by Rep. Stephanie Tubbs Jones (D-Ohio), July 24, 2001
Chairman, I move to strike the requisite number of words, and I rise in
support of the Lee-Leach global AIDS amendment.
Mr. Chairman, I want
to compliment the gentleman from Iowa (Mr. LEACH) and the gentlewoman
from California (Ms. LEE) for their leadership on this issue. My second
term in the House of Representatives, and last year, through my work with
the gentlewoman from California (Ms. LEE), I became more and more aware
of the need for this country to step up to the plate and take its leadership
role in addressing the pandemic of AIDS.
In reality, as we
nickel and dime our way towards paying for the AIDS pandemic in our country
and across the world, we ought to be anteing up $1 billion from the United
States that would allow us to leverage another $8 to $9 billion across
the world to support this AIDS, to get rid of this AIDS pandemic.
The prior speaker
specifically said that we were cutting funds. But in fact we are looking
at funds to leverage to the trust fund, and we are not cutting USAID funds.
We are not talking about bilateral funds, and we are not talking about
decreasing the income of the various countries that are being dealt with.
We are talking about decreasing an increase for these countries, because
some of the dollars have actually sat being unused. For example, in the
country of Peru, military funds for the Andean initiative sat unused for
a number of years. In addition, funds in Colombia would not be affected.
Additionally, cuts to this initiative are budget cuts only to budget increases
over the next few years.
Let me for a moment,
Mr. Chairman, tell my colleagues some of the 24 organizations that are
supporting this piece of legislation, and these are organizations that
are religious, health, hunger and research oriented groups.
They include ACT
UP out of Philadelphia, AIDS Action, AIDS Alliance for Children Youth
and Families, AIDS Nutrition Services Alliance, AIDS Vaccine Advocacy
Coalition, Advocates for Youth, the American Public Health Association,
Catholic Relief Services, Church World Service, Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric
AIDS Foundation, Gay Men's Health Crisis, Global Campaign for Microbicides,
Global Health Council, Health GAP Coalition, HIV Medicine Association,
the Human Rights Campaign, Infectious Diseases Society of America, Maryknoll
AIDS Task Force, the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the
USA, the National AIDS Fund, PLAN International, the Presbyterian Church
USA, Washington Office, the San Francisco AIDS Foundation, Student Global
AIDS Campaign, and the Washington Office on Africa.
All of these organizations
get it. All of these organizations understand the importance of our addressing
the AIDS pandemic across the world.
Now, I am knowledgeable
to the point that I have seen and I have read that there are grandparents
across sub-Saharan Africa that are raising 35 and 40 grandchildren, and
they are raising 35 and 40 grandchildren as a result of the fact that
AIDS has wiped out generations across sub-Saharan Africa. We should not
continue to let that happen.
It would be different
if we could not make an impact. It would be different if we had to say
to the world, World, we cannot help you, we can let this AIDS pandemic
continue to spread. But we can make a difference, the big United States
of America, the one that comes to the plate for everybody else.
Step up, America.
Step up, United States, and fund this AIDS pandemic program at its maximum.
As of October 5,
2001, this document was also available online at http://thomas.loc.gov/cgi-bin/query/B?r107:@FIELD(FLD003+h)+@FIELD(DDATE+20010724)