of ONDCP Director (Drug Czar) John Walters, November 17, 2005
Press Center Briefing with John Walters
Director of The Office of National Drug Control Policy
“Progress Report on Anti-Drug Efforts
in Colombia”
Washington Foreign Press Center, Washington, DC
Thursday, November 17, 2005, 10:30 A.M. EST
MACINNES: Good morning, and welcome to the Foreign Press Center
here in Washington . We're delighted today to have our Foreign
Press Center in New York join us by digital video conference.
Our speaker today is John P. Walters, who is the Director of the
White House Office of Drug Control Policy, and he's going to be
speaking on progress on the anti-drug effort. He has a PowerPoint
to start with, after which we'll take questions. I'll ask you
to turn your cell phones off and during the question and answer
period if you would identify yourself and your affiliation at
the beginning and wait for the microphones to come to you. There
will be two people with microphones that will assist you.
without much further ado, Director Walters.
WALTERS: Thank you. Can you hear me all right? I have a microphone
on here. Thank you and let me go right to the information we want
to announce. Last week I was in Colombia . I met with President
Uribe and Colombian officials, U.S. personnel and others who are
working there and working with partners throughout the hemisphere,
indeed throughout the world, to help stem the shipment, production
and the consequences of illegal drug use.
I wanted to announce that in connection with those efforts we
have seen—first slide—for the first time a decline in
the purity of cocaine in the United States and an increase in
price at the retail level. As many of you know, this has been
an issue because the goal of supply reduction, obviously, in a
balanced strategy of reducing both supply and demand, is to reduce
the availability of these poisons to harm and continue the addiction
of people who are victims of illegal drug use.
has been some concern about when would we see this as a measure
of whether or not supply is actually working, and we're pleased
to announce that roughly beginning in February, based on our data
of sampling inside the United States , there was a change in the
availability of cocaine. Next slide.
is a correlate to the announcement we made several weeks ago of
the change in availability of heroin that is presumed produced
in Colombia, so-called South American heroin, identified by the
nature and characteristics of its chemical processing, which was
analyzed from a different monitoring program that showed a 30
percent increase in price and a 22 percent decrease in purity
between 2003 and 2004. This is from the domestic monitoring program.
like to talk a little bit about what we think this means and then
I'll be happy to take your questions because I think a broader
understanding of how this process works is critical to keeping
in mind what has been achieved and what the challenges are ahead.
me start with the next slide. Aside from the changes in available
purity, if you walk away from here with only two things, this
is the—actually, the second thing I'd like you to know from
this briefing. This is—it looks a little busy. It looks like
we're back in trigonometry class in middle school, which is frightening
for some of us. But what this does simply is it has a percentage
of what is consumed of various substances and it includes alcohol,
tobacco, cocaine, heroin, marijuana and meth, and then the percentage
of users. You see that all these have a similar curve; that is
the heaviest users consume vastly disproportionate amounts of
these substances. This purple line is cocaine and it's probably
the most skewed. That is if you look here, roughly, here—about
here is 10 percent of the users. If you follow this up, about
80 percent of the cocaine consumed in the United States we estimated
consumed by roughly ten percent of the users.
why is that important? It shows you that an addict base is the
necessary underpinning of every substances of abuse, its patterns
of consumption. And secondly, the reduction in the number of people
who follow this category, that is, the treatment of people who
are addicted. The diversion* into our drug treatment courts, where
they come in because they violated the law but instead of being
violent criminals, they are given an option as—that they're
not violent criminals—to get in and stay in treatment.
we know that particularly cocaine-addicted individuals are subject
to disease. Many of them get sick, unfortunately, many of them
die. Many of them also commit crimes for which they are incarcerated.
We estimate that roughly 20 percent of the heavy user addicted
population, each year, comes out of the consumption pool either
through treatment, incarceration, death or disease and have to
be replaced.
we need to cut off the entry point through initiation—the
people who start over here with non-addicted use—and we need
to reduce this number. That is what constitutes demand—heavily
focused on the addicted. Next slide.
heroin, the underlining heroin number I announced today, which
is also rooted in that kind of demand, these are the—this
is a summary of what we've seen in terms of supply control in
Colombia and elsewhere. The increase in cultivation by—based
on the estimates that we have used—and a decline, due to
eradication up through 2004—we don't have a 2005 number yet.
At the same time, you see, we've had significant increases in
seizures, especially through commercial air—that is, since
September 11th of 2001, of course, the security procedures at
airports and commercial and passenger air have been much greater.
You see it reflected in the seizure rates through that mode.
a smaller problem, much smaller area of cultivation, a dangerous
drug, but one that we've also seen substantial changes in the
production and substantial changes in seizures. The result has
been, as we see in 2003, 2004, changes in the price, upward, and
the purity, downward. Next slide.
let me talk about cocaine, the new numbers we announcing today.
First, demand. We have a national survey that measures demand
in the United States among our—over 90—it's a sample
of over—representing over 95 percent of the population, age
12 and above. We have consistent data from 2002, 2003 and 2004
that's the rate here.
2002, this map shows the intensity per capita of cocaine in 2002.
Again, I think it's important to remember, while we are—have
a serious problem with cocaine as with other drugs, a relatively
small portion of the U.S. population actually is current or past
month users, which will include both addicts and non-addicted
users. You see, it's varied between .9, 1 percent, and .8 percent
of the population. In fact, between 2003 and 2004, the reduction
of .1 to .8, you see, is a 20 percent reduction, but because it's
so small, it's hard to reliably even see changes of that magnitude
within this kind of sample because it's small.
this map graphically displays the changes between 2002 and 2004.
The intensity of use above that—the national average about
one percent to .8 percent, those that are above and those that
are below. The lighter—the lighter shaded regions are below,
the heavier shaded regions are above. This is 2004. You see in
the—especially the Rocky Mountain area, the upper plains
area and the Midwest , the intensity diminished on the same scale,
the intensity increased in the southern central part and in the
far northeast.
the same—here's the overall numbers from which these charts
are based. Here's the subset of those numbers of new users—entryway.
There is a significant decline in past year use by 12 to 17 year
olds, the entry point, so we're trying to cut off the entry point
to the funnel that leads to addiction that is a big source of
consumption. This is important because when we look at availability
of a drug , that availability, measured in price and purity, is
the intersection of supply and demand.
people have been waiting to see, are we going to see changes in
price and purity in the United States . The fact is during this
period and the reason for this slide is to show you that we believe
through increased treatment, through increased drug courts, through
increased prevention efforts of many people, demand was declining
as was supply during this period. And it was necessary for supply
reductions to overtake those demand reductions to begin to see
the changes we saw today. Next slide.
has a lot of data, but I want you to see the relative comparison
to see—to be able to understand and hopefully help many people
who worked hard on this and are asked to support it and to understand
it, what has happened here because I think there's been some confusion
in some cases.
chart shows—these two charts are about Colombia. These two
charts have to do with cocaine; that's global, focused on the
Andean region where cocaine is, of course, produced in the world.
What you see here is on the gray bars the actual estimated cultivation
in Colombia. The green bars are the eradication rates. Again,
there are two sets of numbers, as some of you know, in Colombia.
One set of cultivation estimates is provided by the United Nations.
It is lower during these periods. What the United Nations does
essentially is take a sample of commercial satellite imagery,
it takes an estimate at the beginning of the year and it subtracts
all eradications. What that form of sampling and estimation will
do, though, is tend to underestimate replanting or reconstitution
in those areas because it will act as if eradication takes off
the market all plants that are eradicated. We know that's not
what's happening now so it tends to underestimate production.
sample that you see here or the estimates you see here are based
on the technique we have used, which essentially takes a sample
of cultivation at the end of the year. Now, that sample we've
had to adjust because the replant rates will nonetheless diminish
the output. Instead of three, four or five harvests of leaves,
they will get one, two or three harvests of leaves. So the same
area under cultivation, if it's eradicated and replanted, may
be a third or less productive than it was before.
happens during the period of the mid-'90s to today is Colombia,
as you know, became, as you've seen both of these numbers where
pink is Colombia and these numbers showing Colombian cultivation,
where the shift of cultivation into Colombia and its expansion
vastly out-produced current world demand. You saw a wave of cocaine
being produced through the expansion in Colombia that exceeded
what had been the level of consumption. During this time, you
also saw, and shortly afterwards, reports of greater availability
of cocaine in Europe, greater abuse of cocaine in Brazil, talk
of Brazil becoming in some cases the third largest consumer nation
in the world based on some estimates that international bodies
have done.
what happened here was a huge wave of cocaine was set in motion
to break on to the world markets. What Colombia did during this
period is it cut the top off this wave, beginning with the presidency
of President Uribe.
chart simply takes and uses the estimate of what this level of
cultivation converts into pure cocaine and the export quality
cocaine, which is not 100 percent pure. I think it's, what, 84
percent, 84 or -5 percent pure. So these are the metric tons of
pure cocaine just in Colombia. You see that even though the last
two years—2003, 2004—where actual cultivation didn't
decline, when you adjust for the reduction in production caused
by eradication that had to be replanted, there was a significant
decline in the ability to produce cocaine in Colombia. That translated
into a decline in the production of cocaine worldwide, which you
see in these numbers.
chart, at the same time we see a decline in cultivation, you see
a decline resulting from cocaine seizures. We have had historic
and record seizures of cocaine in the transit area. You see here
the old story, we seize 10 percent of these drugs, which has emerged
and is still fixed in people's mind, is an anachronism of the
past. We're seizing over 400 metric tons of cocaine based on a
market that, as you can see here, is about 700 tons overall in
some cases.
the question has been, since eradication started dramatically,
since seizures have been going up dramatically, why haven't we
seen changes in cocaine availability last year or the year before?
we estimate cocaine on the basis of the plants that are sampled
and seen in the fields, those leaves are not instantly turned
into cocaine. There's a pipeline. This is not like a piano wire,
strung tightly, wherein you hit on one end you immediately see
or hear the result on the other end. This is a pipeline that has
some length and some flexibility in it. What is that? This chart,
as the white box shows, is an estimate of U.S. consumption during
the period '98 to 2004. The red box is seizures during that period
and the blue box is what's left over, based on Andean production
as a whole.
question became relevant in 2004, once consumption and seizures
eat up all of estimated production, why don't we see a scarcity
at this point, because there's also cocaine in the rest of the
world. I did not add the rest of the world because most of those
estimates are pretty speculative.
reason for that is that you are not seizing and consuming coca
leaves that were grown in 2004 in 2004. You are seizing and consuming
coca leaves that were probably grown and processed in 2003 and
2002. In looking back at what we know from people who have worked
on this problem in Colombia and elsewhere, it takes roughly a
year to two years—depending on how much you account for stashes
and supplies—to pick the leaves, do the first level of processing,
consolidate that processing, do a second level of processing,
consolidate and stage that processing for shipping outside of
the country, move it outside the country of Colombia into the
Caribbean or into Central America and Mexico, consolidate that,
move it across the U.S. border and turn it into retail cocaine
in the United States. Between 12 and 24 months, depending on how
much they may be stockpiling or storehousing in that process,
are the best reasonable estimates that we have seen from those
who work on this.
following two charts first just shift the overall consumption—the
overall production bar first one year into the future and then
two years into the future. You see, for both of those, there was
additional cocaine available in the system for both—during
2004. Both of these models, however, indicated that in 2005, production
as we measure it based on the subtractions done by eradication,
would no longer be able to meet the level of interdiction and
consumption. Next slide.
the data we're releasing today. Roughly, in February of this year,
cocaine availability in the United States, as measured in terms
of purity and price, purity has gone down and price has gone up.
Now, it's important to remember two things about this. What we're
doing here with the policies and the efforts of many people are
not an on-off switch. It's not a matter of yesterday there was
cocaine, today there's no cocaine. You're seeing a constriction
of the productive capacity to meet the demand globally we're measuring
here in the United States.
we follow through, we will continue to see this. It will be not
be uniform in every place. It will not necessarily be visible
to every user. Some users will not notice the difference, day-to-day,
week-to-week. Over time, that will change. But what we've seen
for the first time, is for those—and I know there are many
of those, some of whom are actually working on this problem—who
did not believe it was possible to change the availability of
cocaine in the United States or elsewhere, that this was somehow
a market that was incapable of being controlled or reduced. What
has happened is, what we're announcing today is, there's no question
that's happening. Last slide.
just gives the summary of both cocaine and heroin purity. Obviously,
there are many people who have worked hard to make this possible.
First and foremost, the people of Colombia, led by President Uribe,
the people who have worked in government, the people who have
worked in the armed forces and the police, the people who have
worked in the courts—many of whom have made tremendous sacrifices,
including the sacrifices of their lives.
partners also, though, include United Kingdom, France, the Netherlands,
Mexico, countries of the Caribbean, countries of Central America
that have cooperated with us. In the United States, this has been
a policy supported by bipartisan leaders in Congress and the executive
branches of the United States has been working together here and
broad—the Department of Homeland Security, the Department
of Defense, the Department of State, and the Department of Justice
and their components.
returning to Colombia last week, it was the first time I'd been
there since August of 2004. When I went there in August 2004 and
landed, unfortunately, about that same time, the FARC in Colombia
killed nine police officers, ambushed them, and I attended their
funeral in a small town outside of Cali—saw their families,
met their colleagues, to show respect and thank you for what they
had done. They were killed because those officers in that region
had been destroying laboratories and stashes of cocaine that the
FARC used to finance its terrorism. They are one example of all
too many individuals who have died in Colombia, Mexico, Central
America and the Caribbean, U.S. personnel and foreign personnel,
who have fought those who would make their living off the enslavement
of others to addiction and are willing to use crime and violence
to make that business work.
we're announcing today is that that effort has substantially changed
the vitality of the beast that they sought to stop. Our challenge
is to follow through. We're not done. But what we have shown today
is those who have been preaching that this is not possible, those
who believe that supply control is inevitably doomed to failure,
those who have made the reputation of over years, saying that
we ought to forget about trying to protect our citizens and live
with the consequences of substance abuse are wrong. Now, the empirical
data is we can both control and reduce demand and we can control
and reduce supply. The excuses for not trying are gone. The excuses
for not following through are no longer pertinent.
need to follow through. We will be working with—and my meetings
in Colombia were, in part, to—will continue the process of
follow through and we will continue to do that here as well. But
I want to end by, again, thanking those and particularly recognizing
those who have given their lives and they and their families are
in our thoughts and prayers regularly for we know that these benefits
are bought at a high price. And we are sorry that that price is
so high, but that price that has been paid has now shown a profound
result. With that, I'll be happy to take your questions.
MACINNES: We'll now take questions. Yes, ma'am.
Thank you, I'm Maria Pena with EFE News Services. Despite the
success stories you've brought here today, last week there was
a hearing in Congress about how Mexican and Colombian drug cartels
are making the fight against drugs that much more difficult in
Central America because they're using it as a bridge to—between
the U.S. consumers and the South American producers.
my question is, what is the U.S. doing to stem that tide and to
make sure that you do win the fight in Central America and elsewhere?
WALTERS: Well, we're working with governments throughout the hemisphere
and indeed throughout the world. We also work with the Government
of Afghanistan on opium cultivation. We work with governments
throughout the hemisphere on both coca, poppy, marijuana production,
synthetic drug production. We've worked with the Government of
Mexico extensively on all these criminal organizations that bring
these poisons to all of our countries.
follow through. We have to focus. I do think that, though, there's
a tendency sometimes to talk about this that, you know, in what
I think is a superficial and foolish manner. But because this
isn't over tomorrow, we can't do anything about it. That's obviously
not serious. As with any public safety, public health, public
education problem, the core of civilized society is to build the
capacity to protect people, to give them a better life through
dealing with those threats. And we have been partners with governments
throughout the hemisphere, respecting their sovereignty, respecting
their need to do what is best for their citizens; but preventing
drug trafficking increasingly from using borders as shields. And
I think there is a growing consensus -- I hope the success of
this effort will strengthen that consensus to stand up and help
to make this beast weaker and less of a threat as rapidly as possible.
MACINNES: We'll take the next question from New York.
Enrico Woolford from Capitol News in Georgetown Guyana, in South
America. My question is, having made some progress with regard
to the supply and demand side of cocaine, what is being done in
terms of the proceeds, the money that is gained by the drug lords,
particularly in countries in the Caribbean and in South America?
WALTERS: It's an excellent question and I think that one of the
challenges ahead to exploit additional weaknesses of trafficking
is to do a better job about the money. We have now created joint
task forces. Our Drug Enforcement Administration has made a requirement
that every investigation involving trafficking and transport include
a money-laundering component.
much as traffickers are willing to use violence and intimidation
to protect their drugs, they're even more determined to protect
their money and I think we are not satisfied at the level of our
disruption of their money at this point, although we continue
to seize larger sums. We have been working with the Mexican Government
as well as the Colombia Government to cut off what has been a
means of money laundering through the black market peso exchanges.
But this is an area that we intend to strengthen and try to bring
to bear additional intelligence resources to go after the methods
and the structures by which traffickers use to maintain their
funds. The money is their power. The money is their motivation.
The money is their addiction and we intend to cut them off from
that as rapidly as we possibly can. And I think there is—that's
an area where there is more to do and more vulnerability and I
hope we can exploit to weaken this threat further.
Thank you. Reuben Barrera with the Mexican News Agency, NOTIMEX.
I find that what we hear and saw in that hearing two weeks ago
about what's going on in Central America. There has been some—well,
actually, a prominent think-tank group this week released a report
pointing that there is a lot of increasing parallels in the way
how drug traffickers organizations work in Mexico. They say that
there is a tendency to compare Mexico in some sort of a new Colombia
in this area because they point the fact that these drug traffic
organizations are now more violent, they have greater resources,
and in some ways they now operate with more independency with
Colombian drug traffic organizations than ten years ago.
the question is if you have seen any signs that Mexico is becoming
some sort of Colombia place where these drug organizations operate?
WALTERS: Well, there's no question that over the last decade the
movement of shipments of heroin and cocaine from South America
up to the United States through Mexico has increased. Substantially
greater shares of drugs that used to go through the Caribbean
as a result of interdiction efforts, as a result of government
efforts in the Caribbean, as a result of our efforts, as a result
of extraditions and enforcement efforts in parts of Colombia,
have been shifted toward Mexico. As you probably know, we are
now working more intensively with the Mexican Government to both
coordinate joint efforts in the hemisphere on seizures—there's
been record seizures over the last several years of cocaine—and
efforts recently also to seize money coming back into Mexico from
drug users in the United States to pay for these drugs and therefore
pay for the organizations downstream that supplies it.
addition, we have, as you know, worked with the Mexican Government
on a broad range of efforts to target the major trafficking organizations.
There is no question that those organizations over the last ten
years became more violent and more powerful. How did they do that?
Because of the money paid by the United States drug users to those
organizations' retail representatives. As President Bush said
at the beginning of his administration, it is unacceptable that
the American drug consumer is the single largest funder of anti-democratic
forces in this hemisphere.
job is not to ask other countries to do what we need to do ourselves.
We need to reduce demand. That's why we set the goal, at his direction,
of a 25 percent reduction of drug use over five years, a 10 percent
reduction in two years. We have received a 17 percent reduction
over three years for young people. We want to continue to move
toward his goal over the next five years through expanded treatment.
His first initiative was to bring more of those who are addicted
into treatment. We've begun to deploy those resources. We are
deploying resources to screen people in our public—in our
health system for addiction as a routine matter. We know that
people who are addicted regularly come in because they're in accidents,
the victims and perpetrators of violence. They're subject to diseases
and maladies at a greater rate than non-using citizens. We want
them screened in the public health system and in emergency rooms
and in doctors' offices and my office has been working with HHS
and other agencies of our government to do that.
addition, you will remember two years ago President Bush announced
for the first time the federal government will support communities
who make the decisions, their own decision, to use random drug
testing with school children. We know that drug and substance
abuse starts with adolescence. People begin the process of using
that results in too many cases in addiction.
testing, while it's been controversial, is being adopted in more
and more places. Why? Because we understand addiction as a disease,
because we understand that testing, when it's done confidentially
and to refer young people to help, cuts off the path of that disease
most dramatically. My office is now monitoring this throughout
the United States. On average, we see one school district a week
now adopting random student drug testing. Why? Because it works.
Many of our employers use testing as a way of protecting their
work force from both the disease of addiction and from the consequences
of that disease that affects the corporate ability to function
effectively. We're just applying that same lesson to our own population.
there are tools that will work on both demand and we believe this
shows tools that will work on supply that many people need to
understand and more fully appreciate and countries throughout
the world can adopt. I have met just two weeks ago with my counterpart
from Russia and we talked a great deal about both supply but also
a great deal about demand reduction efforts that Russia is interested
in, as have been our European counterparts. So I think yes, there's
no question that these mafias have grown in power. They've grown
in power both because the supply both inside and outside Mexico,
more importantly outside Mexico, was growing. That, we're showing
today, has changed demonstrably. And because consumption was not
being checked and that, we have shown, I think steadily over the
last several years, we intend to do and we hope to do it more
rapidly. And when supply and demand efforts coincide, that's when
you can see dramatic changes.
17 percent decline I talked about with teenage drug use included
in it a 60 percent decline in ecstasy use, something that had
been growing dramatically last—five years ago. Why? Because
we both targeted specifically youth attitudes about ecstasy and
we had cooperation, particularly with the Dutch and some of our
European counterparts, in enforcement that radically reduced the
availability of ecstasy. When supply and demand come together,
we can see even more dramatic drops in the consumption rates and
the consequences and the money and the crime associated with drug
trafficking. That's what we want to do.
New York.
Hi, Alfonso Luna-Morales from the AFP, a French news agency. I
want to know what the annual cost for United States of fighting
drugs in Colombia.
WALTERS: The overall budget for the Andean Initiative, which includes
more than Colombia, is about $740 million. And I think about a
little over 400 million of that is in Colombia. The overall national
budget of the United States is about $12.5 billion. We spend about
$3 billion on treatment and we spend roughly 42, 43 percent on
demand reduction and the rest on supply reduction, which includes—the
largest area is enforcement inside the United States but also
includes border and foreign operations.
Yes, I'm Natalia Orozco from RCN TV Colombia. Dr. Walters, (inaudible)
speaking about a second Plan Colombia that you will start in 2007.
Is your office going to support this idea and what—I mean,
which budget can we expect from that?
WALTERS: Yes, President Bush and President Uribe spoke about this
when President Uribe visited with President Bush at Crawford a
number of months ago. We're now in the process of continuing to
expand the cooperation that we're working on and following through.
I'm pleased to say, as you may know, that the Congress just passed
our budget for the next fiscal year for these programs and gave
even slightly more than the President requested. So we are now
working to set forth from where we are now how we're going to
go year to year.
think you're most likely to see a kind of, you know, five-year
program then. What we're trying to do is year-to-year follow-through
in the most effective ways. It doesn't mean any pullback. It doesn't
mean any hesitancy. But as you know, we appropriate money year
to year in our congressional system and we believe that support
will remain strong. We certainly will fight to make sure that
it's strong. And my meetings with Colombian officials were, in
part, to talk about what kinds of operations we need to have to
go forward and then how we apportion what contributions the United
States can make and what contributions and burdens that the Colombian
Government will make, which of course are the greater burden.
My name is Juan Carlos Rodriguez from the Associated Press. Would
you like to see the U.S. aid to Colombia continue to focus mainly
on plant eradication efforts or would you also like to see more
of an emphasis on the social programs and the other side of Plan
Colombia type of thing?
WALTERS: Well, I think we've learned that we need to have a mix
of programs here where, partly, as President Uribe has been, I
think, the most eloquent and effective advocate: bringing rule
of law to communities; giving them protection; bringing courts,
schools, health care to municipalities of Colombia for the first
time in modern history; of giving people a sense of economic opportunity
as well as liberty and security.
know, Colombia has had, I think, unprecedented GPD growth in the
last several years; declines in, of course, violence, murders,
kidnapping, terrorist attacks. It's also had what I think are
probably unprecedented growths in foreign investment in the last
two years into Colombia as a result of this. So it's all part
of the same thing.
think there's a tendency here to think of this as either/or on
drugs. I mean, there's a kind of, maybe it's a right brain/left
brain problem, I don't quite know, that you either have to focus
on demand or you focus on supply. President Bush has said from
the beginning that we need a balanced strategy. What we've learned
is this is a market phenomena; we need to reduce both demand and
supply if we're going to have lasting change.
know, in the past we've tried to do just treatment or just enforcement,
just interdiction, and what we've learned, and what I think we're
joining with our partners in applying, is the benefit of extending
lawful order, not just removing a criminal strength through money
and the drug business, but also bringing in courts that work,
the ability to make a living and see a better future for your
children, the ability to move around in your own country without
fear and to understand that next year is likely to be better than
this year as we work together in a peaceful and productive manner.
I mean, that's the hope that has obviously fueled the support
for President Uribe's policies in Colombia. I think that's the
path we're going to follow for the future. And I think the largest
area that we hope to move forward in is opening up trade. As much
as, you know, aid needs to be a component of this, there is no
question that the amount of money that's produced by individual
aid programs are dwarfed by the expansions of real trade, of free
trade that's grown between Colombia, between Mexico, between other
countries of the hemisphere, and we've made it a priority to try
to expand those areas of trade because they are good for everybody.
MACINNES: Thank you very much.
As of
May 2, 2006, this document was also available online at