Last Updated:3/12/02

U.S. Military and Police Aid - Focus on Arauca and Putumayo:Timeline of Current Events Putumayo:
August 2003

August 23, 2003

President Uribe, Minister of Defense Ramirez, general Jorge Enrique Pineda commander of the 27th brigade and general Carlos Alberto Ospina commander of the Army during the President's visit to Puerto Asís.

During a town council meeting in Puerto Asís, President Uribe, revealed that members of illegal armed groups were planning an attack against him. Local authorities stated that the attack was going to be carried by guerrillas in the urban area of Puerto Asis right at the time of the President's arrival. Uribe urged the guerrillas who were going to carry out the attack to demobilize if not "sooner or later you will fall in the hands of democratic authorities." He also added" Terrorism never triumphs, the only thing that always triumphs is a transparent State, and democratic institutions administered ethically and with good faith." [ELTIEMPO.COM with AFP & EFE]

August 22, 2003

Juan Carlos Benavides, reporter for a community radio station in Alto Sibundoy, Putumayo was assassinated when he refused to stop at a FARC roadblock between Puerto Caicedo y Puerto Asís. [Terra / Colombia http://www.terra.com.co/actualidad/nacional/23-08-2003/nota103260.html]

August 18, 2003


Several weeks after FARC guerrillas dynamited five oil wells in Puerto Vega, four Americans from Cudd Well Control of Houston arrived in the Putumayo to control the burning blazes. Colombian soldiers were dispatched to clear guerrilla land mines and secure the area and are now charged with protecting the Americans and their equipment. [Miami Herald http://www.miami.com/mld/ miamiherald/news/world/americas/6557227.htm]


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