Last Updated:6/21/00
Vote to Table the Wellstone Amendment, June 21, 2000

(Text of the Wellstone amendment)

A Senator may move to table any pending question. The motion is not debatable, and agreement to the motion is equivalent to defeating the question tabled. The motion is used to dispose quickly of questions the Senate does not wish to consider further.

89 voting in favor
(53 Republicans, 36 Democrats)
11 voting against
(2 Republicans, 9 Democrats)
  • Abraham, Spencer (R-MI)
  • Akaka, Daniel K. (D-HI)
  • Allard, Wayne (R-CO)
  • Ashcroft, John (R-MO)
  • Baucus, Max (D-MT)
  • Bayh, Evan (D-IN)
  • Bennett, Robert F. (R-UT)
  • Biden, Joseph R., Jr.(D-DE)
  • Bingaman, Jeff (D-NM)
  • Bond, Christopher S. (R-MO)
  • Breaux, John B. (D-LA)
  • Brownback, Sam (R-KS)
  • Bryan, Richard H. (D-NV)
  • Bunning, Jim (R-KY)
  • Burns, Conrad R. (R-MT)
  • Campbell, Ben Nighthorse (R-CO)
  • Chafee, Lincoln (R-RI)
  • Cleland, Max (D-GA)
  • Cochran, Thad (R-MS)
  • Collins, Susan (R-ME)
  • Conrad, Kent (D-ND)
  • Coverdell, Paul (R-GA)
  • Craig, Larry E. (R-ID)
  • Crapo, Michael (R-ID)
  • Daschle, Thomas A. (D-SD)
  • DeWine, Mike (R-OH)
  • Dodd, Christopher J. (D-CT)
  • Domenici, Pete V. (R-NM)
  • Durbin, Richard (D-IL)
  • Edwards, John (D-NC)
  • Enzi, Mike (R-WY)
  • Feinstein, Dianne (D-CA)
  • Fitzgerald, Peter (R-IL)
  • Frist, William H. (R-TN)
  • Gorton, Slade (R-WA)
  • Graham, Bob (D-FL)
  • Gramm, Phil (R-TX)
  • Grassley, Charles (R-IA)
  • Gregg, Judd (R-NH)
  • Hagel, Chuck (R-NE)
  • Hatch, Orrin G. (R-UT)
  • Helms, Jesse (R-NC)
  • Hollings, Ernest F. (D-SC)
  • Hutchinson, Tim (R-AR)
  • Hutchison, Kay Bailey (R-TX)
  • Inhofe, James M. (R-OK)
  • Inouye, Daniel K. (D-HI)
  • Jeffords, James M. (R-VT)
  • Johnson, Tim (D-SD)
  • Kennedy, Edward M. (D-MA)
  • Kerrey, J. Robert (D-NE)
  • Kerry, John F. (D-MA)
  • Kohl, Herb (D-WI)
  • Kyl, Jon (R-AZ)
  • Landrieu, Mary (D-LA)
  • Lautenberg, Frank R. (D-NJ)
  • Levin, Carl (D-MI)
  • Lieberman, Joseph I. (D-CT)
  • Lincoln, Blanche Lambert (D-AR)
  • Lott, Trent (R-MS)
  • Lugar, Richard G. (R-IN)
  • Mack, Connie (R-FL)
  • McCain, John (R-AZ)
  • McConnell, Mitch (R-KY)
  • Moynihan, Daniel Patrick (D-NY)
  • Murkowski, Frank H. (R-AK)
  • Nickles, Don (R-OK)
  • Reed, Jack (D-RI)
  • Reid, Harry (D-NV)
  • Robb, Charles S. (D-VA)
  • Roberts, Pat (R-KS)
  • Rockefeller, John D., IV (D-WV)
  • Roth, William V., Jr. (R-DE)
  • Santorum, Rick (R-PA)
  • Sarbanes, Paul S. (D-MD)
  • Schumer, Charles (D-NY)
  • Sessions, Jeff (R-AL)
  • Shelby, Richard C. (R-AL)
  • Smith, Bob (R-NH)
  • Smith, Gordon (R-OR)
  • Snowe, Olympia J. (R-ME)
  • Stevens, Ted (R-AK)
  • Thomas, Craig (R-WY)
  • Thompson, Fred (R-TN)
  • Thurmond, Strom (R-SC)
  • Torricelli, Robert (D-NJ)
  • Voinovich, George (R-OH)
  • Warner, John W. (R-VA)
  • Wyden, Ron (D-OR)
  • Boxer, Barbara (D-CA)
  • Byrd, Robert C. (D-WV)
  • Dorgan, Byron L. (D-ND)
  • Feingold, Russell D. (D-WI)
  • Grams, Rod (R-MN)
  • Harkin, Tom (D-IA)
  • Leahy, Patrick J. (D-VT)
  • Mikulski, Barbara A. (D-MD)
  • Murray, Patty (D-WA)
  • Specter, Arlen (R-PA)
  • Wellstone, Paul D. (D-MN)
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