F. 'Jack' Reed (D-RI)
Office location: 505 Dirksen SOB
Phone: 202-224-2921 / Fax: 401-528-5294
ADA Liberal Quotient: 100 / ACU Conservative Rating: 4

Senate Republicans:

Ted Stevens (R-AK)
Senate Appropriations Commitee ranking member
Office location: 433 Russell SOB
Phone: 202-224-4242 / Fax: 802-863-2525
ADA Liberal Quotient: 10 / ACU Conservative Rating: 84
Thad Cochran (R-MS)
Office location: 720 Hart SOB
Phone: 202-224-6361 / Fax: 808-522-8970
ADA Liberal Quotient: 0 / ACU Conservative Rating: 84
Arlen Specter (R-PA)
Office location: 728 Hart SOB
Phone: 202-224-5141 / Fax: 802-658-6001
ADA Liberal Quotient: 40 / ACU Conservative Rating: 48
Pete Domenici (R-NM)
Office location: 306 Hart SOB
Phone: 202-224-4814 / Fax: 317-226-5555
ADA Liberal Quotient: 5 / ACU Conservative Rating: 88
Christopher "Kit" Bond (R-MO)
Office location: 331 Hart SOB
Phone: 202-224-3841 / Fax: 619-231-9712
ADA Liberal Quotient: 0 / ACU Conservative Rating: 84
Mitch McConnell (R-KY)
Foreign Operations Appropriations Subcommittee ranking member
Office location: 453 Russell SOB
Phone: 202-224-4721 / Fax: 918-748-5111
ADA Liberal Quotient: 0 / ACU Conservative Rating: 84

Conrad Burns (R-MT)
Office location: 104 Hart SOB
Phone: 202-224-2441 / Fax: 302-573-6291
ADA Liberal Quotient: 0 / ACU Conservative Rating: 96

Richard Shelby (R-AL)
Office location: 431 Dirksen SOB
Phone: 202-224-5444 / Fax: 801-524-5933
ADA Liberal Quotient: 10 / ACU Conservative Rating: 84
Judd Gregg (R-NH)
Office location: 459 Russell SOB
Phone: 202-224-6221 / Fax: 313-226-6020
ADA Liberal Quotient: 0 / ACU Conservative Rating: 91
Robert Bennett (R-UT)
Office location: 724 Hart SOB
Phone: 202-224-4521 / Fax: 602-840-1891
ADA Liberal Quotient: 0 / ACU Conservative Rating: 84
Ben Nighthorse Campbell (R-CO)
Office location: 524 Hart SOB
Phone: 202-224-3041 / Fax: 305-536-7293
ADA Liberal Quotient: 15 / ACU Conservative Rating: 88
Larry Craig (R-ID)
Office location: 111 Russell SOB
Phone: 202-224-6142 / Fax: 208-455-0360
ADA Liberal Quotient: 0 / ACU Conservative Rating: 96
Kay Bailey Hutchison (R-TX)
Office location: 187 Dirksen SOB
Phone: 202-224-2644 / Fax: 406-449-5401
ADA Liberal Quotient: 0 / ACU Conservative Rating: 88

Mike DeWine (R-OH)
Office location: 364 Russell SOB
Phone: 202-224-2152 / Fax: 217-492-4062
ADA Liberal Quotient: 10 / ACU Conservative Rating: 84

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