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from a letter to Management Services for Development, a company contracted
to administer much human-rights assistance, from USAID, June 7, 2004
(Note: this letter has been excerpted to protect some identities and to omit most text not dealing directly with concerns about the political positions of USAID grantees.) United States Agency
for International Development Mr. Alfredo Cuellar Subject: Performance Concerns Dear Mr. Cuellar, The purpose of this letter is to formally convey our grave concerns regarding a number of contract performance issues. As we discussed with you during our recent meetings on May 22 and May 28, our primary concern is that the Chief of Party [name reserved] and his deputy [name reserved] are not managing the contract in a manner consistent with the terms of the contract or USG and USAID poIicy. [Name reserved], the Cognizant Technical Officer (CTO) for the contract and Mr. Thomas Johnson, Director, Office of Democratic Governance have presented me a list of concerns that relate to performance of both the Chief of Party and the Deputy Chief of Party. We share these with you so that you may resolve these issues immediately and in any event within 60 days of the date of this letter. 1. Neither the Chief of Party nor his Deputy seems to appreciate the contractual nature of our relationship; that is, they treat tlis agreement as if it were a grant rather than understanding that USAID is purchasing certain services from MSD. For example, while USAID welcomes constructive criticism of Plan Colombia, USG policies and/or the Government of Colombia during debates and open policy forums supported by the human rights program implemented through MSD, it is nonetheless not appropriate for stringent criticism to be included in formal publications funded by the program. MSD has, however, permitted documents and/or publications funded under the contract to include language strongly critical of PIan Colombia and/or other USG programs and policy. ... 5. Similarly, both individuals have taken meetings considered by the CTO to be contrary to US Government policy (for example, the recent Humanitarian Accord meeting with the French Embassy); ... In addition to the concerns relating to the Chief of Party and the Deputy, we bring to your attention the following additional issues: ... 2. The recently submitted Work Plan for the NGO subgrants is not acceptable. Until an acceptable work plan is submiffed and approved by USAID, no technical assistance should be provided to any NGO nor should any new grants be made. The Work Plan should include a strategy for NGOs, highlighting the results to be achieved and demonstrating a clear and measurable relationship between the proposed activities and their impact on prevention, protection and response (public policy). The Work Plan sbould also include a strategy and approach for ensuring that events supported under the contract are supportive of USAID objectives. For example, ... as USAID'S strategy for strengthening human rights in Colombia is focused upon strengthening the GOC's capacity in this area, work with the NGO community should be targeted to that support which advances this objective. ... We appreciate your prompt and careful consideration of this matter. Sincerely, [Name reserved] |
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