Last Updated:3/31/00
How They Voted: Comparing Votes on the Obey and Ramstad Amendments, March 29, 2000

(The Obey amendment would have delayed most military aid to Colombia until July 31, when Congress would have had to vote to approve it separately.)

(The Ramstad amendment would have cut out the entire Colombia section of the supplemental, including military aid as well as economic aid, aid to Colombia’s neighbors, and funds for U.S. agencies.)

130 members voted for both the Obey and Ramstad amendments:

80 Democrats:

1.        Neil Abercrombie (D-Honolulu, HI)

2.        Brian Baird (D-Vancouver, WA)

3.        Tammy Baldwin (D-Madison, WI)

4.        Thomas M. Barrett (D-Milwaukee, WI)

5.        Marion Berry (D-Jonesboro, AR)

6.        Earl Blumenauer (D-Portland, OR)

7.        David E. Bonior (D-Port Huron, MI)

8.        Rick Boucher (D-Abingdon, VA)

9.        Sherrod Brown (D-Elyria, OH)

10.     Michael Capuano (D-Cambridge, MA)

11.     Julia Carson (D-Indianapolis, IN)

12.     Eva M. Clayton (D-Warrenton, NC)

13.     John Conyers (D-Detroit, MI)

14.     Jerry F. Costello (D-Granite City, IL)

15.     William J. Coyne (D-Pittsburgh, PA)

16.     Danny K. Davis (D-Chicago, IL)

17.     Peter A. DeFazio (D-Eugene, OR)

18.     Lloyd Doggett (D-Austin, TX)

19.     Anna G. Eshoo (D-Palo Alto, CA)

20.     Lane Evans (D-Moline, IL)

21.     Bob Filner (D-Chula Vista, CA)

22.     Luis V. Gutierrez (D-Chicago, IL)

23.     Tony P. Hall (D-Dayton, OH)

24.     Alcee L. Hastings (D-Oakland Park, FL)

25.     Maurice D. Hinchey (D-Binghamton, NY)

26.     Rush Holt (D-Princeton Junction, NJ)

27.     Jay Inslee (D-Mountlake Terrace, WA)

28.     Jesse L. Jackson (D-Chicago, IL)

29.     Eddie Bernice Johnson (D-Dallas, TX)

30.     Stephanie Tubbs Jones (D-Shaker Heights, OH)

31.     Marcy Kaptur (D-Toledo, OH)

32.     Patrick J. Kennedy (D-Pawtucket, RI)

33.     Carolyn Cheeks Kilpatrick (D-Detroit, MI)

34.     Ron Kind (D-La Crosse, WI)

35.     Gerald D. Kleczka (D-Milwaukee, WI)

36.     Barbara Lee (D-Oakland, CA)

37.     John Lewis (D-Atlanta, GA)

38.     William O. Lipinski (D-Chicago, IL)

39.     Zoe Lofgren (D-San Jose, CA)

40.     Bill Luther (D-Woodbury, MN)

41.     Edward J. Markey (D-Medford, MA)

42.     Robert T. Matsui (D-Sacramento, CA)

43.     Karen McCarthy (D-Kansas City, MO)

44.     Jim McDermott (D-Seattle, WA)

45.     James P. McGovern (D-Worcester, MA)

46.     Cynthia A. McKinney (D-Decatur, GA)

47.     Michael R. McNulty (D-Albany, NY)

48.     Martin T. Meehan (D-Lowell, MA)

49.     Carrie P. Meek (D-Miami, FL)

50.     George Miller (D-Concord, CA)

51.     David Minge (D-Montevideo, MN)

52.     Patsy T. Mink (D-Honolulu, HI)

53.     John Joseph Moakley (D-Boston, MA)

54.     Jerrold Nadler (D-New York, NY)

55.     Richard E. Neal (D-Springfield, MA)

56.     James L. Oberstar (D-Duluth, MN)

57.     David R. Obey (D-Wausau, WI)

58.     John W. Olver (D-Holyoke, MA)

59.     Major R. Owens (D-Brooklyn, NY)

60.     Donald M. Payne (D-Newark, NJ)

61.     Nancy Pelosi (D-San Francisco, CA)

62.     David Phelps (D-ElDorado, IL)

63.     Lynn N. Rivers (D-Ann Arbor, MI)

64.     Tim Roemer (D-South Bend, IN)

65.     Martín Olav Sabo (D-Minneapolis, MN)

66.     Loretta Sanchez (D-Garden Grove, CA)

67.     Janice D. “Jan” Schakowsky (D-Evanston, IL)

68.     Robert C. Scott (D-Newport News, VA)

69.     Jose E. Serrano (D-Bronx, NY)

70.     Fortney Pete Stark (D-Hayward, CA)

71.     Bart Stupak (D-Traverse City, MI)

72.     Mike Thompson (D-Fort Bragg, CA)

73.     John F. Tierney (D-Peabody, MA)

74.     Mark E. Udall (D-Westminster, CO)

75.     Thomas Udall (D-Santa Fe, NM)

76.     Peter J. Visclosky (D-Gary, IN)

77.     Melvin L. Watt (D-Charlotte, NC)

78.     Henry A. Waxman (D-Los Angeles, CA)

79.     Lynn C. Woolsey (D-Santa Rosa, CA)

80.     David Wu (D-Portland, OR)


50 Republicans:

1.        Bill Archer (R-Houston, TX)

2.        Doug Bereuter (R-Lincoln, NE)

3.        Dave Camp (R-Midland, MI)

4.        Tom Campbell (R-Campbell, CA)

5.        Michael N. Castle (R-Wilmington, DE)

6.        Steve Chabot (R-Cincinnati, OH)

7.        Tom A. Coburn (R-Muskogee, OK)

8.        Mac Collins (R-Jonesboro, GA)

9.        Larry Combest (R-Lubbock, TX)

10.     Merrill Cook (R-Salt Lake, UT)

11.     Christopher Cox (R-Newport Beach, CA)

12.     Nathan Deal (R-Gainesville, GA)

13.     Jay Dickey (R-Pine Bluff, AR)

14.     John J. Duncan (R-Knoxville, TN)

15.     Vernon J. Ehlers (R-Grand Rapids, MI)

16.     Vito J. Fossella (R-Staten Island, NY)

17.     Greg Ganske (R-Des Moines, IA)

18.     Gil Gutknecht (R-Rochester, MN)

19.     Joel Hefley (R-Colorado Springs, CO)

20.     Rick Hill (R-Billings, MT)

21.     Van Hilleary (R-Tullahoma, TN)

22.     Peter Hoekstra (R-Holland, MI)

23.     Stephen Horn (R-Lakewood, CA)

24.     Kenny C. Hulshof (R-Columbia, MO)

25.     Ernest J. Istook (R-Oklahoma City, OK)

26.     Steve Largent (R-Tulsa, OK)

27.     James A. Leach (R-Cedar Rapids, IA)

28.     Donald A. Manzullo (R-Rockford, IL)

29.     Scott McInnis (R-Pueblo, CO)

30.     Jack Metcalf (R-Bellingham, WA)

31.     Jerry Moran (R-Hays, KS)

32.     Constance A. Morella (R-Rockville., MD)

33.     Ron Paul (R-Victoria, TX)

34.     Thomas E. Petri (R-Fond du Lac, WI)

35.     Joseph R. Pitts (R-Lancaster, PA)

36.     John Edward Porter (R-Deerfield, IL)

37.     Jim Ramstad (R-Bloomington, MN)

38.     Dana Rohrabacher (R-Huntington Beach, CA)

39.     Edward R. Royce (R-Fullerton, CA)

40.     Paul Ryan (R-Janesville, WI)

41.     Marshall “Mark” Sanford (R-Charleston, SC)

42.     Bob Schaffer (R-Fort Collins, CO)

43.     F. James Sensenbrenner (R-Brookfield, WI)

44.     Nick Smith (R-Jackson, MI)

45.     Cliff Stearns (R-Ocala, FL)

46.     Tom Tancredo (R-Littleton, CO)

47.     Todd Tiahrt (R-Wichita, KS)

48.     Patrick Toomey (R-Allentown, PA)

49.     Fred Upton (R-St. Joseph, MI)

50.     Roger F. Wicker (R-Tupelo, MS)


1 Independent:

1.        Bernard Sanders (I-Burlington, VT)


177 members voted for neither the Obey nor the Ramstad amendments:

60 Democrats:

1.        Joe Baca (D-San Bernardino, CA)

2.        Shelley Berkley (D-Las Vegas, NV)

3.        Howard L. Berman (D-Mission Hills, CA)

4.        Sanford D. Bishop (D-Albany, GA)

5.        Robert A. Borski (D-Philadelphia - Memphis St., PA)

6.        Benjamin L. Cardin (D-Baltimore, MD)

7.        Bob Clement (D-Nashville-Courthouse, TN)

8.        Robert E. (Bud) Cramer (D-Huntsville, AL)

9.        Elijah E. Cummings (D-Baltimore-Druid Park Drive, MD)

10.     Rosa L. DeLauro (D-New Haven, CT)

11.     Calvin M. Dooley (D-Hanford, CA)

12.     Michael F. Doyle (D-McKeesport, PA)

13.     Chet Edwards (D-Waco, TX)

14.     Bob Etheridge (D-Raleigh, NC)

15.     Michael P. Forbes (D-Coram, NY)

16.     Sam Gejdenson (D-Norwich, CT)

17.     Charlie A. Gonzalez (D-San Antonio, TX)

18.     Bart Gordon (D-Murfreesboro, TN)

19.     Gene Green (D-Houston, TX)

20.     Ruben Hinojosa (D-McAllen, TX)

21.     Joseph Hoeffel (D-Norristown, PA)

22.     William J. Jefferson (D-New Orleans, LA)

23.     Christopher John (D-Lafayette, LA)

24.     Paul E. Kanjorski (D-Wilkes-Barre, PA)

25.     Nick Lampson (D-Beaumont, TX)

26.     Tom Lantos (D-San Mateo, CA)

27.     John Larson (D-Hartford, CT)

28.     Kenneth Lucas (D-Fort Wright, KY)

29.     Carolyn B. Maloney (D-New York, NY)

30.     Frank Mascara (D-Washington, PA)

31.     Carolyn McCarthy (D-Hempstead, NY)

32.     Mike McIntyre (D-Fayetteville, NC)

33.     Gregory Weldon Meeks (D-Far Rockaway, NY)

34.     Robert Menendez (D-Jersey City, NJ)

35.     Alan B. Mollohan (D-Clarksburg, WV)

36.     James P. Moran (D-Alexandria, VA)

37.     John P. Murtha (D-Johnstown, PA)

38.     Grace Flores Napolitano (D-Montebello, CA)

39.     Solomon P. Ortiz (D-Corpus Christi, TX)

40.     Frank Pallone (D-Long Branch, NJ)

41.     Bill Pascrell (D-Paterson, NJ)

42.     Owen B. Pickett (D-Norfolk, VA)

43.     Earl Pomeroy (D-Bismarck, ND)

44.     Nick J. Rahall (D-Beckley, WV)

45.     Charles B. Rangel (D-New York, NY)

46.     Silvestre Reyes (D-El Paso, TX)

47.     Max Sandlin (D-Marshall, TX)

48.     Thomas C. Sawyer (D-Akron, OH)

49.     Ronnie Shows (D-Jackson, MS)

50.     Norman Sisisky (D-Portsmouth, VA)

51.     Adam Smith (D-Tacoma, WA)

52.     Vic Snyder (D-Little Rock, AR)

53.     Debbie Stabenow (D-Lansing, MI)

54.     Ted Strickland (D-Portsmouth, OH)

55.     John S. Tanner (D-Millington, TN)

56.     Ellen O. Tauscher (D-Walnut Creek, CA)

57.     James A. Traficant (D-Youngstown, OH)

58.     Jim Turner (D-Lufkin, TX)

59.     Robert A. Weygand (D-Warwick, RI)

60.     Robert E. Wise (D-Charleston, WV)


116 Republicans:

1.        Robert B. Aderholt (R-Jasper, AL)

2.        Richard K. Armey (R-Irving, TX)

3.        Richard H. Baker (R-Baton Rouge, LA)

4.        Cass Ballenger (R-Hickory, NC)

5.        Bill Barrett (R-Grand Island, NE)

6.        Roscoe G. Bartlett (R-Frederick, MD)

7.        Charles F. Bass (R-Concord, NH)

8.        Herbert H. Bateman (R-Newport News, VA)

9.        Judy Biggert (R-Clarendon Hills, IL)

10.     Michael Bilirakis (R-Clearwater, FL)

11.     Tom Bliley (R-Richmond, VA)

12.     Roy Blunt (R-Springfield, MO)

13.     Sherwood L. Boehlert (R-Utica, NY)

14.     John A. Boehner (R-Hamilton, OH)

15.     Henry Bonilla (R-San Antonio, TX)

16.     Mary Whitaker Bono (R-Palm Springs, CA)

17.     Ed Bryant (R-Memphis, TN)

18.     Dan Burton (R-Indianapolis, IN)

19.     Stephen E. Buyer (R-Kokomo, IN)

20.     Sonny Callahan (R-Mobile, AL)

21.     Ken Calvert (R-Riverside, CA)

22.     Charles T. Canady (R-Lakeland, FL)

23.     Howard Coble (R-Greensboro, NC)

24.     John Cooksey (R-Alexandria, LA)

25.     Randy “Duke” Cunningham (R-Escondido, CA)

26.     Thomas M. Davis (R-Annandale, VA)

27.     Tom DeLay (R-Stafford, TX)

28.     David Dreier (R-Covina, CA)

29.     Jo Ann Emerson (R-Cape Girardeau, MO)

30.     Phil English (R-Erie, PA)

31.     Ernie Fletcher (R-Lexington, KY)

32.     Tillie K. Fowler (R-Jacksonville, FL)

33.     Rodney P. Frelinghuysen (R-Morristown, NJ)

34.     Elton Gallegly (R-Oxnard, CA)

35.     Jim Gibbons (R-Reno, NV)

36.     Wayne T. Gilchrest (R-Chestertown, MD)

37.     Paul E. Gillmor (R-Port Clinton, OH)

38.     Benjamin A. Gilman (R-Middletown, NY)

39.     Porter J. Goss (R-Naples, FL)

40.     James C. Greenwood (R-Doylestown, PA)

41.     J. Dennis Hastert (R-Batavia, IL)

42.     Doc Hastings (R-Pasco, WA)

43.     Robert (Robin) Hayes (R-Concord, NC)

44.     J.D. Hayworth (R-Mesa, AZ)

45.     Wally Herger (R-Chico, CA)

46.     David L. Hobson (R-Springfield, OH)

47.     John N. Hostettler (R-Evansville, IN)

48.     Amory Houghton (R-Corning, NY)

49.     Asa Hutchinson (R-Fayetteville, AR)

50.     Henry J. Hyde (R-Addison, IL)

51.     John “Johnny” Isakson (R-Atlanta, GA)

52.     Nancy L. Johnson (R-New Britain, CT)

53.     Walter B. Jones (R-Greenville, NC)

54.     John R. Kasich (R-Columbus, OH)

55.     Peter T. King (R-Massapequa Park, NY)

56.     Joe Knollenberg (R-Farmington Hills, MI)

57.     Jim Kolbe (R-Tucson, AZ)

58.     Steven T. Kuykendall (R-Torrence, CA)

59.     Tom Latham (R-Sioux City, IA)

60.     Jerry Lewis (R-Redlands, CA)

61.     Ron Lewis (R-Bowling Green, KY)

62.     Frank A. LoBiondo (R-Mays Landing, NJ)

63.     Frank D. Lucas (R-Oklahoma City, OK)

64.     Bill McCollum (R-Orlando, FL)

65.     Jim McCrery (R-Shreveport, LA)

66.     John M. McHugh (R-Watertown, NY)

67.     Howard P. “Buck” McKeon (R-Santa Clarita, CA)

68.     John L. Mica (R-Casselberry, FL)

69.     Gary G. Miller (R-Diamond Bar, CA)

70.     Dan Miller (R-Bradenton, FL)

71.     Sue Myrick (R-Charlotte, NC)

72.     Robert W. Ney (R-Bellaire, OH)

73.     Anne M. Northup (R-Louisville, KY)

74.     Douglas Ose (R-Woodland, CA)

75.     Michael G. Oxley (R-Findlay, OH)

76.     Ron Packard (R-Vista, CA)

77.     Edward A. Pease (R-Terre Haute, IN)

78.     John E. Peterson (R-Warren, PA)

79.     Charles W. "Chip" Pickering (R-Meridian, MS)

80.     Richard W. Pombo (R-Stockton, CA)

81.     Rob Portman (R-Cincinnati, OH)

82.     Deborah Pryce (R-Columbus, OH)

83.     George P. Radanovich (R-Fresno, CA)

84.     Ralph Regula (R-Canton, OH)

85.     Thomas Reynolds (R-Williamsville, NY)

86.     Bob Riley (R-Anniston, AL)

87.     Harold Rogers (R-Somerest, KY)

88.     Marge Roukema (R-Ridgewood, NJ)

89.     Jim Ryun (R-Topeka, KS)

90.     Jim Saxton (R-Mount Holly, NJ)

91.     E. Clay Shaw (R-Fort Lauderdale, FL)

92.     Donald Sherwood (R-Scranton, PA)

93.     John Shimkus (R-Springfield, IL)

94.     Bud Shuster (R-Altoona, PA)

95.     Joe Skeen (R-Las Cruces, NM)

96.     Christopher H. Smith (R-Whiting, NJ)

97.     Lamar S. Smith (R-San Antonio, TX)

98.     Mark E. Souder (R-Fort Wayne, IN)

99.     Bob Stump (R-Phoenix, AZ)

100.  John Sweeney (R-Saratoga Springs, NY)

101.  James M. Talent (R-St. Louis, MO)

102.  W.J. (Billy) Tauzin (R-Houma, LA)

103.  Charles H. Taylor (R-Asheville, NC)

104.  William M. Thomas (R-Bakersfield, CA)

105.  John R. Thune (R-Sioux Falls, SD)

106.  David Vitter (R-Metairie, LA)

107.  Zach Wamp (R-Chattanooga, TN)

108.  Wes Watkins (R-Stillwater, OK)

109.  J.C. Watts (R-Norman, OK)

110.  Dave Weldon (R-Melbourne, FL)

111.  Jerry Weller (R-Joliet, IL)

112.  Ed Whitfield (R-Hopkinsville, KY)

113.  Heather A. Wilson (R-Albuquerque, NM)

114.  Frank R. Wolf (R-Herndon, VA)

115.  Don Young (R-Anchorage, AK)

116.  C.W. Bill Young (R-St. Petersburg, FL)


1 Independent:

1.        Virgil H. Goode (I-Charlottesville, VA)


53 voted for the Obey and against the Ramstad amendments:

45 Democrats:

1.        Gary L. Ackerman (D-Bayside, NY)

2.        Thomas H. Allen (D-Portland, ME)

3.        Robert E. Andrews (D-Woodbury, NJ)

4.        John Elias Baldacci (D-Bangor, ME)

5.        Xavier Becerra (D-Los Angeles, CA)

6.        Ken Bentsen (D-Bellaire, TX)

7.        Rod R. Blagojevich (D-Chicago, IL)

8.        Allen Boyd (D-Tallahassee, FL)

9.        Lois Capps (D-Santa Barbara, CA)

10.     Joseph Crowley (D-Jackson Heights, NY)

11.     Diana DeGette (D-Denver, CO)

12.     William D. Delahunt (D-Quincy, MA)

13.     Peter Deutsch (D-Pembroke Pines, FL)

14.     Norman D. Dicks (D-Tacoma, WA)

15.     John D. Dingell (D-Dearborn, MI)

16.     Julian C. Dixon (D-Los Angeles, CA)

17.     Eliot L. Engel (D-Bronx-Johnson Ave., NY)

18.     Sam Farr (D-Monterey, CA)

19.     Martin Frost (D-Dallas, TX)

20.     Richard A. Gephardt (D-St. Louis, MO)

21.     Ralph M. Hall (D-Rockwall, TX)

22.     Earl F. Hilliard (D-Birmingham, AL)

23.     Darlene Hooley (D-Salem, OR)

24.     Steny H. Hoyer (D-Waldorf, MD)

25.     Sheila Jackson-Lee (D-Houston, TX)

26.     Dale E. Kildee (D-Flint, MI)

27.     John J. LaFalce (D-Buffalo, NY)

28.     Sander M. Levin (D-Sterling Heights, MI)

29.     Nita M. Lowey (D-White Plains, NY)

30.     Juanita Millender-McDonald (D-Torrance, CA)

31.     Ed Pastor (D-Phoenix, AZ)

32.     David E. Price (D-Raleigh, NC)

33.     Ciro D. Rodríguez (D-San Antonio, TX)

34.     Lucille Roybal-Allard (D-Los Angeles, CA)

35.     Brad Sherman (D-Woodland Hills, CA)

36.     Ike Skelton (D-Blue Springs, MO)

37.     Louise McIntosh Slaughter (D-Rochester, NY)

38.     John M. Spratt (D-Rock Hill, SC)

39.     Charles W. Stenholm (D-Stamford, TX)

40.     Gene Taylor (D-Gulfport, MS)

41.     Edolphus Towns (D-Brooklyn-Fulton St., NY)

42.     Nydia M. Velásquez (D-Brooklyn, NY)

43.     Anthony Weiner (D-Brooklyn, NY)

44.     Robert Wexler (D-Boca Raton, FL)

45.     Albert Russell Wynn (D-Springdale, MD)


8 Republicans:

1.        Spencer Bachus (R-Hoover, AL)

2.        Kevin Brady (R-Houston, TX)

3.        William L. Jenkins (R-Kingsport, TN)

4.        Jack Kingston (R-Savannah, GA)

5.        George R. Nethercutt (R-Spokane, WA)

6.        John B. Shadegg (R-Phoenix, AZ)

7.        William M. “Mac” Thornberry (R-Amarillo, TX)

8.        Curt Weldon (R-Upper Darby, PA)


26 voted against the Obey and for the Ramstad amendments:

9 Democrats:

1.        James A. Barcia (D-Bay City, MI)

2.        Corrine Brown (D-Jacksonville, FL)

3.        William (Bill) Clay (D-St. Louis, MO)

4.        Gary A. Condit (D-Merced, CA)

5.        Pat Danner (D-Kansas City, MO)

6.        Chaka Fattah (D-Philadelphia, PA)

7.        Harold E. Ford (D-Memphis, TN)

8.        Collin C. Peterson (D-Detroit Lake, MN)

9.        Maxine Waters (D-Los Angeles, CA)


17 Republicans:

1.        James DeMint (R-Spartanburg, SC)

2.        Robert L. Ehrlich (R-Lutherville, MD)

3.        Mark Foley (R-Palm Beach Gardens, FL)

4.        George W. Gekas (R-Harrisburg, PA)

5.        William F. Goodling (R-York, PA)

6.        Lindsey O. Graham (R-Anderson, SC)

7.        Mark Green (R-Green Bay, WI)

8.        Sue W. Kelly (R-Fishkill, NY)

9.        Steven C. LaTourette (R-Painesville, OH)

10.     John Linder (R-Savannah, GA)

11.     Charlie Norwood (R-Augusta, GA)

12.     Jim Nussle (R-Manchester, IA)

13.     Joe Scarborough (R-Pensacola, FL)

14.     Mike Simpson (R-Idaho Falls, ID)

15.     John E. Sununu (R-Manchester, NH)

16.     Lee Terry (R-Omaha, NE)

17.     Greg Walden (R-Medford, OR)


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