by Rep. Asa Hutchinson (R-Arkansas), March 29, 2000
HUTCHINSON. Mr. Chairman, I move to strike the requisite number of words.
Mr. Chairman, I am delighted
to participate in this debate. I think it is a good one because it focuses
our energies and our Nation's energies on a very important subject which
is what we need to do to save the lives of young people, to save our communities
from this scourge of drugs.
Now, I just want to remind
my colleagues on this side of the aisle that this supplemental appropriation
bill started with this President. President Clinton submitted a request
to this Congress, and in that request he asked for $1.2 billion in counternarcotics
funding. It is on an emergency basis. So this is not something that was
just created by this side of the aisle saying that we need to do this.
It was this administration, it was this President that said there is an
extraordinary emergency in Colombia that affects the national security
interests of this Nation, and this Congress needs to address it.
So this is not something that
is just being pulled out of thin air. It is this administration who has
also supported demand reduction, that has supported more treatment. Certainly,
this administration illustrates that one can ask for and support treatment
facilities and demand reduction, but at the same time recognize the need
and the impact that the drugs coming in from Colombia has on this Nation.
Mr. Chairman, I would just
remind my colleagues of that particular point.
Now, I would also refer back
to balancing the need as we have to approach the drug war. If my colleagues
will look at this chart that I have that talks about the demand reduction
money that is being spent as well as comparing it with what we are spending
on interdiction, it goes back to 1987 with the demand reduction in red.
And each year since 1987, the red line goes up, which is the money that
is being spent for demand reduction. Demand reduction is that which is
for drug education and treatment programs, substance abuse programs. That
has increased 63 percent since 1985. Yet, if my colleagues will look at
the interdiction funding, it is the green that goes up at a very, very
slow rate. What is remarkable about this that really is not shown on this
chart, but that in-between 1987 and 1994 it went up, the interdiction
spending, and then it actually went down and it went down in 1992 when
we diverted some resources over to the Gulf War.
So the point of this is that
since 1992 our demand reduction expenditures have continued to go up.
Yet even though we are spending more and more money on demand reduction,
in 1992 the teenage use and experimentation with illegal drugs went up.
Mr. Chairman, I think the
point of the story is that history tells us that we cannot win this war;
we cannot win the lives of our teenagers simply by putting money in demand
reduction. It takes that balanced approach. I come back to my original
point, which is that it was this administration that initiated, that joined
this battle to aid Colombia in fighting the war on drugs. They asked for
over $1 billion. It was General McCaffrey that last year initiated this.
In every war, we have to have somebody who starts pointing and assigning
the troops and where we need to go and where we need to spend our money.
That is the responsibility of General McCaffrey. He recommended last year,
after a trip to Colombia, that we invest $1 billion.
Now, what we have done in
this Congress is say that it is not just Colombia, but we also have to
have Ecuador and Peru and Bolivia be involved, so we have targeted some
money to there as well. But the counternarcotics initiative started with
this administration, supported by this Congress, supported by the Speaker,
as he testified to.
So this debate today is what
we can do in terms of aiding Colombia to fight our war against drugs,
to save our children's lives. Yes, we need demand reduction; yes, we need
treatment facilities; yes, we need to do more in those areas. But this
debate is about what we need to do this day in the battle that Colombia
faces that impacts our Nation.
[Page: H1533]
Mr. LEWIS of California. Mr. Chairman, will the gentleman yield?
Mr. HUTCHINSON. I yield to
the gentleman from California.
Mr. LEWIS of California. Mr.
Chairman, I appreciate my colleague yielding because he makes a very,
very important set of points. I would only point out and add to what he
has said, the Pelosi amendment addresses really none of these things.
The amendment specifically cuts out funding, the bulk of which would take
out the ability to train the Colombian troops that we are dealing with
in the first place.
But the gentleman's original
point was the real point, and that is that the Pelosi amendment in this
debate would express concern about what we are doing on the demand side
and suggests that we are not doing anything. But indeed, there is a comprehensive
effort in any number of other committees where it is appropriate to deal
with that side of the question. Indeed, if the gentlewoman from California
(Ms. Pelosi) would present an amendment sometime that actually put money
into education, for example, I would be glad to help her.
But the gentleman is making
the point very well, and I appreciate his yielding.
Mr. HUTCHINSON. Mr. Chairman,
I appreciate the gentleman's comments.
As of March 30, 2000, this
document was also available online at http://thomas.loc.gov/cgi-bin/query/z?r106:H29MR0-173: