by Rep. Cass Ballenger (R-North Carolina), March 9, 2000
FOR COLOMBIA (House of Representatives - March 09, 2000)
[Page: H760]
(Mr. BALLENGER asked and was given permission to address the House for
1 minute.)
Mr. BALLENGER. Mr. Speaker,
there are those who compare providing aid to Colombia to providing aid
to Vietnam. This is an expected but faulty comparison.
Unlike Vietnam, the consequences
for failure in Colombia will not be another fallen domino in a far-off
land. It will be more drug-related deaths in our own streets among our
own children. Without immediate action on the proposed aid package to
Colombia, the drug lords will continue, largely unimpeded, to produce
and distribute their deadly drugs which kill almost as many American kids
and young adults each year as died in Vietnam. That, Mr. Speaker, should
be a wake-up call.
Because Colombia is right
here in our own hemisphere and not halfway around the world, what happens
there will affect us more profoundly than what happened in Vietnam. The
fact that Colombia is only 4 hours away by plane and can be reached by
a car or truck, it becomes that much more important for us to help the
country fight the narco-terrorists. The drugs which enter the United States
each day from Colombia are far more of a threat to our national security
than any Communist regime in Southeast Asia.
As of March 13, 2000, this
document is also available at http://thomas.loc.gov/cgi-bin/query/z?r106:H09MR0-25: