by Rep. Roger Wicker (R-Mississippi), March 29, 2000
- March 29, 2000)
[Page: H1484]
(Mr. WICKER asked and was given permission to address the House for 1
minute and to revise and extend his remarks.)
Mr. WICKER. Mr. Speaker, this
is the day! March 29, 2000, is the day that, unless something changes,
this House of Representatives will decide to become involved in a lengthy
and expensive military action in the country of Colombia.
There are a lot of questions
that we do not know about plan Colombia, but we do know this, that at
best it will take us 6 years to do the job, and probably twice that length.
It will involve us in supporting a military action against guerillas on
the left and narco terrorists on the right. Also, it will cost billions
and billions of dollars, all without a full hearing and all without a
full national debate.
This should not be a partisan
issue, Mr. Speaker. Today I will vote for the Obey amendment which will
say, at least let's put the brakes on $500 million of this appropriation
until we know what we are doing. We ought to be fully informed, and the
American people ought to be fully informed, before we embark on a course
of action which will last for decades and cost billions of American dollars
with doubtful results.
As of March 30, 2000, this
document was also available online at http://thomas.loc.gov/cgi-bin/query/z?r106:H29MR0-64: