of Brian Sheridan, assistant secretary of defense for special operations
and low-intensity conflict, March 23, 2000
I am pleased to have the
opportunity to testify before this Committee to discuss the Department
of Defenses perspective on the growing Colombian drug threat as
well as our integrated programs designed to assist the Government of Colombia
in its efforts to address this scourge.
As you are aware, drug abuse
is an undeniable threat to our national security that is measured in thousands
of lives lost and costing our country billions of dollars annually. Reducing
the supply of drugs on our streets is an integral component of our National
Drug Control Strategy and the Department of Defense (DoD) plays a key
supporting role in creating the opportunity for law enforcement agencies,
both our own and those of foreign nations, to interdict the flow of drugs
into our country. DoD is committed to this counterdrug mission. The programs
I will outline today were developed in conjunction with US Southern Command,
our interagency partners and the Government of Colombia, and form the
core of a sound, responsive, and timely assistance package that will significantly
enhance Colombias ability to conduct effective counterdrug operations.
Over the past two years Colombia,
specifically the area east of the Andes, has become the center of the
cocaine trade, largely as a result of successful interdiction and eradication
efforts in Peru and Bolivia. The remoteness of eastern Colombia and the
lack of government control in large areas of this region has precluded
Colombian interdiction operations to the point that the expansion of coca
growing areas, especially in the Putumayo Department, has progressed virtually
unchecked. Most of the worlds coca is now grown in Colombia and
over eighty percent of the cocaine consumed in the US is manufactured
in Colombia. The United States, the nation with the greatest cocaine demand,
currently consumes over 200 metric tons annually from the Andean region.
Source Zone Programs
To disrupt illegal cocaine
cultivation and production throughout the source zone, DoD, working with
host nations and our interagency partners, has developed and selectively
implemented a threat based, intelligence driven, counterdrug interdiction
strategy which has focused on air, riverine/coastal, and ground programs.
DoD has worked closely with source zone nations to improve their organic
air interdiction capability by funding upgrades to their aircraft that
conduct counterdrug missions. To support the detection and monitoring
(D&M) of airborne traffickers, the Department has fielded Relocatable
Over-the-Horizon Radars (ROTHR), and deployed ground based radars along
with airborne tracker aircraft equipped with air-to-air radars. Our counterdrug
riverine and littoral efforts have provided equipment and training support
to source zone nations, thereby facilitating effective operations along
the vast river networks of the Amazon basin, a major supply route for
precursor production chemicals. Finally, DoDs ground interdiction
assistance has concentrated on training selected military units
those which have been vetted for human rights compliance -- in the light
infantry tactics they require to support law enforcement interdiction
and eradication operations. These source zone programs have been enhanced
through the development of intelligence and command and control networks.
These efforts, in conjunction with law enforcement and eradication programs,
have proven to be successful in both Peru and Bolivia, however, the conditions
necessary to implement a coordinated response throughout the Colombian
cultivation and cocaine production regions have not been met until
Plan Colombia
Colombian President Andres
Pastrana has developed a comprehensive and integrated approach to address
Colombias current problems. This plan, known as Plan Colombia,
would strengthen the Colombian economy and democracy while fighting narcotics
trafficking. Further, this plan demonstrates that Colombia is moving forward
aggressively, exercising its political will to address, and ultimately
solve, domestic problems that have persisted for decades. The US has a
vital material interest in the success of this plan. We must now step
forward with the Government of Colombia by enhancing our current strategy,
based on proven source zone interdiction programs. This effort is responsive
to Plan Colombia and consistent with current US policy.
Colombian Supplemental Source
Zone Enhancements
The proposed fiscal year
2000 supplemental request will provide the resources necessary to promote
essential facets of the Departments assistance to Colombian interdiction
efforts. We feel that the supplemental is a balanced and executable plan
-- not without challenges which I will address later -- that is necessary
to attack the strategically vulnerable aerial cocaine transportation network
while expanding ground interdiction and eradication operations into the
densest coca cultivation areas of the Putumayo region. Let me outline
for you how this supplemental funding would enhance each of our baseline
counterdrug programs in Colombia in support of our overall source zone
Air Interdiction
Colombia requires aircraft
that can track drug traffickers engaged in aerial smuggling. The supplemental
will fund the installation of air-to-air radars in two Colombian aircraft.
These radars will provide the Colombian Air Force the organic ability
to conduct terminal aerial intercepts of drug smugglers. Aerial intercepts
are intricate operations and require adequate ground based coordination.
Therefore, the supplemental will also fund the upgrade of the Colombian
Air Force radar command and control center as well as additional ground
based radars to assist in detecting and sorting aircraft operating in
eastern Colombia. Critical to this air interdiction effort are supplemental
initiatives, under State Department authority, that will upgrade Colombian
Air Force counterdrug aircraft for the air intercept mission. The supplemental
also requests funding for US Customs Service airborne early warning aircraft
upgrades to ensure that these crucial platforms will continue to be available
for the source zone interdiction mission.
Basing airborne D&M aircraft,
as well as aerial intelligence collection platforms, close to the historical
airborne smuggling routes is of the utmost importance to the successful
implementation of the integrated strategy in Colombia. For this reason,
funding for the forward operating location (FOL) at Manta, Ecuador, is
included in the supplemental. General Wilhelm will expound on the operational
requirements; however, I want to ensure that you understand that the Department
views the completion of the site upgrades to the Manta FOL as a critical
component of the overall source zone effort.
Ground Interdiction
The supplemental funding
focuses extensive resources on improving Colombias counterdrug ground
interdiction programs. The Department has completed training of a counterdrug
battalion that is now operational in the Putumayo region. The supplemental
will support the training and equipping of two additional counterdrug
battalions which will be operational by the end of this calendar year.
Funding, if appropriated, will also be used to develop a suitable counterdrug
brigade headquarters to oversee the operation of the three counterdrug
The Colombian National Police
(CNP) will be conducting counterdrug interdiction and eradication missions
in remote regions of the country where the coca growing fields are located.
Therefore, the counterdrug battalions will require adequate airlift to
move troops to support the CNP. The required helicopter lift is provided
for under State Department authority, however, DoD will use proposed supplemental
funding to establish the necessary Colombian Army aviation support infrastructure.
Enhanced counterdrug intelligence collection efforts are also required
to develop and plan counterdrug operations. Consequently, the supplemental
will provide sufficient funding in this area to further enhance the intelligence
programs that already serve as a foundation for our source zone strategy.
All these programs that I
just outlined build on our current strategy no change in DoD policy
is required to execute the programs funded by this supplemental. There
is nothing new here for DoD. However, there will be challenges to confront
in the course of our efforts to attack the center of the cocaine industry
in eastern Colombia. It will not be easy, but it is worth the effort.
Let me share with you my concerns.
DoD Concerns
Colombian Military Organization
First, the Colombian military,
by their own admission, is not optimally structured and organized to execute
sustained counterdrug operations. They are heavy on tail and
short on tooth. They need to better coordinate operations
between the services and with the CNP. The military has limitations based
on resources, training practices, lack of joint planning and operations.
The restructuring of the military is essential if Colombia is to have
continuing operational success against the drug threat. The Colombian
Congress has given President Pastrana authority to implement a number
of reform measures now under review by the Ministry of Defense; those
reforms will make the Colombian military a more modern, professional and
effective force. The measures being considered include the elimination
of the legal provision prohibiting conscripts with high school diplomas
(bachilleres) from serving in combat units. The Colombian military needs
help and we plan to use a small portion of supplemental funding towards
this end.
Human Rights
I am also concerned, as are
many others inmembers of Congress, about human rights. The human rights
practices and procedures that the US government has put in place, in response
to legislative enactments, and the example set by the small number of
our troops training Colombian forces has had an impact, as have President
Pastranas reforms. Human rights violations imputed to the armed
forces have dropped by 95% over the last five years, to fewer than two
percent of the total. Armed forces cooperation with the civilian court
system in prosecuting human rights violations committed by military personnel
has improved. Some military officers accused of collaboration with or
tolerance of paramilitary activities have been dismissed, while others
face prosecution. The armed forces have demonstrated greater aggressiveness
recently in seeking out and attacking paramilitary groups. Clearly, the
Colombian Armed Forces have come a long way, yet no one would argue that
more must be done. While we must remain vigilant, and there is undoubtedly
room for improvement, I am concerned that if extensive conditional clauses
are included in the supplemental appropriations language, that we could
inhibit or mitigate the overall effectiveness of US assistance to Colombia.
We need to work together, Congress and the Administration, to address
this concern. I am also alarmed by the reported dramatic increase in human
rights violations attributed to both the paramilitaries and insurgents
this is symptomatic of Colombias crisis in general and, as
I see it, a call for to action. The Colombian government needs the resources
and training to address this problem and the supplemental represents a
significant contribution on the part of the US.
Counterdrug vs. Counter Insurgency
Lastly, let me address the
targets of this supplemental package, and our source zone
strategy as a whole. The targets are the narco-traffickers, those individuals
and organizations that are involved in the cultivation of coca and the
subsequent production and transportation of cocaine to the US. The Colombian
military will use the equipment and training that is provided by this
supplemental request, in conjunction with the assistance that has already
been delivered, to secure perimeters around CNP objectives -- coca fields
and cocaine labs -- so that the CNP can safely conduct counterdrug interdiction
and eradication operations. Only those armed elements that forcibly inhibit
or confront these joint military and CNP counterdrug operations will be
engaged, be they narco-traffickers, insurgent organizations, or paramilitaries.
I know that many are concerned
that this aid package represents a step over the line, an
encroachment into the realm of counterinsurgency in the name of counternarcotics.
It is not. The Department has not, and will not, cross that line. While
I do not have the time to elaborate on all of the restrictions, constraints,
and reviews that are involved in the approval of the deployment of US
military personnel on counterdrug missions, in Colombia and elsewhere,
it suffices to say that it is comprehensive. I personally look not only
at who is deploying and what they are doing, but at the specific locations
to which they are going. Furthermore, each and every deployment order
states, in no uncertain terms, that DoD personnel are not to accompany
host nation personnel on operational missions. This will not change. As
I have said, this supplemental does not require a change in US policy.
Is there risk to US personnel providing counterdrug support? Yes there
is. Is the risk increased as a result of the programs being enhanced by
the supplemental? The answer is no.
The Department of Defense
enthusiastically supports this supplemental. US Southern Command and my
office participated extensively in its formulation. It integrates fully
our source zone strategy, affording the opportunity to enhance those counterdrug
programs that have proven successful in Peru and Bolivia. President Pastrana
has asked for international support to address an internal problem that
has international dimensions -- fueled in part by our countrys demand
for cocaine. It is time to move forward and, I hope, with congressional
support, that we can do so soon.
As of March 23, 2000 this
document is also available online at