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Last Updated:7/7/04
Speech by Sen. Norm Coleman (R- Minnesota), June 23, 2004

Mr. COLEMAN. Mr. President, the recommendation of the Armed Services Committee is a proper, cautious, moderate increase. That is what we are talking about. The numbers are not that great, but the message is significant. The message is significant. What we have is a recommendation, developed by General Hill from SOUTHCOM, saying this is what we need to make sure we are living up to our commitment and to modestly strengthen our commitment, that we have seen success. Let's reward success. Again, in a proper, cautious way.

I agree with my distinguished colleague from Michigan. That is the kind of increase we need. But we are seeing success with murder down, kidnapping down. We are seeing great courage from President Uribe. We see Colombians step to the plate. We have to maintain the pressure. We are not talking about civil war. We are talking about a battle against terrorist organizations. Winning this battle will have a direct impact on the lives of Americans. It will have a direct impact on slowing the flow of cocaine and narcotics into this country.
On both sides of the aisle our colleagues are seeking the same outcome; that is, to have a proper, cautious, moderate increase in strength. But it would be wrong to send a signal to reject the recommendation, the thoughtful, reasoned, rational, proper, cautious recommendation of the Armed Services Committee on this issue. Let us send the right message and let us do the right thing by upholding the judgment of the Armed Services Committee, by not stepping back, not by placing the caps that this amendment would place.

Let's reaffirm our commitment to Colombia, to the world, about fighting narcoterrorism and winning this battle.

As of July 7, 2004 this page was also available at http://thomas.loc.gov/cgi-bin/query/B?r108:@FIELD(FLD003+s)+@FIELD(DDATE+20040623)

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