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Intelligence Reform
Last Updated:5/12/2005

The Jim Mullins File

Bolton's disruptive agenda all too obvious (Sun-Sentinel Editorial Article, 9/15/05)

Bolton accused Cuba, Syria and Libya, among others, of having chemical and biological weapons -- disproved by U.S. intelligence agencies -- and was described at his confirmation hearings as a "serial abuser" of those who provided facts that challenged his assertions.
Such behavior alone should disqualify him for a diplomatic post. His failure to prepare for the five-year review of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty that the U.S. was to host in 2004 was disastrous.

Hyping our way to war, Part 2? (Sun-Sentinel Editorial Article, 9/2/05)

Reports from Scott Ritter, American weapons inspector in the Soviet Union and Iraq, and investigative reports by Seymour Hersh, who blew the Abu Graib scandal wide open, confirm U.S. preparations for an Iranian invasion. CIA veteran Philip Giraldi wrote in the Aug. 1 issue of American Conservative that the United States has contingency plans drawn up to attack some 450 Iranian targets, with both conventional and nuclear weapons, if and when another terrorist attack is mounted on the United States -- whether Iran has any involvement in the attack or not.

Violent `solutions' create new problems (Sun-Sentinel Editortial Article, 8/12/05)

As anti-Americanism has become a vital issue, various committees, delegations and retired diplomatic, military and intelligence officials have charged that our lack of an evenhanded approach to foreign relations and the worldwide perception of unfair policies are the main contributors to the problem.

Was Bustani ouster prelude to Iraq war? (Sun-Sentinel Editorial Article, 6/10/2005)

The rationales the Bush administration used to promote the Iraq war as necesary to counteract an imminent threat from Iraq have fallen by the wayside. None of the commissions or congressional investigations have gone beyond the facile conclusions that "mistakes were made"...

Investigate deceptions of war's inception (Sun-Sentinel Editorial Article, 5/27/2005)

The age-old question -- If a tree fell in the forest and no one heard, would that mean it never made a sound? -- is apropos to a scandal slowly emerging on the international scene. The sound of a secret memo leaked to the London's Sunday Times some three...

Fostering fear abroad doesn't help security (Sun-Sentinel Editorial Article, 5/12/2005)

World War II ended with a bang -- actually two bangs: U.S. atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Unleashing the most horrific weapon ever produced was so devastating that Japan surrendered unconditionally.

Stop fueling arms race (Sun-Sentinel Editorial Article, 4/8/2005)

Condoleezza Rice's successful European trip heralded a revival of the 60-year bond of friendship between Europe and the U.S.; her later Far East trip was marred by the revelation that the Bush administration had lied to our East Asian allies.

U.N. needs our support, not a unilateralist (Sun-Sentinel Editorial Article, 3/18/2005)

President Bush's nomination of John Bolton as the U.S. representative at the United Nations comfirms a continuation of a go-it-alone policy contemptuous of international organizations, law and treaties. A policy of pre-emptive war and world domination unhampered by the restraints mutually agreed upon at the formation of the United Nations in San Francisco -- at the behest of the United States -- after the death, destruction and genocide of World War II.

Where America stands, what America does (Sun-Sentinel Editorial Article, 2/1/2005)

Exit polls taken during the Nov. 2 presidential election indicated that most Bush voters quoted "moral values" as the prime motivation for their vote. This is difficult to understand in view of the wide publicity given to rampant torture at Iraq's Abu Graib prison, Afghanistan and Guantanamo Bay. Torture that was illegal under the various Geneva Conventions and a war crime...

Democracy by invasion not a winning formula (Sun-Sentinel Editorial Article, 1/13/2005)

The Bush administration's rosy scenario of a "slam-dunk" takeover of Iraq and welcoming throngs throwing rose petals did not materialize. Instead, the ever-increasing insurgency is now estimated by Iraqi Intelligence Director Mohamed Abdullah Shahwani at 200,000 members, including 40,000 full-time fighters.

Killing the messengers (Sun-Sentinel Editorial Article, 11/26/2004)

President George W. Bush has been reelected with the support of the majority of the American electorate, however small, that eluded him in 2000. It would seem president that he would call in the best minds of our country to give the benefit of their wisdom and experience in devising a program that would lead us into a brighter future...

So much for `humility' in foreign policy (Sun-Sentinel Editorial Article, 10/23/2004)

President Bush campaigned for president in 2000 as a "compassionate conservative" in domestic policy, "humble" and rejecting "nation-building" in foreign policy. He promised to be a "uniter not a divider," both domestically and in relations with foreign governments and institutions. His later actions, however, were a flip-flop of massive proportions...

Bush's renunciations of treaties are troubling (Sun-Sentinel Editorial Article, 10/09/2004)

Ever since nuclear weapons were conceived and demonstrated to be the ultimate horror - having the ability to destroy the world as we know it - efforts have been made to limit their production in states that possess them to stop their spread...

Terror countered only with just policies (Sun-Sentinel Editorial Article, 09/18/2004)

The 20th century was the bloodiest in the history of mankind, witnessing two world wars and further bloodshed in civil wars fought by surrogates in the Cold War. The 21st century heralded a new kind of war -- a "War on Terror" declared by President Bush as a response to 9-11's terrorist attack that destroyed the World Trade Center and took almost 3,000 American lives. But "war on terror" is a contradiction...

American intentions all too clear to Iraqis (Sun-Sentinel Editorial Article, 09/02/2004)

As the declared motives for President Bush's rush to war on Iraq dissolve, one by one, in the glaring light of truth, it becomes clear that his claim that we went to Iraq to bring freedom and liberation to a people suffering from a brutal dictatorship is similarly devoid of reality...

Demand a full accounting for our policies (Sun-Sentinel Editorial Article, 03/26/2004)

The terrorist attacks on Spanish trains are now in the terrorist "hall of infamy" and will ever be referred to as 3-11, 9-11's progeny. International terrorism by nonstate actors has now metastasized as a cancer in the world body. CIA Director George Tenet warned...

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