by Rep. Jesse Jackson, Jr. (D-Illinois), March 29, 2000
JACKSON of Illinois. Mr. Chairman, I move to strike the requisite number
of words.
Mr. Chairman, I have seen
this movie before, starring Harrison Ford: Clear and Present Danger. Unfortunately,
Harrison Ford did not win an Oscar for his role, but, quite frankly, some
of my colleagues could have won an Oscar for their supporting cast in
today's movie, which we have already dictated and determined what the
future and outcome will be. Let us look at some of the underlying scripted
parts of this movie, as I prepare to yield to the gentlewoman from California
for her closing remarks.
The cost of the helicopters
alone would provide treatment for almost 200,000 substance users or drug
prevention services for more than 4 million Americans. Arianna Huffington,
in her article `Drug War Comes at a High Price,' was right. We are about
to spend close to $2 billion on Colombia, while here at home we have 3.6
million addicts not receiving the treatment they need. This despite the
fact that drug czar Barry McCaffery's budget is expected to rise to a
proposed $19.2 billion this year.
When Richard Nixon declared
a war on drugs in 1971, he directed more than 60 percent of the funds
into treatment. Now we are down to 18 percent. And since 1980, through
both Republican and Democratic administrations, the emphasis has turned
to interdiction, crop eradication, border surveillance and punishment.
The evidence is clear, and that has been the misguided use of resources.
But putting $1.7 billion into Colombia in the middle of a civil war is
more than misguided. Quite frankly, from my perspective, it is nuts.
Ms. PELOSI. Mr. Chairman,
will the gentleman yield?
Mr. JACKSON of Illinois. I
yield to the gentlewoman from California, the distinguished ranking member
on this committee who has done an outstanding job. And her leadership
comes at a high price at this time during our Nation's history.
As of March 30, 2000, this
document was also available online at http://thomas.loc.gov/cgi-bin/query/z?r106:H29MR0-173: