by Rep. Ken Bentsen (D-Texas), April 4, 2000
of Remarks - April 04, 2000)
[Page: E487]
in the House of Representatives
The House in Committee of the Whole House on the State of the Union had
under consideration the bill (H.R. 3908) making emergency supplemental
appropriations for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2000, and for
other purposes:
Mr. BENTSEN. Mr. Chairman, I rise in reluctant support of the Fiscal Year
2000 Supplemental Bill, which provides over $9 billion in emergency funds
for this year. This bill provides $5 billion for ongoing operations in
Kosovo, $2.2 billion for natural disaster assistance, $2 billion additional
funds for the Defense Department, and $1.7 billion in assistance to Colombia,
Peru, and to fight narcotics traffickers.
While I support the Supplemental
Appropriations bill, I have strong reservations about using this legislation
as a vehicle to circumvent the regular appropriations process. Many initiatives
and decisions contained in this bill should be part of the regular FY
2001 appropriation process rather than trying to slip under the past and
current year spending levels. This bill reduces the non-Social Security
budget surplus for this year by about 35%. Such efforts don't speak well
for the often-stated Congressional pledges to pay down the debt. Too often
under this GOP leadership, the term `emergency' is misunderstood and misused.
This Emergency Supplemental request should not be an opportunity to evade
spending caps for non-emergency items.
I supported the increases
of the Lewis-Spence amendment, which would provide $4 billion in additional
emergency funds, mostly targeted at maintaining critical need areas under
the Department of Defense. While it would be preferable to consider this
funding during the regular budget process, I believe the military has
urgent needs in the areas specified by the amendment. Under the amendment,
an additional $4 billion will be provided to fund the operations and training
of currently deployed forces, as well as provide much-needed increases
for the military health care program, personnel recruiting and retention,
and improvements to military housing. However, this amendment underscores
the fallacy of the Majority's FY 2001 Budget Resolution adopted last week.
The Supplemental Appropriations
bill does include important funding for fighting the drug war in Colombia
and providing the military with adequate funding levels to pay for rising
fuel costs; health care and repairing damages to military facilities caused
by recent hurricanes, floods and other natural disasters is understandable.
These are truly unforseen costs.
I decided to support the Emergency
Supplemental because the assistance package for Colombia is a vital priority
and is clearly in our nation's fundamental interest. Colombia is the source
of more than 80 percent of the cocaine and much of the heroin that enters
the United States. In fact, Colombia produces 60 percent of the world's
cocaine crop, an astonishing 90 percent of which makes its way to the
U.S. The cost of illegal drugs to the U.S. is $110 billion a year, and
the U.S. Drug Czar, Barry McCaffrey has reported that illegal drugs account
for 114,000 American deaths a year. Assisting Colombia is clearly in the
interest of our nation and especially in the interest of our nation's
In 1999, Colombia's President
Pastrana unveiled a proposal, known as Plan Colombia, to address the country's
drug production and civil conflict. The Government of Colombia has estimated
that $7.8 billion will needed over the next three years to reverse the
country's role as the hemispheric center for drugs, rebuild its economy
and bolster its democratic institutions.
But as we offer assistance
to Colombia, it is important that we include tangible means for measuring
the actions of the government-supported forces. We must ensure that the
funds we provide to Colombia are utilized in a manner consistent with
our national interest. That is why I supported the amendment offered by
my colleague from Wisconsin, Mr. Obey that would have delayed funding
for military hardware and training contained in the Colombia assistance
package until July 15, 2000. The amendment would have provided for immediate
funding of all drug interdiction efforts under the Administration's plan,
but with withheld military aid until sufficient review by Congress. The
delay would have provided the Committee on Armed Services, the Committee
on International Relations, and the Select Committee on Intelligence time
to hold hearings about the conflict in Colombia and the need for this
kind of hardware and training before the funds are appropriated.
I believe the funding contained
in the aid package should not serve as a blank-check for the Colombian
military to engage in actions that may violate human rights, including
the killing of innocent civilians. It is important to remember that since
1987, it has been reported that more than 35,000 noncombatant civilians
have been murdered or made to disappear by the Colombian security forces
and their paramilitary allies. While President Pastrana has made important
strides in restoring the rule of law and improving the human rights record
of the military, the U.S. should act very carefully before appropriating
funds to any army with such a decidedly bloody record.
I also believe this legislation
should have included drug prevention measures to reduce the demand for
illegal drugs in the United States. Such an effort must be part of a comprehensive
U.S. anti-drug strategy. Indeed, I find it ironic that we're considering
an emergency supplemental bill in the House of Representatives whose emergency
status is in part due to the production of illegal drugs in Colombia,
without one dollar in the bill being used for drug prevention in the U.S.
Illegal drugs are killing
our kids at an alarming rate. In 1998, five million young people in this
country required treatment for drug addiction, and nearly 600,000 required
an emergency room visit. In the United States, there are 1.6 million drug-related
arrests annually, and over half of our prison population committed drug-related
crimes. Even more disturbing, while the average age for marijuana users
in increasing, heroin abusers are getting younger. The cost of drug abuse
to our society is estimated to be $110 billion per year, but it is much
higher if measured in countless lives lost and young dreams broken. This
problem, Mr. Chairman, is staggering. As such, I supported the motion
to recommit the bill back to the Appropriations Committee with instructions
that it be reported back to the full House with sufficient domestic drug
prevention funding. While this effort failed, I hope the Administration
and the Majority take important steps to address the demand side of the
drug problem in this country. If we are to truly eradicate drugs from
our streets, we must recognize that when there is a demand, there will
always be a willing supplier.
Finally, Mr. Chairman, I sincerely
hope that, should this bill progress, the leadership will pare back spending
which is not truly emergency. Much of this bill can be considered under
the regular appropriations process for FY 2001. We should be reticent
to completely ignore spending caps for the current fiscal year as this
bill does.
As of April 5, 2000, this
document was also available online at http://thomas.loc.gov/cgi-bin/query/z?r106:E04AP0-116: