Last Updated:4/18/03
Letter from Reps. Tom Davis (R-Virginia) and Mark Souder (R-Indiana), April 3, 2003

April 3, 2003.

DEAR COLLEAGUE: We strongly encourage you to oppose the McGovern Amendment to cut vitally needed assistance to Colombia and the Andean region. In a time of war, withdrawing American aid to help end political instability and conflict in our own hemisphere is shortsighted and against our national interests for several reasons:

  • Colombian Instability Directly Threatens U.S. National Security: Political violence and instability in Colombia threatens the security of the United States as much as the instability in Iraq for which America is now engaged in war. Three Americans have been held hostage in Colombia since January by the FARC, which the State Department has designated as a foreign terrorist organization. Other major groups fighting against the democratically elected Government of Colombia have also been designated as terrorist organizations. Public reports recently revealed that Osama bin Laden had visited the tri-border region in South America to meet with terrorists. The supplemental funding is directed to a serious and proven national security threat in America's own hemisphere.
  • Drug Eradication Efforts Are Succeeding: Nearly 20,000 Americans die each year of drug-induced causes--substantially more than the toll terrorism has taken in the United States to date. Last month, official estimates from both the CIA and the United Nations indicated that the coca crop in Colombia had declined substantially for the first time in years--as a direct result of U.S.-funded drug control programs. Our efforts have finally reached a turning point, and it would be foolhardy to cut off the program just as it is beginning to succeed.
  • Domestic Preparedness Funding Is Currently Available: Currently appropriated funding is already available for assistance in first responders and has not yet been obligated.
  • Plan Colombia Aids Human Rights: The State Department's annual Human Rights report this week examined violations of human rights on all sides of the complex conflict in Colombia. American assistance through Plan Colombia addresses human rights issues by providing $230 million in aid to directly improve human rights and administration of justice, preserve the environment, and foster economic development. Further, by bolstering political stability and the acceleration of peace in Colombia American assistance aims to end the root conflicts driving human rights violations. To withdraw aid from Colombia will cause more, not less, violence and more, not less, violations of human rights.

We strongly encourage you to oppose the McGovern Amendment.


Tom Davis,

Mark E. Souder,
Chairman, Subcommittee on Criminal Justice, Drug Policy and Human Resources.

As of April 18, 2003, this document was also available online at http://thomas.loc.gov/cgi-bin/query/B?r108:@FIELD(FLD003+h)+@FIELD(DDATE+20030403)

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