Last Updated:3/30/05
Excerpt from transcript, Hearing of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence: "National Security Threats to the United States," February 16, 2005

SEN. BAYH: My final question is with regard to FARC. Kind of looking out beyond the horizon, any assessment by any of you about -- obviously they have capabilities of striking our interests in Colombia. Are you at all concerned about their potential for striking us here in the homeland?

MR. GOSS: Well, I used to represent southwest Florida, and I have perhaps a different view than others. But I do feel there is an immediacy to making sure we understand what is going on there. There are obviously dialogue and communications going on between the countries. That means there can be between the bad players. And I think it's very important for our law enforcement people to be absolutely on top of that. And as far as I know, they are.

SEN. BAYH: Director Mueller.

MR. MUELLER: We have not seen, I do not believe, any indications or preparations for FARC to launch an attack on the United States. However, there are ties between individuals associated with FARC and persons in the United States, and they're something we have to keep an eye on.

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