Interested Colleagues
From: Ingrid Vaicius, Associate
Date: November 18, 2003
Recent changes in the Uribe government
the last three weeks the government of President Alvaro Uribe
has faced a series of challenges. A 14-point referendum of political
reforms failed on October 25 for lack of voter turnout, despite
heavy campaigning by the president. The next day, opposition candidates
won several key posts - including mayor of Bogotá - in municipal
and gubernatorial elections. The aftermath of the elections, along
with discord that had been brewing within the administration,
led to a series of resignations and changes in Uribe's cabinet
and the military's high command.
Changes in the Cabinet
November 6, while in a meeting with members of Conservative Party,
Minister of Justice and Interior Fernando Londoño stated
"if you do declare your opposition, today, we would find ourselves
in a political crisis. This political crisis will only be resolved,
I believe, with extreme measures-which the President has considered-including
calling for early elections."[1] While
the comments may have been taken out of context, the mention of
early elections caused a huge political uproar. The comments,
in addition to the already tense relationship between Mr. Londoño
and Colombia's Congress, prompted President Uribe to accept the
resignation of his "superminister."
after Londoño's exit, Mr. Uribe appointed Sabas Pretelt de
la Vega as his new minister. Mr. Pretelt, a member of the
Conservative Party, was President of Colombia's powerful National
Federation of Commerce (FENALCO). He was also a strong supporter
of Mr. Uribe's referendum initiative. The new minister will face
a complex legislative agenda, including economic reforms, controversial
anti-terrorist legislation currently before Congress, and structural
reforms to the state. "If the FENALCO president's support of the
referendum was one of the reasons that led president Alvaro Uribe
to notice him, Pretelt must now prove that he can translate the
managerial capacity he has displayed as President of FENALCO to
his relationships with Congress," indicated the Colombian newsweekly
Sunday, November 9, the Uribe government was shaken by another
unexpected resignation: that of Minster of Defense Marta Lucía
Ramírez. Ms. Ramirez, Colombia's first female defense minister,
gained a reputation for effectiveness at implementing Uribe's
controversial "Democratic Security" strategy and radically changing
many of the Ministry's practices, including strategies to demand
accountability and transparency against corruption. However, her
strong character gave way to tensions between the Military High
Command. The strain between Ramírez and Armed Forces Chief Gen.
Jorge Mora was so tense that, during her last three weeks in office,
she and Gen. Mora were not even speaking to each other.[3]
Ultimately, these rifts were seen as counterproductive and
President Uribe accepted her resignation.
He appointed Jorge Alberto Uribe Echavarría as the
new minister. Mr. Uribe Echavarria has no political or defense
background, but is "part of a select group of people, most of
which are businessmen, who President Uribe consults with on a
regular basis," according to Cambio.[4] During
his first statements, the minister-elect indicated that the Ministry
of Defense "will support the president in search for peace, a
search that may come, if that is the case, to require war." [5]
On November 11th President Uribe accepted the resignation of his
Minister of Environment and
Housing, Cecilia Rodriguez. While little was said about
the reasons for her departure her replacement has stirred up some
controversy. Sandra Suárez, Uribe's former director for
implementing Plan Colombia, is now charged with protecting Colombia's
environment. Environmental groups believe it sends the wrong message
to appoint an official who actively promoted dramatically expanded
aerial herbicide fumigation as part of her last position.[6] With
only 15 months of public experience, Ms. Suarez will face significant
That same day German Bula, director of Colombian Agency
for International Cooperation (ACCI), the office charged with
obtaining international resources, resigned. President Uribe decided
to join the ACCI with the office for Plan Colombia and create
a "High Counselor for Social Action (Alta Conserjería para la
Acción Social)".
Changes in the Armed Forces
On November 11 General Teodoro Campo, Director of the Colombian
National Police, was asked by the president to submit his
resignation. During his 15 months at the job, four major scandals
rocked Colombia's Police: two tons of cocaine were lost with the
complicity of police agents in Atlántico department; a kidnapping
gang made up of policemen and prosecutors was disbanded; 29 members
of the police were found to be stealing fuel from the institution;
and, most recently, revelations emerged of misuse of funds by
the Medellín police.[7] The
General's lack of action after these scandals was cited as the
main reason for his departure.
General Campo has been replaced by Brigadier General Jorge
Daniel Castro Castro. Over his 30-year career with the Colombian
police, Castro has served as Director of the anti-kidnapping (GAULA)
unit, Commander of the Medellín police and chief of the Search
Bloc (Bloque de Búsqueda) to apprehend drug-cartel leaders. Most
recently Castro was the Director of the Bogotá metropolitan police.
In that position Castro focused his attention on the fight against
terrorism and intelligence work, seeking to dismantle FARC cells
in Bogotá. Brigadier General Castro led the so far inconclusive
investigation of the February 2003 bombing of the El Nogal social
club. [8]The
misuse of funds in Medellín also prompted Leonardo Gallego,
Commander of the Medellín Metropolitan Police and a former
head of the police's anti-narcotics division, to present his resignation.
the departure of Minister Ramírez, Armed Forces Commander General
Jorge Enrique Mora
on November 12. The military high command was to have changed
by year's end, bringing with it Gen. Mora's retirement; however,
after the defense minister's exit, these changes were sped up.
Once the new minister was named, reports Cambio, "General Mora
began to consider early retirement from active duty. After giving
it some thought, he decided to talk with the President. …Uribe
agreed with the decision, but asked him to stay on for one more
week while the high command was established."[9]
November 18, General Jorge Pineda Carvajal, the Commander of
Jungle Brigade 27 based out of Putumayo, was asked to resign
due to allegations of misuse of funds while he was Director of
Intelligence of the Armed Forces in 2001.
same day, Defense Minister Uribe confirmed the new military high
command. General Carlos Alberto Ospina, former head of
the army, is replacing General Mora as the new commander of the
armed forces. General Ospina is known as a "soldier's soldier"
who enjoys being on the battlefield. Ospina has led the Special
Forces and 2nd Mobile Brigade, and directed operation 'Conquista'
against narco-trafficking in Guaviare and Vaupés. He also led
the Fourth Brigade in Medellín and served as the army's director
of operations. The new head of the army is Major General Martín
Orlando Carreño. Carreño was the army's chief of operations
after leading the army's Second Division in Bucaramanga, Santander
department. The chief of the air force is still General Édgar
Alfonso Lésmez Abad, who assumed his post in September, and Vice
Admiral Mauricio Alfonso Soto Gómez remains as head of the Navy.
these adjustments come in the wake of the Uribe administration's
first major political defeat. It is clear that some of the changes
within the cabinet were brewing for a long time -Londoño's outspoken
ways had already landed him in trouble more than once, and it
was unlikely that the tension between Ramírez and the military
high command was going to disappear. These two resignations, added
to the electoral defeat, led Uribe to make a series of dramatic
adjustments. For now it may seem that a more profound crisis has
been averted. Yet it is far from clear whether Uribe - who remains
popular in Colombia, according to most polls - will be able to
pursue his agenda as easily as before.
[1] El
Tiempo, "Londoño Arma Alboroto Político," November 6, 2003 Can
be found online at
[2] Revista
Cambio, "La Hora de Sabas," November 17, 2003.
[3] Revista
Semana, "Monona," November 17, 2003.
[4] Revista
Cambio, "Los Secretos del Remezon," November 17, 2003 Available
on line at:
[5] EFE
News Agency, "Nuevo Ministro de Defensa de Colombia dice que la
Paz puede requerir Guerra," November 10, 2003, Can be found on-line
[6] El
Tiempo Editorial, "Carambola a Tres Bandas," November 12, 2003.
[7] El
Tiempo, "Cae la Cúpula de la Policía," November 12, 2003.
[8] Ibid.
November 12, 2003.
[9] Revista
Cambio, "Los Secretos del Remezon," November 17, 2003.