by Rep. Maxine Waters (D-California), March 29, 2000
Ms. WATERS. Mr. Chairman, I move to strike the requisite number of words.
Mr. Chairman, I join all of
my other colleagues who have stood here today, rising in support of the
amendment offered by the gentlewoman from California (Ms. Pelosi). This
debate has become a long debate because we have a growing number of legislators
who are concerned about this wrongheaded policy that we are pursuing.
Mr. Chairman, this supplemental
appropriations provides over $1.1 billion in aid to the government of
Colombia. Most of this money will go to the Colombian military and be
used in the Colombian civil war. This civil war has been going on for
40 years, and both sides, both sides have profited from the drug trade.
Furthermore, the Colombian
military has been known to cooperate with drug traffickers. Colombian
military officers also provide support to right-wing paramilitary organizations
that traffic in illegal drugs, and carry out extrajudicial killings and
other gross violations of human rights.
[TIME: 1730]
This bill gives money to drug
traffickers who kill other drug traffickers and murder innocent civilians.
This bill is unwise and immoral, and we should not support it.
We are focused today on what
is happening domestically. We are rising in opposition to this funding
and supporting the amendment of the gentlewoman from California (Ms. Pelosi)
because we are very concerned about what is not being done in America.
We are just growing our prison system.
The number of inmates in State
and Federal prisons has increased more than fivefold from less than 200,000
in 1970 to 1,232,900 by 1998. An additional 592,000 are held in local
jails. As of July 1999, 131,112 offenders were incarcerated in approximately
100 Federal facilities. There are 115,363 inmates housed in Federal facilities
rated to hold 89,696.
At the end of 1998, State
prisons held 1,178,978 inmates. In June of 1998, 592,462 offenders were
held in local jails.
The number of persons on probation
and parole has been growing dramatically along with institutional populations.
There are now 507 million Americans incarcerated, on parole, or probation,
an increase of 209 percent since 1980.
A few more statistics. Mr.
Chairman, 71 percent of those sentenced to State prisons way back in 1995
were convicted of nonviolent crimes, including 31 percent for drug offenses
and 29 percent for property offenses. Fifty-seven percent of jail inmates
in 1989 reported they were under the influence of alcohol or drugs at
the time they committed their offense. One in four inmates way back in
1989 was in jail for a drug offense compared to one in ten in 1983.
Drug offenders constituted
21 percent of 1997 State prison inmates and 60 percent of 1996 Federal
prison inmates. I could go on and on with these statistics.
Mr. Chairman, I am sick and
tired of this wrong-headed policy. I am just overcome by the fact that
we cannot get it right here in our own country. We are talking about throwing
away money down in Colombia; and nothing is going to happen but drug dealers
are going to fight drug dealers, both in and out of the government. And
here we have mandatory minimum sentencing that is locking up young folks,
young folks in rural and inner cities, at an alarming rate. Mandatory
minimum sentences.
Many of these young people,
19 and 20 years old, first-time offenders. The judge has no discretion.
He must send someone in possession of 5 grams of crack cocaine to prison
for 5 years on a first-time offense, as opposed to those with powder cocaine,
100 times more. Some of these young people may be stupid, but they do
not deserve to have their lives taken away from them. And this is not
black. Black, white, green, rural, inner city. Prisons just filling up.
And, oh, let me tell about
the conspiracy charges that they are now arresting the mothers and the
women and the girlfriends and the mates on. We are spending millions of
dollars, and our country is going down the drain.
Mr. Chairman, it was unwise
for them not to make the Pelosi amendment in order, and it is unwise for
us to support this appropriation to Colombia.
As of March 30, 2000, this
document was also available online at http://thomas.loc.gov/cgi-bin/query/z?r106:H29MR0-173: