of Rep. Jim Ramstad (R-Minnesota), March 29, 2000
RAMSTAD. Mr. Chairman, I yield myself such time as I may consume.
I want to thank the speakers
on both sides of this issue. This truly is a defining moment in a 30-year
effort to fight illegal drug use in America. We can continue down the
road of a failed policy by spending another $1.7 billion for more eradication,
more interdiction efforts that have been proven futile, that have been
proven not to work; or we can prioritize treatment for addiction, which
has been proven cost effective in study after study, in addict after addict,
in alcoholic after alcoholic lucky enough to be treated.
This is not a political issue,
my colleagues. This is a life or death issue for five and a half million
addicts in America who need treatment and cannot get it today.
This amendment is also fiscally
responsible. I want to thank the National Taxpayers Union for endorsing
this amendment. I also want to thank the gentleman from California (Mr.
Campbell) for cosponsoring the amendment.
Let us save the taxpayers
$1.7 billion. Let us begin the process of reordering our priorities in
the war against drugs.
Mr. Chairman, I urge a `yes'
vote to delete funding for the Colombia boondoggle.
Mr. Chairman, I yield back
the balance of my time.
As of March 30, 2000, this
document was also available online at http://thomas.loc.gov/cgi-bin/query/z?r106:H29MR0-173: