by Rep. Cynthia McKinney (R-Georgia), March 29, 2000
OBEY. Mr. Chairman, I yield 2 minutes to the distinguished gentlewoman from
Georgia (Ms. McKinney).
[TIME: 1330]
Ms. McKINNEY. Mr. Chairman,
if this bill were not so serious, I would think it is a joke. Once again,
the United States is proposing a huge military alliance with the foreign
military known for its human rights abuses.
Now, you think we would have
learned our lesson by now. How long ago was it that Bill Clinton went
to Guatemala and apologized for fueling that country's generation-long
slide into chaos? But just a year later you can say here we go again.
No one seriously denies the
link of paramilitary groups to the Colombian government, and here we are
going to turn over to known human rights abusers the means by which they
can perfect their trade.
As we stand here on the floor
today, 3,000 union leaders, students, parents, shopkeepers and others
are standing before 3,000 armed Colombian soldiers, forming a human shield
to protect the peaceful U'wa people that the Colombian government wants
to move off their ancestral land to make way for Occidental Petroleum's
oil rigs. We should be standing with the people, not giving aid and encouragement
to Colombia's brutal military.
We should have learned our
lessons well about going in with the military where only diplomacy should
be allowed to tread. Unfortunately, it appears that we have not. Because
in addition to Plan Colombia, this bill also provides an additional $5
billion to keep us in Kosovo, another failed military blunder that diplomacy
should have resolved.
After our military gambit
in Kosovo, we have left 31,000 rounds of depleted uranium rounds and 50
percent unemployment, in some areas rising to 85 percent. The crumbling
infrastructure is yet to be rebuilt, and our European allies have not
lived up to the commitments they made at the beginning of that adventure.
Time and time again, this
Congress commits our troops to military adventures without a plan to bring
them home. Last year, U.S. aircraft flew over 1,000 sorties in Iraq, nearly
a decade after that war was supposedly over. In Kosovo, our limited military
engagement has turned into a permanent occupation. Now we are being asked
to fund the Vietnamization of Barry McCaffrey's war without an exit strategy
or end game.
Mr. Chairman, I urge my colleagues
to reject this so-called emergency amendment.
As of March 30, 2000, this
document was also available online at http://thomas.loc.gov/cgi-bin/query/z?r106:H29MR0-173: