CIP's Interns
The Center for International Policy would like to thank our
current summer 2011 interns for their
dedication and work, which
has greatly contributed to making CIP's day-to-day operations
a success.
Cuba / Executive Assisant Fiorella Mejia
Fiorella graduated from Brown University in 2010 with a degree in International Relations, specifically in Political Economy and Development. She focused her regional studies on Lusophone Africa and Cuba. In her junior year, she studied abroad in Havana at Casa de las Américas, and she had the opportunity to travel throughout the country. She is very interested in the socioeconomic and cultural changes that occurred in Cuba during and after the 'Special Period' of the 1990s. She has interned at the Los Angeles World Affairs Council and has worked at Los Angeles World Airports. At CIP, she is excited to learn more about Cuba and general international policy. For fun, she loves to read and travel.
Latin America Security Claire McCleskey
Claire is a rising senior at the Edmund A Walsh School of Foreign Service at Georgetown University. She is majoring in International Politics with a concentration in Security Studies. During fall of her junior year she studied abroad at Pontificia Católica Universidad del Perú in Lima. Her personal research and interest lies in US training of foreign police, counterinsurgency strategies, counternarcotics, and US-Latin American relations. She previously taught English as a second language and volunteered as a Spanish interpreter at a public hospital and at public schools in her native Atlanta. She is also studying Mandarin Chinese and will begin Portuguese this fall. She hopes to pursue graduate studies in Security Studies and to return to Latin America soon.
Common Defense Campaign Esha Mufti
Esha is a recent graduate of the University of Oklahoma, where she earned a degree in International and Area Studies and minors in International Security Studies and Spanish. During the summer after her Junior year, she studied abroad at Bogazici University in Istanbul, Turkey, where she studied the politics of the modern Near East from a regional perspective. She is very interested in the socio-economics and politics of South Asia and the Near East. She speaks Urdu, Kashmiri, Spanish and enough Turkish to barely survive. She hopes to pursue graduate studies in public policy and a career in foreign policy. She loves to travel, try exotic foods, and learn at least a smidgen of the local languages.
Social Media, Operations, and Communications Teddy Woodhouse
Teddy is a rising junior at the University of St Andrews, where he studies International Relations. During his most recent semester, he was a research intern with the Centre for the Study of Religion and Politics, based at the University of St Andrews, submitting a paper on Christian influence on contemporary Western foreign policy. Outside of his studies, Teddy attends evening language classes on Mandarin Chinese and competes with the St Andrews University Lifesaving Club. In his spare time, Teddy enjoys going to the movies, swimming, traveling, and playing games of Scrabble.
Afghanistan Study Group Edward Kenney
A graduate of Wesleyan University (BA) and Johns Hopkins SAIS (MA), Edward has spent the last two
years researching U.S. foreign policy and counter-insurgency in regions as diverse as El Salvador and the
Philippines. In May he completed a Masters of international relations with a concentration in economics
and Latin American Studies. He has worked throughout Latin America, most recently in Mexico as an
economic analyst for the IDB. In 2004, he advised presidential candidate Mel Zelaya in his successful
bid to become president of Honduras. At CIP, Edward will continue to work on national security issues,
assisting the Afghanistan Study Group’s attempts to positively change U.S. foreign policy.
Edward is an avid traveler who speaks four languages. He loves the outdoors and recently completed
several mountain ascents in the Cordillera Blanca (Peru) and the Serra dos Orgaos (Brazil). He is also an
aspiring jazz musician (clarinet/piano).
Security / Fundraising & Development Alyssa Warren
Alyssa is a rising senior at the Walsh School of Foreign Service at Georgetown University. She is majoring in Science, Technology, and International Affairs with a concentration in Security Studies. During the fall of her junior year, she spent a semester abroad in Copenhagen, Denmark studying human rights and war crimes from a European perspective of international law. Alyssa is particularly interested in the role of technology can play in conflict prevention and resolution. Outside of her studies, Alyssa teaches a global issues class for 8th graders at a local public school and enjoys reading, cooking, and hiking. While she is open-minded about future career plans, she is considering pursuing graduate studies in security studies and conflict resolution.
Afghanistan Study Group Mary Patterson
Mary is a recent graduate of DePaul University where she studied Political Science with concentrations in Middle East Politics and Islamic World Studies. Her research focused on the role and ramifications of US policy in Central Asia and the Middle East. She participated in an international business seminar in India with DePaul University during the summer of 2009, where she visited Indian businesses and examined a variety of business models. Her past experience includes an internship with former Senator Barack Obama and campaign work for Senator Claire McCaskill. She speaks Spanish and studied Arabic her senior year of college. In her free time, Mary enjoys running, watching the Colbert Report, and exploring DC. Mary is law school bound in the fall.
Americas Program Murphy Woodhouse
Murphy is a proud 2008 graduate of the University of Montana’s School of Journalism and an even prouder Idahoan. Before joining the Americas Program, he spent three years fighting wildfire with the Snake River Hotshots and travelling the states, Mexico and Guatemala in the off-season. His work has appeared in the Missoulian, the Helena Independent Record, the Santiago Times, and Counterpunch. As Americas Program intern, his responsibilities include editing, posting, translating and promoting articles; writing and researching stories; and pretty much anything else that comes up. He will be starting the University of Arizona’s Latin American Studies Master’s Program in the fall.
Thanks for all of your hard work!
Spring 2011
Esha Mufti
University of Oklahoma
Latin America Security
Erin Shea
University of Rhode Island |
Social Media, Communications and Operations
Montana Mathieu
Georgetown University |
Americas Program
Murphy Woodhouse
University of Montana |
National Security / Fundraising & Development / Afghanistan
Edward Kenney
SAIS, Johns Hopkins University |
National Security / Fundraising & Development
Brooke Padgett
University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill |
Cuba/ Executive Assistant to the President
Jaclyn Humphrey
Syracuse University |
Fall 2010
Michelle Trone
Emory University
Latin America Security
Allison Gilchrist
Syracuse University |
Social Media, Communications and Operations
Scott Schaffer
Indiana University |
John Cavanagh
Colgate University |
Latin America Security
Johannes Schmidt
George Washington University |
National Security / Fundraising & Development
Grant Potter
American University |
Cuba/ Executive Assistant to the President
Emily Rogers
American University |
National Security/ Afghanistan
Edward Kenney
SAIS, Johns Hopkins University

Summer 2010
Janeen Madan
Vassar College
Cuba/ Executive Assistant to the President
Meghan Vail
UT Austin |
Common Defense Campaign
Lauren Lefebrve
Johns Hopkins University |
Latin America Security
Sarah Kinosian
University of Pennsylvania |
Riya Khilnani
Yale |
National Security / Fundraising & Development
Tess Strumwasser
Smith College

Spring 2010
Mary Longenbaker
University of Notre Dame
Cuba/ Executive Assistant to the President
Amanda Sewell
American University |
Fundraising and Development/ National
Lauren Lefebrve
Johns Hopkins University |
Latin America Security
Cristina Salas
Universidad Catolica Andres Bello |

Fall 2009
Jessica Cho
George Washington University
Central America / Cuba
Ted Carroll
Loyola University Chicago/ Coe College |
Fundraising and Development/ National
Michelle Gulino
Johns Hopkins University |
Joint Demilitarization Campaign
Rebecca Wage
UC Santa Cruz |
Global Financial Integrity
Doyle Galvin
Naval Academy |
Global Financial Integrity
Nicole Barrett
George Washington University |
Latin America Security
Hannah Brodlie
Oberlin College |

Helen Zhang
University of Michigan
Avoided Deforestation Partners
Andrew Mayersonh
Yale University |
Avoided Deforestation Partners
Marika O'Connor Grant
Maret School |
Central America / Cuba
Michael Anthony
American University |
Cynthia Arevalo
Texas Christian University |
Fundraising and Development/National
Carolyn Wright
American University |
Joint Demilitarization Campaign
Rebecca Wage
UC Santa Cruz |
Global Financial Integrity
Rachel Brown
Tufts University |
Global Financial Integrity
David Chalude
Tufts University |
Global Financial
Lauren Citrome
Tufts University |
Global Financial Integrity
Padden Muhphy
Tufts University |

Spring 2009
Elyssa Gage
Pepperdine University |
Central America
/ Cuba
Kate Jordan
Amherst College |
Matthew McClellan
Amherst College |
Stacy Ulmer
Gettysburg College |
Jonathan Keyser
Suffolk University |
Fundraising and Development/National
Courtney Chatterson
Pepperdine University |
Global Financial
Catherine Donlevie
Hamilton College |
Global Financial Integrity
Sirisack Siriphanh
SUNY Cortland |
Fall 2008
Seher Syed
Hobbart and William Smith Colleges |
Central America / Cuba
Maricelle Leon
University of Pittsburgh |
Anthony Dest
University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill |
Fundraising & Development/
National Security
Velislava Petkova
Johns Hopkins University |
Fundraising & Development
Ellyn Yakowenko
American University |
Global Financial Integrity
Anish Savani
Georgetown University
Global Financial Integrity
Lauren Kienzle
George Washington University |
Global Financial Integrity
Mark Bulmer
McGill University |
Global Financial Integrity
Devon Cartright-Smith (research associate)
Georgetown University |

Summer 2008
Abigail Cohen
University of Richmond
Central America
Tessa Vinson
College of William and Mary |
Stephanie DiBello
Beloit College |
Eva Silkwood
Baylor University |
Fundraising & Development/
National Security
Aaron Shapiro
Washington University in St. Louis |
Fundraising & Development
Aya Sakaguchi
Bowdoin College |
Global Financial Integrity
Rachel Goodermote
Bates College |
Global Financial Integrity
Janak Upadhyay
College of Wooster |
Global Financial Integrity
Rammil Mammadov (research associate)
University of Souther Maine |

Spring 2008
Dana Buchard
Miami University
Central America
Katherine Brittain
George Washington University |
Virginia Brown
Colby College |
Kimberly Silvi
St. Mary's College |
Fundraising & Development/
National Security
Vyvy Le
Notre Dame University |
Fundraising & Development
Caroline McEaddy
Davidson College |
Global Financial Integrity
Andrew Brooks
American University |
Global Financial Integrity
Patrick Homan
American University |

Fall 2007
Kimberly Misher
Brown University
Central America
Andrea Bustard
University of California, San Diego |
Paul Jurado
Oberlin Colege |
Malvina de la Canal
American University
Fundraising & Development / National Security
Megan Mcqueeney
University of California at Santa Barbara |
Global Financial Integrity
Nadine Olijnk
Rider University |

Summer 2007
Ashali Singham
Duke University |
Central America
Rebecca Offensend
Claremont McKenna College |
Gareth Smail
American University |
Fundraising & Development/
National Security
Anstes Agnew
Stanford University |
Global Financial Integrity
HeeJin Lee
University of Iowa, College of Law |
Global Financial Integrity
Monica Stich
Iowa State University |
and Communications
Jessica Barineau
American University |
Spring 2007
Megan Miller
College of the Holy Cross |
Central America
Melissa McNulty
Colby College |
Alessandra Miraglia
University of Wales
Jennifer Schuett
Miami University
of Ohio
Fundraising & Development/National
Alexandra Burke
University of Denver |
Global Financial Integrity
Tommy Shen
Georgetown University
Fall 2006
Lourdes Villanueva
California State University
Central America
Revaz Ardesher
UC San Diego |
Mariam Khokhar
American University
Vincent Parascandalo
New York University
Fundraising & Development/National
Danielle Swank
University of Colorado at Boulder
Global Financial Integrity
Summer 2006
Aaron Siirila
American University
Central America
Megan Sheehan
University of Notre Dam |
Christina Sanabria
Brown University
Eli Shindelman
Johns Hopkins
Fundraising & Development/
National Security
Carl Gray
University of the South (Sewanee)
Global Financial Integrity
Spring 2006
Central America
Fundraising & Development/National
Global Financial Integrity
For more information about our
internship program and how to apply, please visit our online Internship