Last Updated:3/21/00
The Clinton Administration's Aid Proposal: Summary Table


FY 2000 - FY 2001 (dollars in millions) / last updated 02/03/00

  Fiscal Year 2000 Fiscal Year 2001 Total
Total 954.9 318.1 1,273

Counter-Narcotics Battalion (CNBN) Support

Counter-Narcotics Battalion  (CNBN) Support Fiscal Year 2000 Fiscal Year 2001 Total   Administering Agency
511.7 87.5 599.2  
Train and Equip CNBNs 32.6 14.5 47.1 Funds 2 CNBN (fully vetted for human rights as per the Leahy Amendment) by end of CY 00, and then trains troops that are not counternarcotics-dedicated for support of CNBNs.  
Train and Equip CNBNs 22 3 25 Funds creation and training of 2nd and 3rd Colombian Army CNBNs. DOS/DOD
Build CN BRGD HQ 1 0 1 Funds construction of and training of personnel for Counter-Narcotics Brigade Headquarters. DOD
Sustain CNBNs 3 3 6 Funds supply and ongoing equipment needs for CNBNs operating in the field. DOS
Joint Ops Training for Sr. Commanders 0.6 0.5 1.1 Funds training senior commanders from CNBNs and Colombian National Police (CNP) in conducting joint counter-narcotics operations. DOS
Secure Field/HQ Communications 3 5 8 Funds acquisition of secure communications system for CNBN units in the field to communicate with their Brigade headquarters.
Military Reform 3 3 6 Funds ongoing program to eliminate corruption and human rights violations in the Colombian military. DOD
CNBN Air Capability 439 13 452 Provides funding to refurbish 15 UH-1N Huey helicopters and to procure 30 UH-60 Blackhawk helicopters in FY00. Funds operations, maintenance and pilot training upon delivery in Colombia.  
UH-1N Huey 54 10 64 Refurbishes 15 additional Huey helicopters to raise the CNBN operational total to 33. Supports operations and maintenance of all 33 helicopters. DOS
UH-60 Blackhawk 385 3 388 Funds procurement, operations, and maintenance of 30 Blackhawk helicopters. Also funds pilot training. (Delivery expected to begin in late CY 2001.) DOS
Infrastructure 15.2 20 35.2 Enhances Colombian Army bases and outfits Colombian Army aviation facilities with the capacity to handle new aircraft during FY00 and FY01.  
Army Aviation Infrastructure 8.2 5 13.2 Funds enhancements to Colombian Army air bases to accommodate Hueys and Blackhawks. DOD
Begin forward infrastructure devel. 3 8 11 Funds development of bases for CNBN operations in the Coca growing region. DOS
Enhance force protection 4 7 11 Enhances security of existing Colombian Army facilities that will be used for counternarcotics efforts. DOS
Logistics 5.9 9 14.9 Funds training and equipping logistics personnel. Also provides basic equipment support to CNBNs.  
Improve Logistical Support 4.4 4 8.4 Funds training logistics personnel and equipping them with computers, ground handling equipment, etc. DOS
Other infrastructure and sustainment 1.5 5 6.5 Funds basic equipment support to CNBNs, i.e. vehicles, night vision goggles, etc. DOS
Intelligence 7 12 19 Funds intelligence support to the Colombian Army and CNBNs.  
CNBN Organic Intel 7 7 14 Funds the purchase in FY 00 and O&M in FY 01 of one long-duration reconnaissance aircraft (e.g. Schweitzer, RG-8A) with forward-looking infrared (FLIR) used to spot runways, labs, troop movements, etc. at night DOS/DOD
Senior Scout 0 5 5 Classified DOD
Resettlement Assistance 12 19 31 Provides assistance to civilians displaced by the push into Southern Colombia.  
Alternative Development 5 11 16 Funds medium-term assistance to help IDPs move into licit farming and other legal economic activity. DOS/AID
Resettlement and Employment 7 8 15 Funds emergency assistance to IDPs, providing short-term shelter and employment. AID


Interdiction Fiscal Year 2000 Fiscal Year 2001 Total   Administering Agency
238.7 102.4 341.1  
Air Interdiction in Colombia: Aircraft 16 6.4 22.4    
Upgrade OV-10s 15 0 15 Funds upgrades to 11 OV-10 airplanes now used for ground support to enable them to carry out air intercept missions. DOS
AC-47 FLIR 1 6.4 7.4 Funds equipping one AC-47 with FLIR (Forward Looking Infrared) for night ops against airborne drug trafficking. DOD
Air Interdiction in Colombia: Radar 25 12 37    
Airborne Tracker Platforms 7 3 10 Funds purchase and installation of sensor suites in 2 C-26 aircraft to track drug trafficking aircraft for interdiction. DOD
Ground Based Radar 13 7 20 Moves ground based radar (GBR) to Tres Esquinas, Colombia (in Coca growing region). In FY 01, moves and installs a second GBR in Leticia, Colombia (near the Amazon where Peru, Brazil, and Colombia meet). DOD
Radar Command and Control 5 0 5 Funds construction of a radar command center in Tres Esquinas, Colombia (in Coca growing region) in FY00. DOD
Civil Aircraft Beacons 0 2 2 Purchases and installs beacons in civil aircraft to facilitate tracking and intercepting aircraft that are involved in illicit activity. DOD
Infrastructure 46.6 5 51.6    
Manta FOL upgrade 38.6 0 38.6 Funds construction and upgrades for US Forward Operating Location (FOL) at Manta, Ecuador in FY00. DOD
Airfield Updgrades 8 5 13 Funds Colombian Air Force airfield upgrades to accommodate a greater number of more advanced aircraft. DOS
Intelligence 37 25 62    
Andean Ridge Intel 3 4 7 Funds Andean Ridge signal intelligence collection and translation program to track movement from Peru, Ecuador, and Brazil into Colombia. DOD
Classified Program 34 21 55 Classified DOD
Treasury 70.1 0 70.1    
Customs 68 0 68 Funds radar upgrades to 4 US Customs Airborne Early Warning Radar equipped P-3 aircraft for intelligence operations. Customs
OFAC 2.1 0 2.1 Funds Drug Kingpin legislation implementation for Treasury, establishing an office to track narco-traffickers' accounts. Treasury
Operations Support 10 10 20 Funds numerous small-ticket items to support interdiction efforts, such as fuel, parts, cockpit re-configuration, etc. DOS
Water and Ground Interdiction in Colombia 14 17 31 Funds support of and enhancements to Colombian river and road interdiction efforts.  
Sustain Ops 6 6 12 Funds fuel, parts, etc. for Colombian river interdiction programs. DOS
Ammunition 2 3 5 Funds purchase of ammunition for river-borne interdiction operations. DOS
Upgrade Aircraft 0 3 3 Funds upgrading aircraft for night surveillance operations spotting river-based trafficking. DOS
Secure Communications 0 3 3 Funds acquisition of secure communications system for river operations. DOS
Go-fast Boat Support 0 2 2 Funds repair and upgrades for captured drug-trafficking go-fast boats which will then be used for interdiction. DOS
Infrastructure for Patrol Boats 1 0 1 Funds facility upgrades to accommodate more advanced boats for interdiction. DOS
Road Interdiction Operations 5 0 5 Funds purchase of equipment and construction of two sites for inspection of vehicles, aiding interception of over-the-road drug traffickers. DOD
Regional Interdiction 20 27 47    
Peru 10 12 22 Funds upgrade to A-37 aircraft and airfields, and support for helicopters, riverine interdiction, and road interdiction DOS
Bolivia 2 4 6 Funds C-130 support, helicopter support, and eradication in Yungas and Chapare. DOS
Ecuador 2 4 6 Support for A-37, C-130, radar, and units along the Putumayo river (Colombian border). DOS
Other Countries 5 7 12 Funds cooperative air interdicton efforts involving other Andean countries. DOS
Regional Intelligence Fusion 1 0 1 Funds establishment of US office for interagency international narcotics intelligence sharing. ONDCP

Colombian Nat'l Police (CNP) Support

Colombian Nat'l Police (CNP) Support Fiscal Year 2000 Fiscal Year 2001 Total   Administering Agency
67.5 27.7 95.2 Funds increased eradication by CNP.  
Secure Communications 3 0 3 Funds acquisition of secure communications system for CNP operations. DOS
Weapons & Ammo 3 2 5 Funds purchase of light weapons and ammunition for CNP operations. DOS
Enhance Log Support 2 0 2 Funds training and enhancements to CNP logistical capabilities. DOS
Enhance CNP Forward Op Capability 5 0 5 Funds enhancements to security at CNP field bases. DOS
Build CNP border bases 0 5 5 Funds construction of CNP bases on Peruvian and Ecuadoran borders. DOS
One Additional Air Unit 2 0 2 Funds one additional CNP air-mobile eradication unit. DOS
Upgrade CNP Air Facilities 3 5 8 Funds upgrades to CNP air facilities to accommodate new and improved aircraft. DOS
Provide Spray Aircraft 15 5 20 Funds the purchase of 9 aircraft for aerial eradication. DOS
Upgrade CNP Airplanes 5 0 5 Funds upgrades to existing CNP aircraft. DOS
Sustain Ops 2 3 5 Funds basic supplies and fuel for CNP operations. DOS
Upgrade UH-1Hs 18 0 18 Funds upgrading 10 CNP UH-1H helicopters to Super Hueys. DOS
Train 0.5 1 1.5 Funds pilot training for CNP aircraft. DOS
Airfield Security 1 1 2 Funds enhancements to CNP aircraft to protect personnel, aircraft, and other assets. DOS
DEA Programs 3 3.7 6.7 Funds Operation Copperhead (Signal Intelligence) and Operation Breakthrough (Human Intelligence) for Colombian interdiction efforts. DEA
Enhanced eradication 4 0 4 Funds various costs associated with enhanced eradication efforts such as herbicides, etc. DOS
Spare Parts 1 2 3 Funds spare parts for CNP aircraft and equipment. DOS


Development Fiscal Year 2000 Fiscal Year 2001 Total   Administering Agency
92 53 145 Funds alternative development (A.D.) in Colombia, Bolivia, Peru, and Ecuador, and high levels of social investment and local government strengthening.  
Alternative Development in Colombia 62 53 115    
Protected areas, watersheds, etc. 0 5 5 Offsets ecological damage of coca and poppy production in Southern Colombia, funds sustainable forestry programs and improved management of protected areas. AID
Social investment, IDP 16.5 8 24.5 Funds reinsertion of displaced families into the economy through job training, and grants to municipalities to establish basic education, health/reproductive units, and child-care facilities. AID
Vol. Eradication/ social investment 41 40 81 Funds alternative development (assistance in establishing and marketing licit crops, improved community services, and improved productive infrastructure). Also funds technical assistance to municipalities in budgeting, transparent governance, and revenue generation. AID
Program mgmt. 4.5 0 4.5 Funds operating costs for USAID Colombia mission for 2 years. AID
Regional Alternative Development 30 0 30 Funds assistance tailored to the needs of specific zones Peru, Bolivia, and Ecuador in return for defined net coca reduction targets. Includes infrastructure improvement, maintenance to roads and electricty, and technical support to expand licit agriculture, production, marketing and packing facilities. DOS/AID

Boost Gov. Capacity

Boost Gov. Capacity Fiscal Year 2000 Fiscal Year 2001 Total   Administering Agency
45 47.5 92.5 Funds human rights (HR) strengthening, judicial policy reform, and training of judges, prosecutors, and public defenders. Also funds rule-of-law strengthening, security for witnesses and judges, and financial-crime enforcement.  
Human Rights 10 5 15    
Protection of HR workers 3 1 4 Funds enhanced protection of human rights workers (strengthening of organizations' premises). AID
Strengthen HR Institutions 5 2 7 Funds strengthened capacity of State Prosecutor's Office (improved investigative techniques forensic equipment). Also supports local NGOs' human rights information and education projects. AID
Establish CNP/ Fiscalia HR units 2 2 4 Funds the creation and training of a special unit of prosecutors and judicial police to investigate egregious cases against civil government officials where human rights abuse is alleged. DOS/DOJ
Administration of Justice 10.5 10.5 21    
Policy Reform 2.5 2.5 5 Funds assistance to Superior Judicial Council to develop procedures for open public trials, conferences to consolidate expert legal opinions, and the court costs of model courtrooms to test oral trials. AID/DOJ
Prosecutor training 2 2 4 Funds training of prosecutors in trying cases in open courts. AID/DOJ
Judges training 2 2 4 Funds training of judges in open court procedures. AID/DOJ
Casas de Justicia 3 3 6 Funds establishment of local "houses of justice" that house public defenders in regions that are not well-served. Services include alternative dispute resolution, access to legal counseling, and crime prevention activities. AID
Public defenders 1 1 2 Funds training of lawyers in the Public Defenders office of the Attorney General. Public defenders perform day-to-day human rights work for indigent accused. AID
Strengthening the Rule of Law 24.5 32 56.5    
Money Laundering Task Force 2 2 4 Funds training and support for law enforcement task force of investigators and prosecutors to pursue money launderers and seize illicit gains of narcotics traffickers. DOS/DOJ
CN Investigative Units 2 2 4 Funds training and support for law enforcement task force of prosecutors and investigators to pursue significant narcotics traffickers. DOS/DOJ
Anti-corruption program 3 3 6 Funds program of prevention and enforcement to fight corruption, including anti-corruption law enforcement task force and prevention and detection programs, including background checks and financial disclosure programs. AID/DOJ
Asset Management Assistance 0 1 1 Funds training and support for efforts by GOC to manage seized and forfeited assets from Narcotics traffickers, similar to what US Marshals undertake in the US. DOS/DOJ
Anti-kidnapping strategy 0 2 2 Funds program to investigate and prosecute kidnapping including development of law enforcement task force and command center for communication and information sharing. DOS/DOJ
Attacking financial crime 0 3 3 Funds program to attack narcotics related financial crimes, including the Black Market Peso Exchange, which narco-traffickers use to launder money through the illicit importation of consumer goods. DOS/DOJ
Judicial Police Training Academy 2 2 4 Funds the development of a unified law enforcement training academy in order to implement a standard curriculum and practices for all police investigators. DOS/DOJ
Witness and Judicial Security 2 3 5 Funds training and support to develop an effective program to provide security to witnesses and justice officials. DOS/DOJ
Train Customs Police 3 3 6 Funds training and support for Colombian Customs police affiliated with the Colombian Customs Service (DIAN). DOS/DOJ
Martitime Enforcement/ Port Security 2 2 4 Funds training and support for a maritime and port security program, including law enforcement task force and monitoring and detection of illicit goods in cargo. DOS/DOJ
Operations for multiateral case initiative 1.5 3 4.5 Funds US/ Colombian initiative to investigate, prosecute, and arrest transnational narcotics traffickers and money launderers, including work with other Caribbean and Latin American countries. DOS/DOJ
Prison security upgrades 4 4 8 Funds enhanced training of corrections staff, implementation of proper procedures, and effective security in Colombia's prisons. DOS/DOJ
Econ/ Peace/ Trade 3 2 5 Funds economic and banking training, and training for customs officials to track flows of money into and out of Colombia. Also funds conflict management/ negotiation seminars for government representatives at peace talks. DOS/AID
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