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Letter from
Sen. Charles Grassley (R-Iowa) to ONDCP Director ("Drug Czar") John Walters,
April 26, 2006
Immediate Release Grassley Concerned About ONDCP Assessment of Effectiveness of Plan Colombia WASHINGTON --- Sen. Chuck Grassley of Iowa has sent a letter to the Office of National Drug Control Policy asking for clarification about the price, purity and availability of cocaine and heroin in the United States and how this information correlates to Plan Colombia. The information were getting from ONDCP just doesnt add up and its high time we find out the real story on the coca production numbers in Colombia, Grassley said. Here is a copy of Grassleys letter to Walters. The Honorable
John Walters Dear Director Walters: I am writing to express my concern and to seek clarification about statements you made last November, and on numerous occasions since then, regarding the price, purity and availability of cocaine and heroin in the United States and how they correlate to the achievements of Plan Colombia. My principal concern is that these statements are based not only on data from sources that were never intended for such purposes, but that they also utilize data from different selected sources to provide a rosier but not necessarily more accurate, picture of the current situation. While I am very hopeful that the tide is turning in our efforts to combat cocaine and heroin production and exportation from Colombia, I believe that these assumptions may be premature and perhaps even unfounded. Furthermore, these statements raise serious concerns within Congress about our ability to effectively combat the narco-traffickers. For example, ONDCP's April 14th press release regarding coca cultivation in Colombia references an eight percent reduction in those areas in 2005 that also were imaged in 2004. This is potentially misleading since it includes the areas that were heavily sprayed, which likely resulted in growers leaving those areas and moving to others. Research shows that those in the drug trade adapt to pressure to eradicate and interdict their product. This year's news about Colombia's cultivation suggests that areas subject to spraying have witnessed reductions in cultivation, but overall cultivation continues to rise as a likely result of coca being grown in new areas not being targeted by eradication. Other claims from your office raise questions about how information is used. 1) Last November, you stated, "Today, I wanted to announce that in connection with those efforts we have seen...for the first time a decline in the purity of cocaine in the United States and an increase in price at the retail level." This statement is based only on data from one six-month period. However, during this six month period, the purity levels did not dip to the lowest level shown on the graph - which was in August/September 2003, and the price did not return to the highest level shown on the graph- which was in July 2003. In addition, both changes occurred immediately following a period when the data sets reached their highest (purity) and lowest (price) points. Moreover, long-term STRIDE data shows numerous fluctuations (both increases and declines) in price and purity numbers over the past two decades, but the long-term data is not included in the presentation.
2) I am also concerned about the reliability of these statements because, according to the 2004 report "Price and Purity of Illicit Drugs: 1981 Through the Second Quarter of 2003", which is based on STRIDE data and is currently available on the ONDCP website, the price of a pure gram of cocaine during the first two months of 2003 was $106 (for less than 2 grams) and had not been above the $200 mark since 1990. Also according to the STRIDE report, the purity of cocaine during the first two quarters of 2003 averaged 70 percent, but your graph shows the purity in July 2003 to be approximately 60 percent.
3) In addition,
the primary source of information for changes in price and purity of
4) In response to a September 18, 2005 Boston Herald article entitled, "Effective Action Against Heroin in Boston," David Murray wrote, "The same goes for heroin and Boston. Fears of rising purity, falling prices, and greater availability of South American heroin (the purest and most common heroin found in the eastern United States), have been directly contradicted by the most recent data. The latest analysis of heroin price and purity by the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) revealed that between 2003 and 2004, nationwide average South American heroin purity declined by 22 percent while average price rose by 30 percent. In Boston, purity has fallen even more." For this
statement, your office relied on data and analysis from the DEA's 2005
4) Just recently, the Federal Government released the 2005 Colombia coca cultivation report that has production up by 26 percent over the previous year. The 144,000 hectares cultivated matches the 2002 cultivation number and is only exceeded by 2001, the highest cultivation ever. In addition, there has been an increase in cultivation in both Peru and Bolivia, and the Morales Government in Bolivia has thus far brought a halt to eradication efforts in Bolivia which will most likely result in even larger increases in production this year.
Thank you, in advance, for responding to these questions in writing by May 5, 2006. Sincerely, Charles E. Grassley |
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