Colombia and its Consequences in Ecuador," Ecumenical Commission
on Human Rights (Ecuador), March 16, 2001
information about the two nations
1,200,000 km2
283,600 km2
41.5 million
13 million
growth rate
Life expectancy
70 years
70 years
Urban population
From 57% in
1951 to 74% in 1994
Type of
Andrés Pastrana,
elected in 1998
Gustavo Noboa,
in power since 2000
$88.6 billion*
$18.7 billion
Annual growth
GDP per
Main exports
Oil, coffee,
coal, bananas, flowers
Oil, bananas,
sea products, coffee
Not available
56% (1999),
3.5 million indigents (The estimate for 2001 is 70%.)
of industry
(% of GDP)
14.1% agriculture
and mining, 24.4% industry, 61.5% finance and services
12% agriculture
and mining, 32.7% industry, 55.2% finance and services
value of debt
$34.2 billion
$14.2 billion
Since 1998,
600,000 Colombians have been displaced due to internal conflicts
(317,000 in 2000). In the year 2000, 15,000 left Colombia.
In the year
2000, 300,000 people left Ecuador in search of better economic conditions.
*Data obtained from
the World Bank development report and other sources. All data is from
the year 2000 unless otherwise noted.
Historical background
of the Colombian conflict
In order to understand
Plan Colombia and the events leading up to its creation, it is important
to have a basic understanding of Colombia's history, especially the last
100 years. A brief study of this period reveals the reasons why the country
has been suffering from extremely violent episodes that have wreaked havoc
on its social, cultural and economic conditions.
Toward the end of
the 19th century, Colombia’s economic and political stability
was disturbed by conflicts between the two ruling parties (Conservatives
and Liberals), which erupted in "The War of a Thousand Days"
(1899 to 1902). The war, which claimed an estimated 100,000 lives, only
brought temporary peace. In the late 1940s and 1950s, three times that
number died during a period known as "La Violencia".
The end of "La
Violencia" came with the issuance of the "Declaration of Sitges"
(1958), in which the Conservative and the Liberal party agreed to govern
jointly as part of the National Front in order to keep the political and
economic power in the hands of both political parties. The National Front
government, aided by the Alliance for Progress (an inter-American program
of economic assistance, which began in the 1960s), implemented social,
political and economic reforms, established a political bipartisan system
and drafted a new constitution.
Unfortunately, this
did not solve the country's woes, and social injustice continued, especially
affecting the middle and the lower economic classes. The resulting dissatisfaction
manifested itself in the establishment and growth of guerrilla groups
formed by liberal and communist ideologues and common citizens. Between
1964 and the 1970s, the groups consolidated to form four main guerrilla
groups: "Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia" (FARC), "National
Liberation Army" (ELN), "Popular Liberation Army" (EPL)
and "M-19" (“April 19 Movement”, which later became a political
party). Violence increased as the Colombian government, aided by the U.S.,
mobilized itself against these groups.
During a downturn
in the economy in the late 1970's, guerrilla warfare escalated and the
Colombian government passed legislation that gave more freedom to the
military, which unleashed a wave of generalized repression. Disappearances,
torture, and political assassinations became common.
Between 1980 and
1982, several guerrilla groups participated in the kidnappings and killings
of prominent and wealthy Colombian citizens, as well as the 1980 takeover
of the Embassy of the Dominican Republic. Between 1982 and 1984, a handful
of economically and politically influential citizens whose family members
had been victimized by the guerrillas decided to take the law into their
own hands and formed counter-guerrilla groups, which came to be known
as paramilitary forces. Among the most prominent of these original groups
were "Death to Kidnappers" (MAS) and "Peasants Self-Defense
Units of Córdova and Urabá" (ACCU). Today the national paramilitary
organization, headed by Carlos Castaño, is called the United Self-Defense
Units of Colombia (AUC).
The official origin
of the paramilitaries dates back to the mid-60s when the Colombian government
legalized civilian armament in order to counter guerrilla warfare. In
1989, however, the groups were made illegal and the government tried to
disarm them, albeit unsuccessfully. The paramilitary groups grew in strength
with the support of wealthy citizens, the drug industry and the unofficial
aid and cooperation of the Colombian military, which considered them collaborators
in the struggle against the guerrillas.
All three armed groups
in Colombia - the paramilitaries, the guerrillas and the state's military
forces - are known to be responsible, either directly or indirectly, for
thousands of human rights violations each year, and the numbers are rising.
Ten years ago, there were 100 reported kidnappings in Colombia; last year,
3706 were reported, according to "País Libre," a Colombian human
rights organization. It is estimated that guerrillas carry out 75% of
the kidnappings, while 10% are committed by paramilitaries. However, 80%
of the total number of human rights violations in 2000 were attributed
to the paramilitaries (mainly murders and displacements), who often work
in tandem with the military. In the last decade, the groups were responsible
for an estimated 35,000 murders, many of which took place in the form
of massacres. Unfortunately, several attempts to end the violence by holding
negotiation sessions and signing peace treaties with the guerrillas and
paramilitary groups have failed.
The Colombian drug
trade has a 40-year history. As in most Latin American countries, drugs
grown in Colombia date back to pre-colonial times when the autochthonous
plants were used in traditional ceremonies and for medicinal purposes.
With the explosion of illegal drug use in the U.S. and Europe in the 60’s,
however, local and foreign investment stimulated the production of large
quantities of the mind-altering substances for North American and European
consumption in the 1960's and 1970's. As the industry grew, the Colombian
government, backed by other countries, began to fight it. Vulnerable,
the drug traffickers consolidated their power in the form of "cartels"
and fought government's efforts to destroy their trade.
During the 1980s
and early 1990s, these cartels were responsible for many assassinations
and violent attacks against the government and Colombian citizens, as
well as violent acts committed among themselves. As the drug problem
infiltrated the political, social, cultural and economic spheres of society,
the drug cartels financed guerrilla and paramilitary groups while supporting
politicians and major leadership groups in the country.
Over the years, the
conflict and resulting violence have expanded throughout the region. Guerrilla,
paramilitary and military warfare has become part of the reality of countries
like Ecuador, Perú, Venezuela, Brazil and Bolivia as the groups have expanded
their influence in the region. Unfortunately, it is the citizens of Colombia
and its neighbors countries who suffer most from the conflict: extreme
poverty, displacement, destruction of crops, abuse of power, and death
are only some of the consequences they must face.
Plan Colombia – Definition
and funding
There have been
numerous attempts over the years to bring an end to the violence and drug
trafficking in Colombia. The latest is a proposal drafted by the Pastrana
administration in 1999 called Plan Colombia, which is a comprehensive plan
for peace, prosperity, and the strengthening of the state. In 1999 President
Pastrana visited the U.S. to garner support for his proposal. In July 2000,
U.S. President Bill Clinton signed into law a $1.3 billion aid package as
the U.S.' contribution to the plan and, in March 2001, President Bush and
members of the U.S. Congress announced their desire to regionalize the plan
and increase its budget.The
plan includes ten strategies (economic, fiscal and financial, military,
judicial and human rights, counter-narcotics, alternative development, social
participation, human development, peace and international affairs) designed
to address all aspects of the problems Colombia faces. These strategies
include actions to stabilize the economy, promote trade and investment,
stop drug activity at the production and trading levels, reform the judicial
system, promote democratization and social development, and further the
peace process in general.
The total budget for the Plan is $7.5 billion, of which the Colombian government
originally pledged $4 billion, the U.S. $1.3 billion, and the European Union
and other countries $2.2 billion. To this day, full funding has not materialized.
In October 2000 the European Union voted to contribute only $250 million
and other nations such as Japan pledged only in the form of loans. In addition,
Colombia has yet to come up with the $4 billion they committed to the Plan.
Of the money committed by the U.S., $860.3 was earmarked for Colombia,
$180 million for aid to other countries, and $223.5 million for the budgets
of U.S. agencies in the region. Of the $860.3 million allocated to Colombia,
$687.3 million is going to military and police assistance, $68.5 million
to alternative development, $51 million to human rights, $37.5 million
to the displaced, $13 million to judicial reform, and $3 million to the
peace process.
Until now, the majority
of the money for Plan Colombia has gone toward the military offensive
in the southern region of the country. The money pledged to neighboring
countries totals $180 million, of which $32 million was given to Peru,
$110 million to Bolivia, $20 million to Ecuador, and $18 million to other
countries in the region. Of the $180 million, $87 million was put toward
the military anti-narcotic effort. In addition, the U.S. government obtained
permission from the Ecuadorian government to install a military base in
the city-port of Manta. Though the base is not officially part of Plan
Colombia, its purpose is to carry out surveillance of drug cultivation
and trafficking activity, especially in Colombia, Peru, Bolivia and the
Plan Colombia -
Effects in Ecuador
Plan Colombia is
designed to eradicate drug crops, put a stop to the violence and raise
the socio-economic level in Colombia, but the effects of the plan are
not limited to within the country's borders. All four nations that border
Colombia face certain repercussions and have reacted in various ways to
the plan. The two nations that have openly voiced their support are Peru,
which happened only after Fujimori resigned and an interim prime minister
was appointed, and Ecuador. Both Venezuela and Brazil have made clear
their intention to withhold support.
It is Ecuador that
faces the greatest danger as the Colombian military sprays coca fields
and violence escalates in the southern Putumayo region of Colombia. The
main consequences in Ecuador of the military push south in Colombia are
the arrival of hundreds of refugees, the spillover of violence and the
possibility of coca cultivation and processing on Ecuadorian soil. These
are problems that would confound any nation, but Ecuador in its weak and
vulnerable socio-economic and political condition is especially
susceptible to their negative consequences.
In the past three
to four years Ecuador has experienced several shocks at the national level
that have affected all levels of society. Beginning with President Abdalá
Bucaram's fall from power in 1997, the nation entered a period of political
and economic instability that worsened when dozens of banks closed their
doors in March 1999 and the government of President Jamil Mahuad froze
all bank accounts in the country. Then, in June 1999, Ecuador shocked
the world when it defaulted on its repayment of Brady Bonds lent by the
U.S. The country's situation deteriorated further in 1999 when President
Jamil Mahuad announced that the country would dollarize its economy. This
led thousands of indigenous and other citizens, with the support of the
army, to march to Quito in January 2000 and attempt a popular revolt that
resulted in his flight from office. Though meant to reverse the decision
to dollarize, the revolt did not succeed - Vice President Noboa became
president and continued with the same socio-economic policies.
Effects of these
crises and overall deterioration have been profound. The country's sub-
and unemployment rate rose to 74.9% in 2000, inflation skyrocketed to
91% in the same year and external debt is now at $14.2 billion. Economic
measures are periodically forced upon the population to maintain compliance
with the regulations of international lenders' (IMF and World Bank). These
measures generally result in popular protests and indigenous uprisings.
Amidst all of this, "discoveries" of corruption among government
and business officials routinely appear in the news, disillusioning the
public. With little hope for the future, hundreds of thousands of Ecuadorians
have left the country in search of employment abroad.
It is no wonder,
then, that the country, while officially supportive of Plan Colombia,
fears its consequences. Ecuador is dealing with the effects at the national
level but it is in the north that the effects are most immediate. The
province of Sucumbios lies directly south of the region of Putumayo in
Colombia, in the Amazon region of Ecuador. Despite being one of the main
centers of oil production in Ecuador, Sucumbios lacks a potable drinking
water system, a sanitary sewage system, paved roads and consistent electricity
service. In addition, its education and health care systems are underdeveloped
and inadequate, and sub- and unemployment rates in the province rival
national levels.
This reality is shared
by the jungle province of Orellana, south of Sucumbios. In the other border
provinces of Carchi, in the Sierra region, and Esmeraldas, on the coast,
infrastructure is more developed. However, should the effects of the Plan
further encroach upon Ecuadorian territory, these provinces will also
be forced to deal with consequences for which they are not prepared.
Sucumbios began to
work on its response to Plan Colombia when the plan was announced. The
Plan of Contingency, developed and executed by the state, the Church of
St. Michael in Sucumbios (ISAMIS), and the UN High Commission for Human
Rights (ACNUR), is Ecuador's answer to the refugee problem in Sucumbios.
Since August, those in charge of the joint effort have registered the
refugees, operated two refugee centers and provided other forms of support,
including the provision of basic health care and food coupons. In anticipation
of the arrival of still more Colombians, they also constructed a facility
in the area to house 5,000 people. Though the Plan of Contingency has
addressed the refugees' most immediate needs, there still exists the issue
of employing those eligible to work. Jobless, they remain idle in the
homes of relatives and friends or in the refugee centers. If displacement
of Colombians continues at the same rate and other funds are not procured,
funding for the plan, currently provided by the United Nations High Commission
for Refugees (ACNUR), will run out.
Sucumbios faces not
only the displacement of Colombians to Ecuador but also the displacement
of its own citizens. In January and February of this year, due to the
escalation of the guerrilla-paramilitary-army warfare in the Putumayo
area, the members of four indigenous communities at the very edge of the
province were forced to leave their homes under threats of death. Over
300 Ecuadorian citizens have sought refuge in Sucumbios, Quito and other
parts of the country. Ultimately, they want to return to their homes but
it is unclear whether they will be able to while Plan Colombia is in operation.
At the national level,
Ecuador has other problems to address. The Base in Manta has been called
a compromise of Ecuador's neutrality by some. Certain anti-U.S. groups
in Colombia view the base as a sign of Ecuador's willingness to collaborate
with "the enemy." In addition, should the war regionalize as
is feared, the government might take money from other parts of the national
budget to spend on defense and beef up the military. This will lead to
further militarization of the state, a result almost guaranteed since
Dr. Moeller received $150 million from the U.S. in this March including
a percentage to fortify military patrols of the Ecuadorian-Colombian border.
There are also concerns
about the health and environmental effects of the sprayings and the growth
of the drug industry in Ecuador. Although the sprayings are taking place
only in Colombia, the chemical Glyphosate can be carried by air and water
over the border. Officially not harmful to the environment or humans,
the chemical is being blamed for illnesses reported since last summer.
It has also been proven that the chemical is not only destroying drug
crops but other plants as well. “Acción Ecológica”, an environmental organization
in Ecuador, has reported that crops in Sucumbios are suffering the effects
of the arrival of the chemical to Ecuadorian soil.
One criticism of
eradication efforts such as Plan Colombia is that if cultivation is destroyed
in one region, it will increase in others, commonly known as the balloon
effect. This effect is already been seen in Ecuador. Between January and
March of this year, three drug-processing plants were discovered and destroyed
in Sucumbios. In addition, Ecuadorians fear that some of the displaced
and idle Colombians will resort to the only means of making a living that
they know – coca cultivation.
Perhaps the most
immediate fear of the Ecuadorian population, especially in the northern
provinces, is an increase in violence resulting from the Colombian conflict.
There have already been documented cases of murders between paramilitaries,
guerrillas and military forces of Colombia and Ecuador, violent acts committed
by Colombians against Ecuadorians and vice versa and disappearances of
civilians by military forces in both countries. The provinces of Esmeraldas,
Sucumbios and Carchi are among the four provinces in the country with
the most homicides.
Plan Colombia –
Final considerations
According to Noam
Chomsky, drug production and trafficking is the second-largest source
of national income in the world, after gun production and sales. The economic
and political power of the industry can be extremely dangerous to nations
that border major drug-producing countries. In Colombia, the level of
corruption and the influence of drug trafficking has turned the country
into what academics call a narco-state. As such, the nation’s influence
in the region and the implications of its plan to eradicate its drug industry
have all five neighboring countries on edge. They fear the possibility
of becoming narco-states themselves, should Colombia “succeed”.
Social scientists
agree that U.S. support was granted after careful consideration and prioritization
of its interests. Among these interests are oil, minerals, forest resources,
and, perhaps more remote a possibility but certainly valid, water, claimed
by many to be the future’s most valuable and scarce resource. Some think
that in order to protect these interests outside its borders, the U.S.
is supporting Plan Colombia in order to have military and political influence
in the region. Taking this theory one step further, it is logical that
the U.S. would want to destroy leftist army forces, who could block access
to their interests. The Base in Manta could also function to support these
One of the most worrisome
aspects of the plan is its emphasis on the military solution. The fact
that it ignores human rights violations, destruction of the environment
and civil unrest led the European Union to withdraw its economic support
for the plan and insist upon development projects in the area. Local organizations
are using the same reasoning when asking governments to reconsider their
support and alternatively consider projects that will promote local and
national development, create jobs, promote environmental protection, and
stop drug use at the demand end and not only at the production level.
prepared by Ecumenical Commission of Human Rights, Ecuador, March 16 2001.
p All monetary amounts in this document are given in
U.S. dollars.